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Nickel: World Production Of Intermediate Products For Export, By Country

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(Metric tons of contained nickel)
Country   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012  
Australia4 31,085 27,531 r 59,186 r 51,081 r 66,295
Botswana 28,940 27,905 r 25,127 r 28,800 r, e 24,000 e
Brazil5 8,328 8,518 14,308 13,703 r 14,345 p
Canada6 76,908 68,972 70,127 73,724 80,765 p
China7 1,530 r -- 1 -- --
Finland -- 735 10,381 16,088 12,915
Indonesia8 72,385 r 67,329 r 75,989 r 66,900 r 70,717
New Caledonia 13,564 13,902 13,917 13,780 13,417
Philippines 10,562 17,800 20,500 22,794 23,890
Russia9 1,500 r 100 r 85 r 65 r 1
Zimbabwe10 1,572 r 1,608 r 3,105 r 3,519 r 3,787
Total 246,000 r 234,000 r 293,000 r 290,000 r, e 310,000 e
Sulfide precipitate 32,099 r 33,856 r 34,197 r 34,816 r 34,325
Ammoniacal liquor precipitate and unspecifiede 2,500 r 2,400 r 2,400 r 2,400 r 2,300
Totale 34,600 r 36,300 r 36,600 r 37,200 r 36,600  
New Caledonia, nickel hydroxide cake -- -- 222 7,374 r, 12 3,378
Papua New Guinea, mixed hydroxide product -- -- -- -- 5,283
Grand total, other   34,600 r 36,300 r 36,800 r 44,600 r 45,300  
eEstimated. pPreliminary. rRevised. -- Zero.
1Includes data available through March 2, 2015. Data represent nickel content of matte and other intermediate materials produced.
2World totals and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
3Source: International Nickel Study Group (INSG) World Nickel Statistics.
4Figures exclude toll-refined material. Total matte production on a contained nickel basis, in metric tons, was as follows: 2008-31,000;-
2009-28,000 (revised); 2010-54,000 (revised); 2011-57,000 (revised); and 2012-66,000.-
5Represents the output of the Fortaleza smelter. All of the Fortaleza matte is shipped to Finland for further processing.
6Nickel content of reported exports. Matte from the smelter at Falconbridge typically assays 55% nickel.
7Chinaʼs exports were estimated to have a nickel content of 63%. Total matte production on a contained nickel basis, in metric tons,-
was estimated as follows: 2008-114,000; 2009-143,000 (revised); 2010-139,000 (revised); 2011-166,000 (revised); and-
8Represents the nickel output of the Soroako smelter. The Soroako matte is shipped to Japan for further processing and contains on-
average 78% nickel.
9Primarily exports to China. Sources: International Nickel Study Group (INSG); United Nations Statistics Division. The average nickel-
content of the exported matte is estimated to be 25%.
10Zimplats material shipped to the Impala Refinery at Springs, South Africa.
11Corrected to remove coproduct cobalt.
12Derived from both limonitic laterite and saprolitic laterite ores.

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

See also: Mineral commodity prices

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