![]() |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 11,235 | 150,000 | 2,000 | 163,235 | 14,500 | 140,000 | 8,735 | 163,235 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 722,500 | 750 | 723,250 | 558,250 | 165,000 | 0 | 723,250 |
France | 51,876 | 30,000 | 54,000 | 135,876 | 5,000 | 80,000 | 50,876 | 135,876 |
Greece | 48,400 | 146,500 | 1,500 | 196,400 | 135,000 | 18,000 | 43,400 | 196,400 |
Israel | 2,500 | 20,500 | 100 | 23,100 | 7,000 | 15,500 | 600 | 23,100 |
Italy | 130,486 | 289,000 | 130,000 | 549,486 | 415,000 | 75,000 | 59,486 | 549,486 |
Mexico | 0 | 7,000 | 38,000 | 45,000 | 6,800 | 38,200 | 0 | 45,000 |
Portugal | 22,809 | 145,000 | 600 | 168,409 | 125,000 | 32,500 | 10,909 | 168,409 |
Spain | 56,122 | 300,000 | 10,000 | 366,122 | 180,000 | 145,000 | 41,122 | 366,122 |
Turkey | 21,946 | 260,000 | 0 | 281,946 | 155,000 | 115,000 | 11,946 | 281,946 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 9,000 | 145,000 | 6,452 | 160,452 | 14,217 | 135,000 | 11,235 | 160,452 |
Chile | 29,102 | 110,000 | 0 | 139,102 | 85,000 | 25,000 | 29,102 | 139,102 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 681,970 | 830 | 682,800 | 527,800 | 155,000 | 0 | 682,800 |
France | 51,776 | 31,100 | 54,000 | 136,876 | 5,000 | 80,000 | 51,876 | 136,876 |
Greece | 18,900 | 180,000 | 4,500 | 203,400 | 135,000 | 20,000 | 48,400 | 203,400 |
Israel | 550 | 26,800 | 100 | 27,450 | 8,950 | 16,000 | 2,500 | 27,450 |
Italy | 93,599 | 350,000 | 178,705 | 622,304 | 416,818 | 75,000 | 130,486 | 622,304 |
Mexico | 0 | 7,000 | 38,000 | 45,000 | 6,800 | 38,200 | 0 | 45,000 |
Portugal | 1,174 | 165,635 | 1,000 | 167,809 | 115,000 | 30,000 | 22,809 | 167,809 |
Spain | 16,127 | 326,995 | 13,000 | 356,122 | 160,000 | 140,000 | 56,122 | 356,122 |
Turkey | 29,446 | 270,000 | 0 | 299,446 | 165,000 | 112,500 | 21,946 | 299,446 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 7,949 | 140,000 | 12,770 | 160,719 | 19,288 | 132,431 | 9,000 | 160,719 |
Chile | 21,002 | 112,600 | 0 | 133,602 | 80,000 | 24,500 | 29,102 | 133,602 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 581,000 | 880 | 581,880 | 436,880 | 145,000 | 0 | 581,880 |
France | 44,998 | 31,260 | 58,968 | 135,226 | 3,450 | 80,000 | 51,776 | 135,226 |
Greece | 9,500 | 98,000 | 5,400 | 112,900 | 80,000 | 14,000 | 18,900 | 112,900 |
Israel | 2,200 | 18,000 | 500 | 20,700 | 6,150 | 14,000 | 550 | 20,700 |
Italy | 78,770 | 378,308 | 176,521 | 633,599 | 465,000 | 75,000 | 93,599 | 633,599 |
Mexico | 0 | 7,000 | 44,945 | 51,945 | 6,790 | 45,155 | 0 | 51,945 |
Portugal | 3,000 | 145,267 | 1,635 | 149,902 | 121,228 | 27,500 | 1,174 | 149,902 |
Spain | 587 | 255,466 | 13,630 | 269,683 | 123,556 | 130,000 | 16,127 | 269,683 |
Turkey | 4,369 | 320,000 | 0 | 324,369 | 184,923 | 110,000 | 29,446 | 324,369 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 6,399 | 130,300 | 300 | 136,999 | 1,050 | 128,000 | 7,949 | 136,999 |
Chile | 4,610 | 114,700 | 0 | 119,310 | 74,308 | 24,000 | 21,002 | 119,310 |
France | 50,171 | 31,100 | 49,616 | 130,887 | 5,889 | 80,000 | 44,998 | 130,887 |
Greece | 15,500 | 125,000 | 2,000 | 142,500 | 123,000 | 10,000 | 9,500 | 142,500 |
Israel | 4,185 | 17,370 | 500 | 22,055 | 6,360 | 13,495 | 2,200 | 22,055 |
Italy | 115,390 | 322,264 | 192,991 | 630,645 | 476,875 | 75,000 | 78,770 | 630,645 |
