CIA facts and statistics are now available in Spanish for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Who are the top producers of asparagus in the world? Find the answer to this question along with stats on over 100 agricultural commodities in our newest section: Production, Supply, and Distribution of Agricultural Commodities.
For those who always wanted to know who are the top producers of Antimony, we now have extensive mineral production and trade statistics
Fresh stats? The CIA just gave us a whole bunch. Would you believe that Iraq’s death rate has declined compared to 2003?
You asked us for country rankings, so we deliver. Check for example the top 100 most populous countries. Or if you wish, examine the top 10, top 20, top 50, and the top 100 countries.
We now have historical data graphs for many of our stats!
Our content is now available in German
Curious about where a particular lake, mountain, city or town is located? Index Mundi will show it to you!
Our content is now available in French.