Indo Sub-bituminous Coal
Indo Sub-bituminous Coal is seaborne thermal coal delivered FOB into ocean going vessels from a range of East and South Kalimantan load-outs (Borneo). It represents the types of coals currently supplied by companies like Adaro Resources, Kideco Jaya Agung, Bumi Resources (Melawan), Berau Coal, ABK (Loajanan) and Straits Resources (Jembayan) to name a few.
FOB Indo Sub-bituminous Coal is traded at the ICE Europe under ticker symbol SUB. Contract size is 1,000 tons quoted in US dollars per ton. Contract is cash-settled at an amount equal to the arithmetic average, for the corresponding month, of the IHS McCloskey Indonesian Sub-Bituminous FOB marker. The Indonesian sub-bituminous FOB marker is an assessment of the price of this quality of coal delivered into ocean going ships from a range of East and South Kalimantan ports.