Category Archives: Brazil

Journalism: A Dangerous Profession

Journalism is a very dangerous profession. Many journalists are killed every year around the world while covering everything from business and sports to revolutions, wars, political upheavals, corruption, human rights violations and more.

In 2012 alone, 103 journalists were killed around the globe. Motives were confirmed for 70 of them. The deadliest countries for journalists in 2012 were Syria (28 deaths), Somalia (12 deaths), Pakistan (7 deaths), and Brazil (4 deaths). The motives where the confirmed in these cases.

The way journalists are killed, range from crossfire or combat to murder. Impunity is a shocking 100% for murder cases. More detail in the chart below:

For additional information, including the list of the journalists killed in 2012, visit: Committee to Protect Journalists: 70 Journalists Killed in 2012/Motive Confirmed


Prostitution Policy by Country

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Prostitution is defined as the practice of providing sexual services to another individual in exchange for payment.

The legal status of prostitution varies from country to country. In some countries the practice is legal and regulated like in the case of Germany, Brazil, Netherlands, Canada, Argentina, Indonesia and Singapore, to name a few. In others it is illegal, with extreme cases where it is punishable by death. In the United States prostitution is illegal, except for 11 counties in the state of Nevada. As seen in the map above, it is illegal in most countries.

Some countries have a limited legality policy such as in the case of Australia, where prostitution is legal in most of the country, except in Southern Australia where its practice is restricted. Other countries with limited legality include Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iceland, India, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden.

There are no laws regarding prostitution in countries like Bulgaria, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Lesotho and Mozambique.

For more details visit: 100 Countries and Their Prostitution Policies


The Global Public Debt Clock is Ticking

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Global public debt is increasing every second. This debt clock shows government debt, in dollar terms, for almost all countries. Governments with the highest debt include the United States, Canada, Brazil, Australia, India, China, and several western European nations.

Additional indicators such as public debt per person, public debt as percentage of GDP, total annual debt change, and country debt comparisons can be seen in the interactive map at: The Economist: The global debt clock


Sexual Well-Being Around the World

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Durex, the condoms manufacturing company, conducted a survey of 26,000 people in 26 countries, asking about their sexual well-being. The results are summarized in an interactive map that allows you to see how each participant countries rates in terms of frequency of sex versus sexual satisfaction levels. For Nigeria, for example, 53% of respondents were having sexual intercourse weekly, with 67% reported being satisfied. For Greece, 87% of respondents were having sexual intercourse weekly, with 51% being satisfied. For Japan, 34% of respondents were having sexual intercourse weekly, the lowest amongst the participant countries, with only 15% being satisfied, also the lowest rate of the surveyed populations.

For the interactive map, visit: Durex: Sexual Wellbeing Survey – Frequency of Sex versus Satisfaction Levels


Freedom of the Press Around the World in 2012

2012 has seen positive and negative changes in freedom of the press around the world. Reporters Without Borders, the largest organization that advocates freedom of the press worldwide, compiles a Press Freedom Index where countries ranking at the top score high in press freedom, and countries at the bottom constitute the most repressive in terms of freedom of information and violence against journalists.

Some countries ranking at the top include Finland, Norway and Estonia. Countries at the bottom include Eritrea, North Korea and Turkmenistan. Countries showing improvements worth noting include Tunisia, South Sudan and Niger. In Latin America, Brazil showed the biggest decline.

Brazilian Real US Dollar Exchange Rate

The following graph shows the exchange rate of the Brazilian Real with respect to the US Dollar. The Real appreciated continuously since March 2003, depreciating temporarily between September 2008 and February 2009.

Brazilian Real US Dollar Exchange Rate

Source: Banco Central do Brasil – Time Series Management System

See also: Historical exchange rates for multiple currencies

Tipo de Cambio Real Brasilero Dólar

El gráfico a continuación muestra el tipo de cambio del real brasilero con respecto al dólar norteamericano. El mismo ha venido apreciándose continuamente desde marzo de 2003, depreciándose temporalmente durante el periodo septiembre 2008 – febrero 2009.

Tipo de Cambio Real Brasilero Dolar

Fuente: Banco Central do Brasil – Sistema de Manejo de Series Históricas

Ver también: Series históricas para otras monedas

Mobile Phone Penetration in Brazil

The cell phone penetration rate in Brazil as of 2007 was 63.6%, according to the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency. With a population of almost 200 million people, Brazil is one of the World’s largest markets for mobile phone manufacturers. The chart below shows mobile phone penetration in Brazil from 2002 thru 2007.

Mobile phone penetration in Brazil 2002-2007

Source: National Telecommunications Agency of Brazil

See also: Mobile phone penetration in China and in India