Cape Verde Oil - imports

Factbook > Countries > Cape Verde > Energy

Oil - imports: 0 bbl/day (2009 est.)

Definition: This entry is the total oil imported in barrels per day (bbl/day), including both crude oil and oil products.

Source: CIA World Factbook - Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of December 6, 2013

See Also

Related Data From the International Monetary Fund

Variable: Value of oil imports

Note: Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units.

Units: U.S. dollars

Scale: Billions

Country-specific Note: Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2010 Base year: 1995

Source: International Monetary Fund - 2011 World Economic Outlook

YearValue of oil importsPercent Change
19820.01122.22 %
19830.006-45.45 %
19840.005-16.67 %
19850.00860.00 %
19860.0080.00 %
19870.0080.00 %
19880.006-25.00 %
19890.005-16.67 %
19900.011120.00 %
19910.009-18.18 %
19920.0090.00 %
19930.007-22.22 %
19940.00814.29 %
19950.0125.00 %
19960.010.00 %
19970.01220.00 %
19980.01-16.67 %
19990.01550.00 %
20000.02993.33 %
20010.022-24.14 %
20020.02931.82 %
20030.064120.69 %
20040.049-23.44 %
20050.0526.12 %
20060.0853.85 %
20070.079-1.25 %
20080.0913.92 %
20090.081-10.00 %
20100.11744.44 %

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