Flag of Pitcairn

Pitcairn Profiel Gouvernement

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name: Adamstown
geographic coordinates: 25 04 S, 130 05 W
time difference: UTC-9 (4 hours behind Washington, DC, during Standard Time)
etymology: named after John Adams (1767–1829), the last survivor of the Bounty mutineers who settled on Pitcairn Island in January 1790
Onafhankelijkheid dag
none (overseas territory of the UK)
Nationale feestdag
Birthday of Queen ELIZABETH II, second Saturday in Juni (1926); Discovery Day (Pitcairn Day), 2 Juli (1767)
history: several previous; latest drafted 10 Februari 2010, presented 17 Februari 2010, effective 4 Maart 2010
18 jaar; universal with three years residency
uitvoerende macht
chief of state: Queen ELIZABETH II (since 6 February 1952); represented by UK High Commissioner to New Zealand and Governor (nonresident) of the Pitcairn Islands Laura CLARK (since 25 January 2018)
head of government: Mayor and Chairman of the Island Council Shawn CHRISTIAN (since 9 November 2016)
cabinet: none
elections/appointments: the monarchy is hereditary; governor and commissioner appointed by the monarch; island mayor directly elected by majority popular vote for a 3-year term; election last held on 9 November 2016 (next to be held not later than December 2019)
election results: Shawn CHRISTIAN reelected mayor and chairman of the Island Council; Island Council vote - NA

Referenties: CIA World Factbook - Tenzij anders vermeld, voor informatie op deze pagina correct is met ingang van 31 december 2019