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GBU MonlouisCorp, MadisonExeCorp & Nahual Group LLC

Description: International Trading & Supply: Food, Energy, Mineral & Fertilizers
Street Address: Via Vigirima, Urb VToco, Parcel 21
City: Valencia
State: Carabobo
Postal Code: 2015
Country: Venezuela
Business Type: Buying Office
Website: http://www.monlouiscorp.bloombiz.com
Phone Number: +58 424.4674193
Fax Number: +584244674193
Products/Services: Frozen Food, Grains, Renewable Energy, Sulphur, Fertilizers & Minerals
No. of Employees: 5 - 10
Year Established: 2005
Main Markets:
North AmericaSouth America
Western EuropeEastern Europe
Middle EastAsia
Southeast AsiaAfrica
Main Customers: PDVSA, Nativa Corp, The Plaza Group, TWMarketing
Total Annual Sales: USD $1 million - USD $2.5 million
Certifications: ISO
Products Listed: 0
RFQs Listed: 2