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Maternal mortality ratio per 100,000 live births - Azerbaijan

Home > Azerbaijan > Millenium Development Goals

YearValueChangeCumulative ChangeFootnotesType
199022  270E
19953768.18 %68.18 %269M
200094154.05 %327.27 %269M

Target 6. Reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio

Goal 5. Improve maternal health


269. No national data on maternal mortality available. Estimates derived from model.

270. Data derived from vital registration: countries with good death registration and good attribution of cause of death.


E - Estimated. The figure is estimated by the international agency, when corresponding country data on a specific year or set of years are not available, or when multiple sources exist, or there are issues of data quality. Estimates are based on national data, such as surveys or administrative records, or other sources but on the same variable being estimated.

M - Modeled. The figure is modeled by the agency when there is a complete lack of data on the variable being estimated. The model is based on a set of covariates—other variables for which data are available and that can explain the phenomenon.



Source: United Nations Statistics Division - Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of February 15, 2007

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