Category Archives: Announcements

World Oil Consumption

The energy statistics section now includes regional production and consumption charts. The regions available are:

Production and consumption numbers are available for coal, crude oil, dry natural gas, hydroelectric power, natural gas plant liquids, nuclear power, and alternative fuels. Leave me a comment if you find the new charts useful.

Commodity Price Data in Excel Format

Today I released two improvements to the commodity prices section. First, all price tables can be exported to Excel by clicking on a link located directly below the last row of each table (Example: Commodity Price Index from 1993 to 2008)

Second, the entry page now contains a graph showing the main commodity price indices.

I hope you find these two new features helpful. Your comments and feedback are welcome.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

When writing about fluctuations in the price of commodities, you can now use our graphs to illustrate your point. For instance, take a look at the graph below. It shows the IMF Commodity Price Index (for all commodities) for the past fifteen years.

Commodity Price Index - Commodity Prices

The index has increased by 281.93%!

You can draw you own conclusions, but the important point is that embedding our graphs is now as simple as copying and pasting a bit of HTML code. Clicking on the graph will let you explore other time frames or choose a different price index or commodity.

Oil Consumption by Country

The energy statistics section now includes country rankings for the production and consumption of coal, crude oil, dry natural gas, hydroelectric power, natural gas liquids, nuclear electric power, and alternative (geothermal, solar, wind, and wood waste) electric power. The source for all charts is the United States Energy Information Administration.

In the previous version, energy statistics could only be graphed for one country at a time.

Tipo de Cambio del Euro

Tengo el agrado de anunciar que la sección de tipos de cambio está ahora disponible en español. Pueden calcular la tasa de cambio entre cualquier combinación de las veinticinco divisas disponibles. La sección ofrece tres funciones:

  1. Conversor de divisas: es una calculadora que permite convertir cualquier monto de una moneda a otra
  2. Tabla de tipos de cambio: muestra el tipo de cambio más reciente de una divisa con respecto a las otras veinticuatro. El tipo de cambio del Euro es una de las tablas más solicitadas.
  3. Gráfica del tipo de cambio: muestra de manera visual el tipo de cambio histórico de una divisa con respecto a otra para cualquier periodo de tiempo. Por ejemplo, la gráfica del tipo de cambio del Euro al dólar americano muestra que en los últimos cinco años el dólar se ha depreciado en un 32,8%

Los tipos de cambio provienen del Banco de la Reserva Federal de New York. Las cifras son actualizadas cada 24 horas.

Espero que esta sección les sea útil. Toda sugerencia sobre posibles mejoras es bienvenida.

IndexMundi Forums

One of the original objectives I had when creating IndexMundi almost five years ago was to allow visitors to comment on the quality and accuracy of the web site. Today I took the first step toward achieving such goal by setting up the IndexMundi forums web site. The first forum I created is the Suggestion Box. I will soon create forums for each country and also for each high-level area.