Author Archives: Claudia Soria

Global Index of Economic Exuberance

After the financial crisis of the recent years, there are countries that have fared better than others, due in part to a transfer of capital from financial markets in developed countries to emerging market economies.

To identify the winners and losers, economists Ignacio Munyo and Ernesto Talvi calculated a Global Index of Economic Exuberance where the winners are Argentina, Angola, and Brazil, and the losers are Hungary, the United States, and Kazakhstan.

CERES: Center for the Study of Economic and Social Affairs

Raw Sugar Prices Increase

Raw sugar prices are on the rise on fears that world demand will exceed global supply. According to Bloomberg, damaged sugar crops due to a drought in Russia and adverse weather conditions in Brazil and China are responsible for a supply shortage. Sugar - Monthly Price - Commodity Prices

Brazil, India, China, Thailand, Pakistan, Mexico, Colombia, Australia and the United States are the world’s largest sugar producers. Brazil dominates sugar world markets thanks to high demand for sugar-based ethanol.

Corn Prices on the Rise

Corn ending stocks for the US for 2010 are projected to be lower than corn demand for the same period, prompting a rise in corn prices. Corn prices increased about 55% for the June-November 2010 period. According to the Corn and Soybean Digest low crop yields explain the supply side. The demand side can be explained mainly by the increase of corn-derived ethanol production.

Maize (corn) - Monthly Price - Commodity Prices

Sales Tax Collections Increase in Oklahoma

According to, sales tax collections have been on the rise in the last six months for some states, Oklahoma and West Virginia among others. They are expected to grow even more during the months of November and December 2010.  As can be seen in the graph below, sales tax collections have been on the rise except for the period between the fourth quarter 2008 and the first quarter 2010.


The second quarter 2010 shows an increase in sales tax collection of 9.4% with respect to the previous quarter.

Sales tax revenue is the second largest source of tax collections after individual income tax revenue for the state of Oklahoma as can be seen in the chart below.