Tag Archives: Walmart

Famous U.S. Brands by State

us famous brands by state 2013In this map published by The Atlantic we can see each state according to its most famous brand based on which state each company was founded.

In that regard, Texas is famous for Dr. Pepper, North Carolina for Bank of America, Seattle for Starbucks, California for Apple, Arkansas for Walmart, Georgia for Coca-Cola, Tennessee for FedEx, and Florida for Hooters.


The United States of Walmart

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Walmart opened its first store in Rogers, Arkansas, back in 1962. From there it spread slowly through the South East. By 1986, twenty five years later, Walmart had 817 stores in the continental U.S. As of 2010, Walmart had 4,384 stores covering the entire country, including Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico, but heavily concentrated in the East Coast and part of the Mid West.

Walmart is the world’s third largest public corporation, preceded only by Dutch Shell Company y Exxon Mobil.

For the interactive map, visit: Flowing Data: Watching the growth of Walmart