Turkey - Refugee population by country or territory of asylum

Refugee population by country or territory of asylum

The value for Refugee population by country or territory of asylum in Turkey was 3,652,362 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 60 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 3,681,688 in 2018 and a minimum value of 1,050 in 1977.

Definition: Refugees are people who are recognized as refugees under the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees or its 1967 Protocol, the 1969 Organization of African Unity Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, people recognized as refugees in accordance with the UNHCR statute, people granted refugee-like humanitarian status, and people provided temporary protection. Asylum seekers--people who have applied for asylum or refugee status and who have not yet received a decision or who are registered as asylum seekers--are excluded. Palestinian refugees are people (and their descendants) whose residence was Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948 and who lost their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict. Country of asylum is the country where an asylum claim was filed and granted.

Source: Data before 2018 are from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Statistics Database, Statistical Yearbook and data files, complemented by statistics on Palestinian refugees under the mandate of the UNRWA as published on its website. Data

See also:

Year Value
1960 2,200
1961 2,300
1962 2,300
1963 2,300
1964 2,300
1965 2,000
1966 1,900
1967 1,850
1968 1,980
1969 1,400
1970 1,170
1971 1,150
1972 1,160
1973 1,160
1974 1,060
1975 1,060
1976 1,060
1977 1,050
1978 1,070
1979 1,060
1980 6,100
1981 1,180
1982 1,670
1983 1,320
1984 2,600
1985 1,790
1986 1,920
1987 2,200
1988 4,450
1989 33,067
1990 28,000
1991 30,462
1992 28,477
1993 23,267
1994 24,927
1995 12,841
1996 8,166
1997 2,448
1998 2,529
1999 2,810
2000 3,096
2001 3,466
2002 3,302
2003 2,488
2004 3,029
2005 2,395
2006 2,624
2007 6,941
2008 11,090
2009 10,339
2010 10,025
2011 14,457
2012 267,063
2013 609,931
2014 1,587,365
2015 2,541,348
2016 2,869,419
2017 3,480,350
2018 3,681,688
2019 3,579,531
2020 3,652,362


Topic: Labor & Social Protection Indicators

Sub-Topic: Migration