Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) | $71.23 milliarden (2017 est.) $67.84 milliarden (2016 est.) $65.77 milliarden (2015 est.) note: data are in 2017 dollars |
Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) - reale Wachstumsrate | 5% (2017 est.) 3,1% (2016 est.) 2,3% (2015 est.) |
Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) per capita | $34,500 (2017 est.) $32,900 (2016 est.) $31,900 (2015 est.) note: data are in 2017 dollars |
Bevölkerungsanteil unter Armutsgrenze | 13,9% (2016 est.) |
Haushalt Einnahmen - Selbstbehalt | |
Inflationsrate - Verbraucher - Preisindex | 1,4% (2017 est.) -0,1% (2016 est.) |
Arbeitskräfte | 959.000 (2017 est.) |
Jugendarbeitslosenquote | Gesamtbevölkerung (15-24 Jahre): 11,2% Mann: 9,9% Frau: 13% (2017 est.) |
Arbeitslosigkeit | 6,6% (2017 est.) 8% (2016 est.) |
Budget | Einnahmen: 21,07 milliarden (2017 est.) Ausgaben: 21,06 milliarden (2017 est.) |
Staatsverschuldung | 73.6% of GDP (2017 est.) 78.6% of GDP (2016 est.) note: defined by the EU's Maastricht Treaty as consolidated general government gross debt at nominal value, outstanding at the end of the year in the following categories of government liabilities: currency and deposits, securities other than shares excluding financial derivatives, and loans; general government sector comprises the central, state, local government, and social security funds |
Wachstumsrate der Industrieproduktion | 8,6% (2017 est.) |
Leistungsbilanzsaldo | $3.475 billion (2017 est.) $2.461 billion (2016 est.) |
Exporte | $32,14 milliarden (2017 est.) $27,65 milliarden (2016 est.) |
Exporte - Partner | Germany 18,9%, Italy 10,7%, Austria 7,4%, Croatia 7,1%, France 4,8%, Poland 4,2%, Hungary 4,2% (2017) |
Importe | $30,38 milliarden (2017 est.) $25,95 milliarden (2016 est.) |
Importe - Partner | Germany 16,5%, Italy 13,5%, Austria 9,3%, Turkey 5,8%, Croatia 4,8%, China 4,5% (2017) |
Devisen- und Goldreserven | $889.9 million (31 December 2017 est.) $853 million (31 December 2016 est.) |
Externe Staatsverschuldung | $46,3 milliarden (31 January 2017 est.) $48,2 milliarden (31 January 2016 est.) |
Internationale Direktinvestitionen - Zuflüsse | $19.23 billion (31 December 2017 est.) $14.83 billion (31 December 2016 est.) |
Internationale Direktinvestitionen - Ausfluss | $9.914 billion (31 December 2017 est.) $7.837 billion (31 December 2016 est.) |
Marktwert von öffentlich gehandelten Aktien |
Quelle: CIA World Factbook - Version Dezember 31, 2019