![]() |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 4,292 | 43,990 | 900 | 49,182 | 11,800 | 33,000 | 4,382 | 49,182 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 49,500 | 50 | 49,550 | 33,000 | 16,550 | 0 | 49,550 |
South Africa; Republic of | 2,420 | 28,000 | 10 | 30,430 | 25,000 | 2,500 | 2,930 | 30,430 |
Spain | 8,024 | 22,900 | 1,000 | 31,924 | 13,000 | 10,500 | 8,424 | 31,924 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 1,707 | 43,575 | 700 | 45,982 | 9,690 | 32,000 | 4,292 | 45,982 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 46,000 | 37 | 46,037 | 29,985 | 16,052 | 0 | 46,037 |
Italy | 15,444 | 43,200 | 2,000 | 60,644 | 36,600 | 9,000 | 15,044 | 60,644 |
South Africa; Republic of | 2,100 | 27,800 | 20 | 29,920 | 25,000 | 2,500 | 2,420 | 29,920 |
Spain | 8,835 | 19,589 | 1,400 | 29,824 | 11,300 | 10,500 | 8,024 | 29,824 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 2,032 | 40,670 | 505 | 43,207 | 11,500 | 30,000 | 1,707 | 43,207 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 38,000 | 0 | 38,000 | 22,713 | 15,287 | 0 | 38,000 |
Italy | 14,207 | 38,632 | 1,886 | 54,725 | 30,281 | 9,000 | 15,444 | 54,725 |
South Africa; Republic of | 1,392 | 28,400 | 21 | 29,813 | 25,333 | 2,380 | 2,100 | 29,813 |
Spain | 5,498 | 26,055 | 867 | 32,420 | 13,072 | 10,513 | 8,835 | 32,420 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 2,338 | 43,160 | 50 | 45,548 | 14,516 | 29,000 | 2,032 | 45,548 |
Italy | 14,803 | 47,600 | 2,014 | 64,417 | 40,308 | 9,902 | 14,207 | 64,417 |
South Africa; Republic of | 1,079 | 32,420 | 8 | 33,507 | 29,465 | 2,650 | 1,392 | 33,507 |
Spain | 4,617 | 40,480 | 900 | 45,997 | 14,499 | 26,000 | 5,498 | 45,997 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 3,898 | 41,500 | 34 | 45,432 | 24,594 | 18,500 | 2,338 | 45,432 |
France | 10,327 | 16,500 | 23,500 | 50,327 | 4,000 | 37,000 | 9,327 | 50,327 |
Italy | 15,719 | 47,147 | 1,248 | 64,114 | 42,247 | 7,064 | 14,803 | 64,114 |
South Africa; Republic of | 2,800 | 28,940 | 48 | 31,788 | 25,009 | 5,700 | 1,079 | 31,788 |
Spain | 5,020 | 48,300 | 439 | 53,759 | 30,770 | 18,372 | 4,617 | 53,759 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 589 | 44,405 | 60 | 45,054 | 25,541 | 15,615 | 3,898 | 45,054 |
France | 11,454 | 16,400 | 23,560 | 51,414 | 4,087 | 37,000 | 10,327 | 51,414 |
Italy | 16,000 | 45,945 | 1,774 | 63,719 | 39,000 | 9,000 | 15,719 | 63,719 |
South Africa; Republic of | 2,500 | 26,473 | 91 | 29,064 | 20,364 | 5,900 | 2,800 | 29,064 |
Spain | 900 | 28,500 | 521 | 29,921 | 11,201 | 13,700 | 5,020 | 29,921 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 3,027 | 38,746 | 40 | 41,813 | 24,681 | 16,543 | 589 | 41,813 |
France | 14,209 | 17,300 | 24,997 | 56,506 | 5,052 | 40,000 | 11,454 | 56,506 |
Italy | 20,000 | 34,000 | 6,000 | 60,000 | 34,000 | 10,000 | 16,000 | 60,000 |
Japan | 1,000 | 700 | 10,000 | 11,700 | 0 | 10,700 | 1,000 | 11,700 |
