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Antimony: World Mine Production, By Country

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(Metric tons)
Country   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003e
Australia3 1,679 1,511 1,380 1,200 e 1,300
Bolivia 2,790 1,907 2,264 2,336 r 2,300
Canada4 357 433 r 234 143 143
Chinae 89,600 110,000 140,000 r 100,000 r 70,000
Kyrgyzstane 100 150 150 150 40
Mexico5 126 39 -- -- e --
Moroccoe, 4 250 -- -- -- --
Peru, refined 255 461 274 356 r 356
Russia, recoverablee 4,000 4,500 4,500 NA 6 NA
South Africa4 5,278 4,104 4,927 r 5,746 r 5,310
Tajikistane 1,800 2,000 2,500 3,000 1,800
Thailand, content of ore and concentrate 59 84 40 r 10 r 40
Turkeye 180 360 370 370 350
United States 450 W -- -- --
Total   107,000   126,000 r 157,000 r 113,000 r 81,600
eEstimated. rRevised. NA Not available. W Withheld to avoid disclosing company proprietary data; not included in "Total." -- Zero.
1World totals, U.S. data, and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2Antimony content of ore unless otherwise indicated. Table includes data available through May 27, 2004.
3Antimony content of antimony ore and concentrate, lead concentrates, and lead-zinc concentrates.
4Antimony content of concentrate.
5Previously published data for Mexico included antimony mined in other countries and smelted in Mexico. That prior data were, in
metric tons, as follows: 1999--273; 2000--52; 2001--81 (estimated); 2002--155 (revised); 2003--160.
6Reports indicate that Russian antimony production was sharply curtailed.

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

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