Category Archives: Announcements

Historical Currency Exchange Rate Charts

Our currency exchange rates charts now allow you to plot up to 14 years of data, depending on the currency. A nice example is the chart below, which shows the Japanese Yen to US Dollar exchange rate since October 5, 1993.

Yen to US Dollar Exchange Rate Graph - Oct 5, 1993 to Mar 24, 2008

The following table shows the earliest available date for each currency in our database.

Currency Code Date
Australian Dollar AUD 01/06/1994
Baht THB 01/06/1994
Bolivar VEB 02/22/1995
Bolivar Fuerte VEF 01/02/2008
Brazilian Real BRL 02/22/1995
Canadian Dollar CAD 01/06/1994
Danish Krone DKK 01/06/1994
Euro EUR 01/04/1999
Hong Kong Dollar HKD 01/06/1994
Indian Rupee INR 01/06/1994
Malaysian Ringgit MYR 01/06/1994
Mexican Peso MXN 01/06/1994
New Taiwan Dollar TWD 01/06/1994
New Zealand Dollar NZD 01/06/1994
Norwegian Krone NOK 01/06/1994
Pound Sterling GBP 01/06/1994
Rand ZAR 01/06/1994
Singapore Dollar SGD 01/06/1994
Sri Lanka Rupee LKR 05/01/2002
Swedish Krona SEK 01/06/1994
Swiss Franc CHF 01/06/1994
US Dollar USD 01/06/1994
Won KRW 01/06/1994
Yen JPY 10/05/1993
Yuan Renminbi CNY 01/06/1994

Read my earlier post for more information about how to customize the chart.

Embeddable Oil Production Charts

You can now embed our energy production and consumption charts in your own blog or web site. The example below shows Saudi Arabia’s yearly crude oil production since 1980. The source of the data is the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA). Note that the EIA releases yearly numbers with a lag of up to three years.

Saudi Arabia Crude Oil Production by Year (Thousand Barrels per Day)

The code I used to display the chart is shown below:

To obtain a different graph, change the following query string parameters:

country: two-character ISO country code. Example: us for the United States, fr for France
product: one of the following products: coal, oil, gas, hydro, ngl, nuclear, other
graph: production or consumption
lang: two-character ISO language code. Currently en is the only recognized value.

Embeddable Exchange Rate Graphs

Starting today anyone may embed our exchange rate charts in their blog or web site. Just copy and paste the HTML displayed under each graph. Here is an example:

American Dollar to Euro Exchange Rate Graph - Jan 22, 2008 to Feb 20, 2008

The code used to embed the chart above is as follows:

Obtaining a different graph is as simple as changing the values of four query string parameters:

c1: currency code for the base currency, e.g. USD for the US Dollar
c2: currency code for the target currency, e.g. EUR for the Euro
days: time span displayed in the graph, e.g. 30 for 30 days
lastday: last date displayed in the graph, e.g. 20080228 for February 20, 2008

The combination of days and lastday allows you to control the first and last dates displayed in the chart. For example, if you need to graph the Dollar to Euro exchange rate for the last 90 days of 2007, you would set days=90&lastdate=20071231

Leave me a comment if you need further details on how to embed the charts.