Philippines - Trademark applications

Trademark applications, nonresident, by count

The value for Trademark applications, nonresident, by count in Philippines was 25,763 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 12 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 28,573 in 2019 and a minimum value of 12,827 in 2010.

Definition: Trademark applications filed are applications to register a trademark with a national or regional Intellectual Property (IP) offices and designations received by relevant offices through the Madrid System. A trademark is a distinctive sign which identifies certain goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise. A trademark provides protection to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services, or to authorize another to use it in return for payment. The period of protection varies, but a trademark can be renewed indefinitely beyond the time limit on payment of additional fees. Non-resident application refers to an application filed with the IP office of or acting on behalf of a state or jurisdiction in which the first-named applicant in the application is not domiciled. Class count is used to render application data for trademark applications across offices comparable, as some offices follow a single-class/single-design filing system while other have a multiple class/design filing system.

Source: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Statistics Database at The International Bureau of WIPO assumes no responsibility with respect to the transformation of these data.

See also:

Year Value
2008 14,060
2010 12,827
2012 14,301
2013 20,257
2014 21,514
2015 21,907
2016 25,527
2017 24,636
2018 26,324
2019 28,573
2020 25,763

Trademark applications, direct nonresident

Trademark applications, direct nonresident in Philippines was 14,397 as of 2019. Its highest value over the past 39 years was 17,034 in 2016, while its lowest value was 1,434 in 1985.

Definition: Trademark applications filed are applications to register a trademark with a national or regional Intellectual Property (IP) office. A trademark is a distinctive sign which identifies certain goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise. A trademark provides protection to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services, or to authorize another to use it in return for payment. The period of protection varies, but a trademark can be renewed indefinitely beyond the time limit on payment of additional fees. Direct nonresident trademark applications are those filed by applicants from abroad directly at a given national IP office.

Source: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), WIPO Patent Report: Statistics on Worldwide Patent Activity. The International Bureau of WIPO assumes no responsibility with respect to the transformation of these data.

See also:

Year Value
1980 1,558
1981 1,824
1982 1,829
1983 1,681
1984 1,542
1985 1,434
1986 1,476
1987 1,700
1988 2,033
1989 2,166
1990 2,391
1991 2,238
1992 2,661
1993 3,500
1994 4,167
1995 5,067
1996 6,374
1997 7,665
1998 5,733
1999 5,090
2000 5,648
2001 4,536
2002 4,740
2003 4,969
2004 5,272
2005 5,681
2006 6,178
2007 6,402
2008 6,965
2009 6,135
2010 7,984
2011 8,039
2012 9,137
2013 10,773
2014 11,528
2015 11,528
2016 17,034
2017 12,572
2018 13,647
2019 14,397

Trademark applications, direct resident

The latest value for Trademark applications, direct resident in Philippines was 23,445 as of 2019. Over the past 39 years, the value for this indicator has fluctuated between 23,445 in 2019 and 1,581 in 1984.

Definition: Trademark applications filed are applications to register a trademark with a national or regional Intellectual Property (IP) office. A trademark is a distinctive sign which identifies certain goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise. A trademark provides protection to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services, or to authorize another to use it in return for payment. The period of protection varies, but a trademark can be renewed indefinitely beyond the time limit on payment of additional fees. Direct resident trademark applications are those filed by domestic applicants directly at a given national IP office.

Source: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), WIPO Patent Report: Statistics on Worldwide Patent Activity. The International Bureau of WIPO assumes no responsibility with respect to the transformation of these data.

See also:

Year Value
1980 3,271
1981 3,033
1982 1,938
1983 1,934
1984 1,581
1985 2,179
1986 2,209
1987 2,180
1988 2,033
1989 2,013
1990 1,949
1991 2,333
1992 2,887
1993 3,164
1994 3,016
1995 2,641
1996 2,909
1997 3,153
1998 3,668
1999 4,958
2000 4,975
2001 5,125
2002 6,281
2003 6,847
2004 6,870
2005 7,048
2006 8,317
2007 8,676
2008 8,882
2009 8,874
2010 8,855
2011 10,572
2012 11,679
2013 12,269
2014 14,490
2015 14,809
2016 15,761
2017 18,584
2018 21,625
2019 23,445

Trademark applications, resident, by count

The value for Trademark applications, resident, by count in Philippines was 30,935 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 12 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 34,097 in 2019 and a minimum value of 8,948 in 2008.

Definition: Trademark applications filed are applications to register a trademark with a national or regional Intellectual Property (IP) offices and designations received by relevant offices through the Madrid System. A trademark is a distinctive sign which identifies certain goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise. A trademark provides protection to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services, or to authorize another to use it in return for payment. The period of protection varies, but a trademark can be renewed indefinitely beyond the time limit on payment of additional fees. Resident application refers to an application filed with the IP office of or acting on behalf of the state or jurisdiction in which the first-named applicant in the application has residence. Class count is used to render application data for trademark applications across offices comparable, as some offices follow a single-class/single-design filing system while other have a multiple class/design filing system.

Source: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Statistics Database at The International Bureau of WIPO assumes no responsibility with respect to the transformation of these data.

See also:

Year Value
2008 8,948
2010 11,771
2012 16,437
2013 16,740
2014 19,995
2015 20,991
2016 22,357
2017 26,922
2018 30,853
2019 34,097
2020 30,935

Trademark applications, total

The value for Trademark applications, total in Philippines was 37,842 as of 2019. As the graph below shows, over the past 39 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 37,842 in 2019 and a minimum value of 3,123 in 1984.

Definition: Trademark applications filed are applications to register a trademark with a national or regional Intellectual Property (IP) office. A trademark is a distinctive sign which identifies certain goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise. A trademark provides protection to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services, or to authorize another to use it in return for payment. The period of protection varies, but a trademark can be renewed indefinitely beyond the time limit on payment of additional fees.

Source: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), World Intellectual Property Indicators and The International Bureau of WIPO assumes no responsibility with respect to the transformation of these data.

See also:

Year Value
1980 4,829
1981 4,857
1982 3,767
1983 3,615
1984 3,123
1985 3,613
1986 3,685
1987 3,880
1988 4,066
1989 4,179
1990 4,340
1991 4,571
1992 5,548
1993 6,664
1994 7,183
1995 7,708
1996 9,283
1997 10,818
1998 9,401
1999 10,048
2000 10,623
2001 9,661
2002 11,021
2003 11,816
2004 12,142
2005 12,729
2006 14,495
2007 15,078
2008 15,847
2009 15,009
2010 16,839
2011 18,611
2012 20,816
2013 23,042
2014 26,018
2015 26,337
2016 32,795
2017 31,156
2018 35,272
2019 37,842


Topic: Infrastructure Indicators

Sub-Topic: Technology