South Africa; Republic of | 2,500 | 26,448 | 0 | 28,948 | 20,648 | 5,800 | 2,500 | 28,948 |
Spain | 8,200 | 36,200 | 600 | 45,000 | 16,300 | 27,800 | 900 | 45,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 3,790 | 43,438 | 65 | 47,293 | 32,266 | 12,000 | 3,027 | 47,293 |
France | 6,203 | 14,878 | 36,669 | 57,750 | 3,018 | 40,523 | 14,209 | 57,750 |
Italy | 6,000 | 63,000 | 1,100 | 70,100 | 39,000 | 11,100 | 20,000 | 70,100 |
Japan | 500 | 650 | 9,134 | 10,284 | 0 | 9,284 | 1,000 | 10,284 |
South Africa; Republic of | 1,500 | 27,640 | 0 | 29,140 | 20,640 | 6,000 | 2,500 | 29,140 |
Spain | 1,900 | 48,000 | 170 | 50,070 | 11,400 | 30,470 | 8,200 | 50,070 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 10,575 | 38,300 | 277 | 49,152 | 32,662 | 12,700 | 3,790 | 49,152 |
France | 8,000 | 19,487 | 26,753 | 54,240 | 6,037 | 42,000 | 6,203 | 54,240 |
Italy | 12,000 | 42,000 | 400 | 54,400 | 36,000 | 12,400 | 6,000 | 54,400 |
Japan | 500 | 750 | 6,815 | 8,065 | 0 | 7,565 | 500 | 8,065 |
South Africa; Republic of | 2,473 | 26,604 | 17 | 29,094 | 21,594 | 6,000 | 1,500 | 29,094 |
Spain | 740 | 49,500 | 270 | 50,510 | 15,600 | 33,010 | 1,900 | 50,510 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 12,367 | 39,500 | 162 | 52,029 | 28,754 | 12,700 | 10,575 | 52,029 |
France | 5,140 | 23,420 | 23,222 | 51,782 | 2,141 | 41,641 | 8,000 | 51,782 |
Italy | 18,000 | 51,000 | 200 | 69,200 | 43,400 | 13,800 | 12,000 | 69,200 |
Japan | 200 | 667 | 9,044 | 9,911 | 0 | 9,411 | 500 | 9,911 |
South Africa; Republic of | 4,773 | 20,027 | 17 | 24,817 | 16,244 | 6,100 | 2,473 | 24,817 |
Spain | 8,500 | 39,500 | 140 | 48,140 | 19,000 | 28,400 | 740 | 48,140 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 10,971 | 40,500 | 179 | 51,650 | 26,783 | 12,500 | 12,367 | 51,650 |
France | 7,485 | 19,570 | 21,154 | 48,209 | 3,139 | 39,930 | 5,140 | 48,209 |
Italy | 29,000 | 46,000 | 700 | 75,700 | 42,900 | 14,800 | 18,000 | 75,700 |
Japan | 200 | 400 | 10,695 | 11,295 | 0 | 11,095 | 200 | 11,295 |
South Africa; Republic of | 9,900 | 29,575 | 42 | 39,517 | 28,544 | 6,200 | 4,773 | 39,517 |
Spain | 12,200 | 16,300 | 75 | 28,575 | 12,300 | 7,775 | 8,500 | 28,575 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 17,462 | 36,000 | 82 | 53,544 | 32,297 | 10,276 | 10,971 | 53,544 |
France | 9,940 | 20,430 | 21,116 | 51,486 | 2,827 | 41,174 | 7,485 | 51,486 |
Italy | 46,350 | 33,000 | 1,000 | 80,350 | 36,000 | 15,350 | 29,000 | 80,350 |
Japan | 300 | 465 | 9,980 | 10,745 | 0 | 10,545 | 200 | 10,745 |
South Africa; Republic of | 2,748 | 36,134 | 3 | 38,885 | 22,612 | 6,373 | 9,900 | 38,885 |
Spain | 6,500 | 23,100 | 200 | 29,800 | 9,200 | 8,400 | 12,200 | 29,800 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 22,981 | 36,700 | 72 | 59,753 | 32,291 | 10,000 | 17,462 | 59,753 |
France | 7,100 | 27,440 | 19,390 | 53,930 | 1,990 | 42,000 | 9,940 | 53,930 |
