Carrots price chart - San Francisco

The chart below shows the wholesale price of carrots in San Francisco. The price shown is for carrots with the following characteristics:

Total Cases by Reported Date Chart
Date Location Origin Package Variety Subvariety Item Size Grade Type Quality Condition Appearance Low-High Price
1/4/2024 SAN FRANCISCO OREGON sacks 10 5-lb film bags med Organic $34.00 - $35.00
1/5/2024 SAN FRANCISCO OREGON sacks 10 5-lb film bags med Organic $34.00 - $35.00
1/8/2024 SAN FRANCISCO OREGON sacks 10 5-lb film bags med Organic $34.00 - $35.00
1/9/2024 SAN FRANCISCO OREGON sacks 10 5-lb film bags med Organic $34.00 - $35.00
1/10/2024 SAN FRANCISCO OREGON sacks 10 5-lb film bags med Organic $34.00 - $35.00