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Banana Spray Oil

Last Updated: 12/5/2012
Deadline: 1/15/2013
Quantity: 1000000 l
Shipping Terms: FOB
Payment Terms: L/C
PROPERTIES METHOD SPECIFICATIONS Result Min. Max Gravity, Specific @ 25/25ºC D-4052 0.858 Appearance A-8039 Clear API Gravity @ 60ºF D-4052 34.6 30 35 Viscosity @ 40ºC cSt D-445 12.3 11.2 14.5 Viscosity @ 100ºF SUS D-445 71 66 80 Flash Point COC ºF (ºC) D-92 360(182) Pour Point, ºF (ºC) D-97 -20(-29) Color, Saybolt D-156 30 +22 Unsulphonated Mineral Residue % D-483 99 92 100 Aniline Point ºF (ºC) D-611 221(105) IPB Simulated Distillation °F (°C) D-2887 596 10% 655 90% 744 EP 832
Country of buyer: Sweden

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