Italy | 35,350 | 59,000 | 0 | 94,350 | 33,000 | 15,000 | 46,350 | 94,350 |
Japan | 500 | 490 | 7,423 | 8,413 | 5 | 8,108 | 300 | 8,413 |
South Africa; Republic of | 2,003 | 26,390 | 0 | 28,393 | 19,339 | 6,306 | 2,748 | 28,393 |
Spain | 4,600 | 14,900 | 200 | 19,700 | 6,800 | 6,400 | 6,500 | 19,700 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 19,209 | 44,900 | 63 | 64,172 | 32,191 | 9,000 | 22,981 | 64,172 |
France | 3,900 | 28,500 | 17,700 | 50,100 | 900 | 42,100 | 7,100 | 50,100 |
Italy | 6,350 | 76,000 | 1,000 | 83,350 | 33,000 | 15,000 | 35,350 | 83,350 |
Japan | 800 | 585 | 6,763 | 8,148 | 14 | 7,634 | 500 | 8,148 |
South Africa; Republic of | 3,129 | 27,574 | 0 | 30,703 | 22,500 | 6,200 | 2,003 | 30,703 |
Spain | 0 | 16,200 | 1,000 | 17,200 | 6,400 | 6,200 | 4,600 | 17,200 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 12,060 | 55,000 | 858 | 67,918 | 41,709 | 7,000 | 19,209 | 67,918 |
France | 7,400 | 18,400 | 25,800 | 51,600 | 1,500 | 46,200 | 3,900 | 51,600 |
Italy | 14,570 | 34,000 | 2,480 | 51,050 | 29,700 | 15,000 | 6,350 | 51,050 |
Japan | 700 | 571 | 7,411 | 8,682 | 10 | 7,872 | 800 | 8,682 |
South Africa; Republic of | 2,527 | 28,635 | 0 | 31,162 | 22,033 | 6,000 | 3,129 | 31,162 |
Spain | 0 | 8,800 | 343 | 9,143 | 4,443 | 4,700 | 0 | 9,143 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 16,946 | 42,000 | 580 | 59,526 | 41,466 | 6,000 | 12,060 | 59,526 |
France | 6,900 | 24,500 | 20,800 | 52,200 | 1,400 | 43,400 | 7,400 | 52,200 |
Italy | 7,360 | 53,000 | 2,470 | 62,830 | 32,760 | 15,500 | 14,570 | 62,830 |
Japan | 600 | 556 | 6,948 | 8,104 | 19 | 7,385 | 700 | 8,104 |
South Africa; Republic of | 11,515 | 20,798 | 0 | 32,313 | 23,786 | 6,000 | 2,527 | 32,313 |
Spain | 0 | 11,800 | 309 | 12,109 | 5,758 | 6,351 | 0 | 12,109 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 10,050 | 39,000 | 447 | 49,497 | 22,345 | 10,206 | 16,946 | 49,497 |
France | 3,700 | 26,200 | 14,500 | 44,400 | 1,100 | 36,400 | 6,900 | 44,400 |
Italy | 9,890 | 45,000 | 570 | 55,460 | 32,100 | 16,000 | 7,360 | 55,460 |
Japan | 800 | 463 | 6,467 | 7,730 | 18 | 7,112 | 600 | 7,730 |
South Africa; Republic of | 14,451 | 27,668 | 0 | 42,119 | 25,104 | 5,500 | 11,515 | 42,119 |
Spain | 0 | 16,000 | 162 | 16,162 | 4,633 | 11,529 | 0 | 16,162 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 1,955 | 42,200 | 95 | 44,250 | 25,800 | 8,400 | 10,050 | 44,250 |
France | 4,900 | 19,100 | 16,000 | 40,000 | 1,100 | 35,200 | 3,700 | 40,000 |
Italy | 8,500 | 57,000 | 390 | 65,890 | 39,000 | 17,000 | 9,890 | 65,890 |
Japan | 700 | 545 | 5,880 | 7,125 | 28 | 6,297 | 800 | 7,125 |
South Africa; Republic of | 16,471 | 25,926 | 0 | 42,397 | 22,946 | 5,000 | 14,451 | 42,397 |
Spain | 0 | 12,200 | 260 | 12,460 | 4,186 | 8,274 | 0 | 12,460 |
