Cotton Monthly Price - Sri Lanka Rupee per Kilogram

Aug 2014 - Jan 2019: 119.539 (56.33%)

Description: Cotton (Cotton Outlook "CotlookA index"), middling 1-3/32 inch, traded in Far East, C/F beginning 2006; previously Northern Europe, c.i.f.

Unit: Sri Lanka Rupee per Kilogram

Source: Cotton Outlook; International Cotton Advisory Committee; Liverpool Cotton Services Ltd.; World Bank.

See also: Cotton production statistics

See also: Top commodity suppliers

See also: Commodities glossary - Definitions of terms used in commodity trading

Aug 2014212.21-
Sep 2014211.03-0.56%
Oct 2014202.45-4.07%
Nov 2014195.08-3.64%
Dec 2014197.841.41%
Jan 2015194.75-1.56%
Feb 2015204.404.95%
Mar 2015203.34-0.52%
Apr 2015210.083.31%
May 2015214.912.30%
Jun 2015214.23-0.32%
Jul 2015213.90-0.15%
Aug 2015211.51-1.12%
Sep 2015211.04-0.22%
Oct 2015214.191.49%
Nov 2015217.131.37%
Dec 2015222.342.40%
Jan 2016218.79-1.60%
Feb 2016211.58-3.30%
Mar 2016207.31-2.02%
Apr 2016220.176.20%
May 2016225.752.54%
Jun 2016236.814.90%
Jul 2016260.299.91%
Aug 2016257.71-0.99%
Sep 2016250.78-2.69%
Oct 2016254.091.32%
Nov 2016257.091.18%
Dec 2016260.541.34%
Jan 2017273.174.85%
Feb 2017283.543.80%
Mar 2017289.232.01%
Apr 2017291.360.74%
May 2017297.041.95%
Jun 2017285.79-3.78%
Jul 2017284.31-0.52%
Aug 2017268.09-5.71%
Sep 2017272.171.52%
Oct 2017265.62-2.41%
Nov 2017271.972.39%
Dec 2017287.945.88%
Jan 2018309.147.36%
Feb 2018301.95-2.33%
Mar 2018316.084.68%
Apr 2018317.110.32%
May 2018328.423.57%
Jun 2018342.004.14%
Jul 2018337.89-1.20%
Aug 2018333.54-1.29%
Sep 2018327.51-1.81%
Oct 2018327.12-0.12%
Nov 2018337.623.21%
Dec 2018341.891.27%
Jan 2019331.75-2.97%

Top Companies

Plains Cotton Cooperative Association
Location: Lubbock, Texas, India
Estimated Production: 8 million yards per year

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