The most recent version of our color-coded maps allow you to focus on the continent of your choice. Check out the death rate for the African continent for example.
The most recent version of our color-coded maps allow you to focus on the continent of your choice. Check out the death rate for the African continent for example.
Stats for Mineral Commodities Production and Trade Statistics have been refreshed with mineral production data up to 2004.
Color-coded maps provide an easy way to visualize and compare the differences between countries. Our beta release has some rough edges, but it can already produce some very interesting maps. Take a map depicting birth rate for example. Click on the map to see a larger version and then notice how the countries in red have the highest birth rates (move your mouse over each country to see its name and birth rate).
I’m currently working on improving the charting features of IndexMundi. The first step I’ve taken is to refresh the data sources for rank and trend graphs so that 2005 data is plotted when available. A good example is Iraq’s death rate, which believe it or not has gone down from an estimated 5.66 deaths per 1000 inhabitants in 2004 to 5.49 deaths per thousand in 2005.
Keep an eye on this blog as I improve IndexMundi’s graphs. Your ideas are quite naturally welcome.
One of the frequent questions we get is about the accuracy of the data we extract from the CIA Factbook. Our standard answer is that CIA figures are close estimates, but that the definitive source of information should be each country’s statistics bureau. Take for example the population of France. The CIA estimate for 2005 is 60.7 million, whereas the French statistics bureau estimates that the total population of France is 62.4 million.
How accurate are other frequently cited sources? The most recent estimate of the World Bank is 60.0 million. The World Bank’s estimate is for 2004 though, so a direct comparison cannot be made. The United Nations provides a mid-2003 estimate of 59.8 million.
In conclusion, you should check multiple sources to get an understanding of the accuracy of any figure we present in IndexMundi. When in doubt, check the web site of each country’s bureau of statistics, which is conveniently listed in the related links section of each country’s main page.
We’ve added a beta version of our mineral locations database. If you want to know what mines and prospects contain acanthite, cassiterite, or any other ore, use our alphabetical listing and then click on the mine name to get a Google map displaying the location.
Our mineral production and trade statistics section now contains fresh stats for eighty five minerals.
Statistics of electric power consumption, production, imports, exports, etc. can now be viewed for the years 1980 through 2003.
A site map can do wonders when you want to navigate the vast world of Index Mundi.