United States | 40,435 | 185,748 | 910 | 227,093 | 1,000 | 186,093 | 40,000 | 227,093 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 3,634 | 35,600 | 98 | 39,332 | 28,877 | 8,500 | 1,955 | 39,332 |
Canada | 0 | 5,450 | 0 | 5,450 | 0 | 5,450 | 0 | 5,450 |
France | 4,600 | 26,900 | 9,900 | 41,400 | 900 | 35,600 | 4,900 | 41,400 |
Italy | 0 | 55,000 | 500 | 55,500 | 30,000 | 17,000 | 8,500 | 55,500 |
Japan | 600 | 450 | 6,019 | 7,069 | 27 | 6,342 | 700 | 7,069 |
South Africa; Republic of | 14,272 | 25,819 | 0 | 40,091 | 23,620 | 0 | 16,471 | 40,091 |
Spain | 0 | 18,000 | 590 | 18,590 | 5,800 | 12,790 | 0 | 18,590 |
United States | 34,006 | 186,258 | 564 | 220,828 | 1,111 | 179,282 | 40,435 | 220,828 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 5,900 | 28,700 | 204 | 34,804 | 26,070 | 5,100 | 3,634 | 34,804 |
Canada | 0 | 5,322 | 0 | 5,322 | 0 | 5,322 | 0 | 5,322 |
France | 5,000 | 18,900 | 13,900 | 37,800 | 400 | 32,800 | 4,600 | 37,800 |
Italy | 730 | 43,000 | 240 | 43,970 | 27,000 | 16,970 | 0 | 43,970 |
Japan | 300 | 556 | 5,268 | 6,124 | 0 | 5,524 | 600 | 6,124 |
South Africa; Republic of | 11,441 | 28,890 | 0 | 40,331 | 23,527 | 2,532 | 14,272 | 40,331 |
Spain | 4,000 | 5,000 | 126 | 9,126 | 2,828 | 6,298 | 0 | 9,126 |
United States | 61,603 | 147,149 | 2,224 | 210,976 | 1,287 | 175,683 | 34,006 | 210,976 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 7,200 | 27,900 | 117 | 35,217 | 19,800 | 9,517 | 5,900 | 35,217 |
Canada | 0 | 5,524 | 0 | 5,524 | 0 | 5,524 | 0 | 5,524 |
France | 7,000 | 25,300 | 8,700 | 41,000 | 3,000 | 33,000 | 5,000 | 41,000 |
Italy | 3,000 | 43,400 | 330 | 46,730 | 33,000 | 13,000 | 730 | 46,730 |
Japan | 300 | 630 | 3,352 | 4,282 | 0 | 3,982 | 300 | 4,282 |
South Africa; Republic of | 14,191 | 23,090 | 0 | 37,281 | 23,013 | 2,827 | 11,441 | 37,281 |
Spain | 2,000 | 38,000 | 94 | 40,094 | 10,929 | 25,165 | 4,000 | 40,094 |
United States | 33,578 | 159,478 | 17,633 | 210,689 | 775 | 148,311 | 61,603 | 210,689 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 8,500 | 27,900 | 117 | 36,517 | 19,800 | 9,517 | 7,200 | 36,517 |
Canada | 0 | 4,851 | 0 | 4,851 | 0 | 4,851 | 0 | 4,851 |
France | 5,100 | 27,700 | 9,600 | 42,400 | 2,900 | 32,500 | 7,000 | 42,400 |
Germany; Federal Republic of | 382 | 471 | 29,284 | 30,137 | 760 | 29,123 | 254 | 30,137 |
Italy | 0 | 49,000 | 0 | 49,000 | 35,000 | 11,000 | 3,000 | 49,000 |
Japan | 300 | 478 | 3,510 | 4,288 | 0 | 3,988 | 300 | 4,288 |
South Africa; Republic of | 14,191 | 31,472 | 0 | 45,663 | 27,186 | 4,286 | 14,191 | 45,663 |
Spain | 0 | 37,600 | 93 | 37,693 | 7,921 | 27,772 | 2,000 | 37,693 |
United States | 31,904 | 153,167 | 6,148 | 191,219 | 1,126 | 156,515 | 33,578 | 191,219 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 12,012 | 29,088 | 0 | 41,100 | 22,200 | 10,400 | 8,500 | 41,100 |
France | 7,000 | 24,700 | 9,700 | 41,400 | 600 | 35,700 | 5,100 | 41,400 |
Germany; Federal Republic of | 321 | 642 | 26,572 | 27,535 | 721 | 26,432 | 382 | 27,535 |
