Natural Gas Monthly Price - Sri Lanka Rupee per Million Metric British Thermal Unit

Aug 2014 - Jan 2019: 54.463 (10.78%)

Description: Natural Gas (U.S.), spot price at Henry Hub, Louisiana

Unit: Sri Lanka Rupee per Million Metric British Thermal Unit

Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream; The Wall Street Journal; World Bank.

See also: Energy production and consumption statistics

See also: Top commodity suppliers

See also: Commodities glossary - Definitions of terms used in commodity trading

Aug 2014505.13-
Sep 2014510.631.09%
Oct 2014492.40-3.57%
Nov 2014536.819.02%
Dec 2014449.41-16.28%
Jan 2015390.82-13.04%
Feb 2015378.27-3.21%
Mar 2015372.12-1.63%
Apr 2015342.84-7.87%
May 2015379.1010.58%
Jun 2015370.89-2.16%
Jul 2015378.342.01%
Aug 2015369.47-2.35%
Sep 2015367.93-0.42%
Oct 2015326.93-11.14%
Nov 2015295.18-9.71%
Dec 2015275.41-6.70%
Jan 2016326.7418.64%
Feb 2016282.10-13.66%
Mar 2016244.74-13.25%
Apr 2016273.4111.72%
May 2016279.642.28%
Jun 2016373.3833.52%
Jul 2016405.718.66%
Aug 2016406.230.13%
Sep 2016433.036.60%
Oct 2016433.280.06%
Nov 2016369.38-14.75%
Dec 2016533.0044.29%
Jan 2017489.30-8.20%
Feb 2017425.30-13.08%
Mar 2017437.642.90%
Apr 2017467.396.80%
May 2017475.261.68%
Jun 2017449.32-5.46%
Jul 2017454.891.24%
Aug 2017441.20-3.01%
Sep 2017452.602.58%
Oct 2017439.12-2.98%
Nov 2017459.424.62%
Dec 2017422.73-7.99%
Jan 2018593.6740.44%
Feb 2018413.44-30.36%
Mar 2018420.411.69%
Apr 2018434.273.30%
May 2018442.101.80%
Jun 2018469.266.14%
Jul 2018451.05-3.88%
Aug 2018474.655.23%
Sep 2018490.443.33%
Oct 2018561.7614.54%
Nov 2018730.0329.95%
Dec 2018716.18-1.90%
Jan 2019559.59-21.86%

Top Companies

Location: Moscow, Russia
Estimated Production: 540 billion cubic meters (BCM) per year

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