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Requests for Quotation


35000 metric ton of Hard wheat for export to Middle East
United States
Deadline: 11/19/2014


15000 Metric Ton of Barley for export to Midddle East
United States
Deadline: 9/30/2014


CORN in 40x8x8 Container
United States
Deadline: 3/31/2014


Dear Wheat Supplier, We are looking to purchase over 50,000 MT of 1st grade Wheat for the purpose of export. Please provide us with a quote and delivery method.
United States
Deadline: 1/5/2014

1 grade Wheat

Dear Wheat Supplier, We are looking to purchase over 50,000 Metric Tons of 1st grade wheat for the purpose of export to oversea. Would you please provide us with your price quote.
United States
Deadline: 1/5/2014