Italy | 0 | 51,000 | 108 | 51,108 | 44,000 | 7,108 | 0 | 51,108 |
Japan | 400 | 674 | 3,798 | 4,872 | 0 | 4,572 | 300 | 4,872 |
South Africa; Republic of | 5,745 | 39,918 | 0 | 45,663 | 27,186 | 4,286 | 14,191 | 45,663 |
United States | 67,910 | 132,759 | 920 | 201,589 | 1,265 | 168,420 | 31,904 | 201,589 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 32,179 | 21,351 | 0 | 53,530 | 30,700 | 10,818 | 12,012 | 53,530 |
France | 2,200 | 26,500 | 12,200 | 40,900 | 300 | 33,600 | 7,000 | 40,900 |
Germany; Federal Republic of | 276 | 1,067 | 32,858 | 34,201 | 1,375 | 32,505 | 321 | 34,201 |
Italy | 0 | 45,000 | 0 | 45,000 | 34,000 | 11,000 | 0 | 45,000 |
Japan | 300 | 1,298 | 3,270 | 4,868 | 0 | 4,468 | 400 | 4,868 |
South Africa; Republic of | 4,364 | 31,472 | 0 | 35,836 | 27,186 | 2,905 | 5,745 | 35,836 |
United States | 106,183 | 158,988 | 50 | 265,221 | 2,341 | 194,970 | 67,910 | 265,221 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 17,911 | 52,288 | 0 | 70,199 | 26,800 | 11,220 | 32,179 | 70,199 |
France | 5,600 | 15,800 | 9,600 | 31,000 | 1,500 | 27,300 | 2,200 | 31,000 |
Italy | 0 | 44,000 | 0 | 44,000 | 42,000 | 2,000 | 0 | 44,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 2,452 | 27,396 | 0 | 29,848 | 21,615 | 3,869 | 4,364 | 29,848 |
United States | 99,059 | 197,995 | 18 | 297,072 | 2,862 | 188,027 | 106,183 | 297,072 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 4,975 | 55,194 | 0 | 60,169 | 30,100 | 12,158 | 17,911 | 60,169 |
France | 1,950 | 24,500 | 10,000 | 36,450 | 3,500 | 27,350 | 5,600 | 36,450 |
Italy | 0 | 45,500 | 0 | 45,500 | 42,500 | 3,000 | 0 | 45,500 |
South Africa; Republic of | 4,861 | 21,451 | 0 | 26,312 | 20,060 | 3,800 | 2,452 | 26,312 |
United States | 76,485 | 223,066 | 14 | 299,565 | 2,599 | 197,907 | 99,059 | 299,565 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 2,269 | 43,128 | 0 | 45,397 | 30,100 | 10,322 | 4,975 | 45,397 |
France | 2,300 | 19,600 | 7,700 | 29,600 | 2,300 | 25,350 | 1,950 | 29,600 |
Italy | 6,000 | 43,000 | 0 | 49,000 | 41,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 49,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 13,206 | 19,137 | 0 | 32,343 | 23,684 | 3,798 | 4,861 | 32,343 |
United States | 53,399 | 215,718 | 22 | 269,139 | 3,296 | 189,358 | 76,485 | 269,139 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 3,855 | 55,194 | 0 | 59,049 | 46,376 | 10,404 | 2,269 | 59,049 |
France | 300 | 13,300 | 6,800 | 20,400 | 400 | 17,700 | 2,300 | 20,400 |
Italy | 0 | 31,000 | 0 | 31,000 | 22,000 | 3,000 | 6,000 | 31,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 12,962 | 28,883 | 0 | 41,845 | 23,434 | 5,205 | 13,206 | 41,845 |
United States | 54,787 | 184,242 | 9 | 239,038 | 2,640 | 182,999 | 53,399 | 239,038 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 3,503 | 49,706 | 0 | 53,209 | 35,400 | 13,954 | 3,855 | 53,209 |
