Rubber Monthly Price - Rand per Kilogram

Mar 2024 - Apr 2024: -2.063 (-4.57%)

Description: Rubber (Asia), RSS3 grade, Singapore Commodity Exchange Ltd (SICOM) nearby contract beginning 2004; during 2000 to 2003, Singapore RSS1; previously Malaysia RSS1

Unit: Rand per Kilogram

Source: Singapore Exchange Ltd (SGX previously SICOM); Bloomberg; Rubber Association of Singapore Commodity Exchange (RASCE); International Rubber Study Group; Asian Wall Street Journal; World Bank.

See also: Agricultural production statistics

See also: Top commodity suppliers

See also: Commodities glossary - Definitions of terms used in commodity trading

Mar 202445.10-
Apr 202443.04-4.57%

Top Companies

Thai Rubber Latex Corporation
Location: Thailand
Estimated Production: 100000 tons per year

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