

Home > Australia > Lakes > Gregory Salt Lake to Hogans Lake

LakeStateLatitudeLongitudeElevation (meters)Elevation (feet)
Gregory Salt LakeState of Western Australia-20.25127.5333333283928
Grimes LagoonState of Tasmania-42.1147.4833333191627
Gull Rock LakeState of Western Australia-35.0041667118.0013889413
Gum LakeState of New South Wales-32.6666667143.266666763207
Gundaring LakeState of Western Australia-33.3117.4833333253830
Gunnagia LakeState of New South Wales-33.15145.4166667116381
Gunyulka LakeState of New South Wales-31.6666667143.566666776249
Halinor LakeState of South Australia-29.2130.4333333230755
Hall LagoonState of Western Australia-33.4666667119.1304997
Hannan LakeState of Western Australia-30.8166667121.53333333291079
Haystack LakeState of New South Wales-32.2166667143.3572236
Heart Echo LakeState of Western Australia-33.45121.6166667176577
Heather LagoonNorthern Territory-12.9166667131.23333331343
Hepburn LagoonState of Victoria-37.36666671445201706
Herschel LakeState of Western Australia-32115.525826
Heywood LakeState of Victoria-34.7833333143.259194
Hiles LagoonState of South Australia-33.2138.954961627
Hilliup LakeState of Western Australia-34.3166667118.8333333155509
Hobbs LagoonState of Tasmania-42.4166667147.68333333231060
Hogans LakeState of New South Wales-32.3143.183333369226

Source: US National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 22, 2006

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