France | 300 | 8,600 | 7,400 | 16,300 | 400 | 15,600 | 300 | 16,300 |
Italy | 0 | 30,000 | 0 | 30,000 | 28,000 | 2,000 | 0 | 30,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 9,328 | 36,364 | 0 | 45,692 | 28,004 | 4,726 | 12,962 | 45,692 |
United States | 71,525 | 196,244 | 47 | 267,816 | 4,423 | 208,606 | 54,787 | 267,816 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 7,006 | 33,761 | 0 | 40,767 | 22,841 | 14,423 | 3,503 | 40,767 |
France | 2,300 | 3,100 | 6,900 | 12,300 | 1,100 | 10,900 | 300 | 12,300 |
Italy | 2,000 | 43,000 | 0 | 45,000 | 42,000 | 3,000 | 0 | 45,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 9,308 | 34,823 | 0 | 44,131 | 30,455 | 4,348 | 9,328 | 44,131 |
United States | 68,606 | 235,109 | 13 | 303,728 | 3,284 | 228,919 | 71,525 | 303,728 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 4,202 | 57,610 | 0 | 61,812 | 41,109 | 13,697 | 7,006 | 61,812 |
France | 4,300 | 7,100 | 5,100 | 16,500 | 1,900 | 12,300 | 2,300 | 16,500 |
Italy | 8,000 | 40,000 | 0 | 48,000 | 42,000 | 4,000 | 2,000 | 48,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 10,696 | 29,720 | 0 | 40,416 | 27,066 | 4,042 | 9,308 | 40,416 |
United States | 75,811 | 199,551 | 25 | 275,387 | 3,567 | 203,214 | 68,606 | 275,387 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 3,689 | 43,909 | 0 | 47,598 | 28,300 | 15,096 | 4,202 | 47,598 |
France | 3,300 | 8,800 | 3,800 | 15,900 | 1,300 | 10,300 | 4,300 | 15,900 |
Italy | 9,000 | 47,000 | 0 | 56,000 | 43,000 | 5,000 | 8,000 | 56,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 13,309 | 34,945 | 0 | 48,254 | 33,578 | 3,980 | 10,696 | 48,254 |
United States | 36,191 | 218,249 | 15 | 254,455 | 2,734 | 175,910 | 75,811 | 254,455 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 3,889 | 58,362 | 0 | 62,251 | 41,722 | 16,840 | 3,689 | 62,251 |
France | 3,300 | 9,900 | 3,300 | 16,500 | 500 | 12,700 | 3,300 | 16,500 |
Italy | 0 | 50,000 | 0 | 50,000 | 34,000 | 7,000 | 9,000 | 50,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 12,023 | 37,313 | 0 | 49,336 | 32,128 | 3,899 | 13,309 | 49,336 |
United States | 49,622 | 200,878 | 106 | 250,606 | 5,348 | 209,067 | 36,191 | 250,606 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 19,571 | 62,047 | 0 | 81,618 | 60,440 | 17,289 | 3,889 | 81,618 |
France | 300 | 10,100 | 3,200 | 13,600 | 200 | 10,100 | 3,300 | 13,600 |
Italy | 0 | 44,000 | 0 | 44,000 | 40,000 | 4,000 | 0 | 44,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 6,511 | 31,822 | 0 | 38,333 | 22,371 | 3,939 | 12,023 | 38,333 |
United States | 75,281 | 184,997 | 3,438 | 263,716 | 4,990 | 209,104 | 49,622 | 263,716 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 38,078 | 45,416 | 0 | 83,494 | 43,151 | 20,772 | 19,571 | 83,494 |
France | 600 | 5,700 | 3,400 | 9,700 | 600 | 8,800 | 300 | 9,700 |
Italy | 0 | 48,000 | 0 | 48,000 | 42,000 | 6,000 | 0 | 48,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 1,919 | 30,740 | 0 | 32,659 | 22,269 | 3,879 | 6,511 | 32,659 |
United States | 68,769 | 210,431 | 6,780 | 285,980 | 4,475 | 206,224 | 75,281 | 285,980 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 34,077 | 70,993 | 0 | 105,070 | 48,417 | 18,575 | 38,078 | 105,070 |
France | 2,600 | 4,300 | 2,700 | 9,600 | 1,000 | 8,000 | 600 | 9,600 |
Italy | 0 | 49,000 | 0 | 49,000 | 45,000 | 4,000 | 0 | 49,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 8,716 | 31,169 | 0 | 39,885 | 32,189 | 5,777 | 1,919 | 39,885 |
United States | 70,565 | 175,750 | 8,260 | 254,575 | 5,613 | 180,193 | 68,769 | 254,575 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 6,491 | 89,690 | 0 | 96,181 | 45,804 | 16,300 | 34,077 | 96,181 |
France | 1,600 | 7,700 | 1,500 | 10,800 | 1,200 | 7,000 | 2,600 | 10,800 |
Italy | 0 | 43,000 | 4 | 43,004 | 40,000 | 3,004 | 0 | 43,004 |
South Africa; Republic of | 13,676 | 28,148 | 0 | 41,824 | 27,495 | 5,613 | 8,716 | 41,824 |
United States | 56,828 | 216,167 | 380 | 273,375 | 1,797 | 201,013 | 70,565 | 273,375 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 12,533 | 36,639 | 0 | 49,172 | 30,495 | 12,186 | 6,491 | 49,172 |
France | 2,000 | 6,000 | 1,200 | 9,200 | 800 | 6,800 | 1,600 | 9,200 |
Italy | 0 | 31,000 | 0 | 31,000 | 29,000 | 2,000 | 0 | 31,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 7,634 | 31,883 | 0 | 39,517 | 20,493 | 5,348 | 13,676 | 39,517 |
United States | 29,394 | 209,471 | 2,171 | 241,036 | 2,077 | 182,131 | 56,828 | 241,036 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 14,390 | 65,441 | 0 | 79,831 | 54,214 | 13,084 | 12,533 | 79,831 |
France | 2,200 | 4,900 | 1,400 | 8,500 | 500 | 6,000 | 2,000 | 8,500 |
Italy | 0 | 24,000 | 0 | 24,000 | 23,000 | 1,000 | 0 | 24,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 5,654 | 30,679 | 0 | 36,333 | 22,923 | 5,776 | 7,634 | 36,333 |
United States | 49,418 | 117,493 | 8,131 | 175,042 | 1,540 | 144,108 | 29,394 | 175,042 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 11,655 | 57,092 | 0 | 68,747 | 42,763 | 11,594 | 14,390 | 68,747 |
France | 0 | 2,200 | 0 | 2,200 | 0 | 0 | 2,200 | 2,200 |
Italy | 0 | 36,000 | 0 | 36,000 | 34,190 | 1,810 | 0 | 36,000 |
South Africa; Republic of | 3,429 | 31,577 | 0 | 35,006 | 24,576 | 4,776 | 5,654 | 35,006 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Australia | 0 | 0 | 11,655 | 11,655 | 0 | 0 | 11,655 | 11,655 |
Italy | 0 | 50,000 | 4 | 50,004 | 46,898 | 3,106 | 0 | 50,004 |
South Africa; Republic of | 5,103 | 26,576 | 0 | 31,679 | 23,514 | 4,736 | 3,429 | 31,679 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
South Africa; Republic of | 0 | 29,569 | 0 | 29,569 | 19,159 | 5,307 | 5,103 | 29,569 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
South Africa; Republic of | 0 | 30,332 | 0 | 30,332 | 23,963 | 6,369 | 0 | 30,332 |
Source: United States Department of Agriculture