Mexico | 0 | 12,000 | 26,021 | 38,021 | 7,853 | 30,168 | 0 | 38,021 |
Portugal | 13,500 | 137,249 | 0 | 150,749 | 117,446 | 30,303 | 3,000 | 150,749 |
Spain | 16,987 | 220,400 | 14,630 | 252,017 | 124,430 | 127,000 | 587 | 252,017 |
Turkey | 5,290 | 280,000 | 0 | 285,290 | 178,421 | 102,500 | 4,369 | 285,290 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 4,499 | 130,000 | 400 | 134,899 | 1,000 | 127,500 | 6,399 | 134,899 |
Chile | 2,410 | 114,000 | 0 | 116,410 | 100,120 | 11,680 | 4,610 | 116,410 |
France | 48,139 | 42,200 | 43,773 | 134,112 | 3,941 | 80,000 | 50,171 | 134,112 |
Greece | 21,000 | 147,500 | 10,000 | 178,500 | 145,000 | 18,000 | 15,500 | 178,500 |
Israel | 5,787 | 17,058 | 990 | 23,835 | 4,780 | 14,870 | 4,185 | 23,835 |
Italy | 141,000 | 395,504 | 98,179 | 634,683 | 447,293 | 72,000 | 115,390 | 634,683 |
Mexico | 0 | 12,000 | 24,360 | 36,360 | 4,763 | 31,597 | 0 | 36,360 |
Portugal | 20,000 | 158,387 | 0 | 178,387 | 130,745 | 34,142 | 13,500 | 178,387 |
Spain | 3,709 | 225,849 | 8,296 | 237,854 | 95,867 | 125,000 | 16,987 | 237,854 |
Turkey | 38,121 | 185,000 | 0 | 223,121 | 117,831 | 100,000 | 5,290 | 223,121 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 4,499 | 130,000 | 400 | 134,899 | 1,000 | 129,400 | 4,499 | 134,899 |
Chile | 12,099 | 111,000 | 0 | 123,099 | 109,009 | 11,680 | 2,410 | 123,099 |
France | 38,644 | 43,100 | 51,098 | 132,842 | 4,703 | 80,000 | 48,139 | 132,842 |
Greece | 43,000 | 180,000 | 3,500 | 226,500 | 190,000 | 15,500 | 21,000 | 226,500 |
Israel | 9,420 | 26,920 | 0 | 36,340 | 16,353 | 14,200 | 5,787 | 36,340 |
Italy | 160,000 | 340,000 | 65,000 | 565,000 | 350,000 | 74,000 | 141,000 | 565,000 |
Mexico | 0 | 21,000 | 17,183 | 38,183 | 7,176 | 31,007 | 0 | 38,183 |
Portugal | 27,650 | 155,955 | 0 | 183,605 | 124,383 | 39,222 | 20,000 | 183,605 |
Spain | 20,900 | 169,718 | 17,791 | 208,409 | 90,737 | 113,963 | 3,709 | 208,409 |
Turkey | 25,035 | 265,000 | 0 | 290,035 | 134,914 | 117,000 | 38,121 | 290,035 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 1,599 | 130,000 | 400 | 131,999 | 1,000 | 126,500 | 4,499 | 131,999 |
Chile | 1,363 | 110,000 | 0 | 111,363 | 87,584 | 11,680 | 12,099 | 111,363 |
France | 6,444 | 48,100 | 83,713 | 138,257 | 8,613 | 91,000 | 38,644 | 138,257 |
Greece | 4,000 | 203,000 | 4,000 | 211,000 | 152,500 | 15,500 | 43,000 | 211,000 |
Israel | 1,500 | 35,300 | 0 | 36,800 | 13,980 | 13,400 | 9,420 | 36,800 |
Italy | 118,000 | 370,000 | 56,000 | 544,000 | 310,000 | 74,000 | 160,000 | 544,000 |
Mexico | 0 | 50,700 | 10,693 | 61,393 | 23,645 | 37,748 | 0 | 61,393 |
Portugal | 25,000 | 170,471 | 0 | 195,471 | 122,700 | 45,121 | 27,650 | 195,471 |
Spain | 9,400 | 191,400 | 8,100 | 208,900 | 60,000 | 128,000 | 20,900 | 208,900 |
Turkey | 9,673 | 320,000 | 0 | 329,673 | 190,638 | 114,000 | 25,035 | 329,673 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 17,449 | 110,000 | 500 | 127,949 | 1,000 | 125,350 | 1,599 | 127,949 |
Chile | 1,543 | 123,353 | 0 | 124,896 | 111,853 | 11,680 | 1,363 | 124,896 |
France | 1,240 | 44,100 | 46,229 | 91,569 | 5,125 | 80,000 | 6,444 | 91,569 |
Greece | 2,500 | 215,000 | 4,500 | 222,000 | 203,000 | 15,000 | 4,000 | 222,000 |
Israel | 1,000 | 30,900 | 0 | 31,900 | 19,800 | 10,600 | 1,500 | 31,900 |
Italy | 99,000 | 330,000 | 64,000 | 493,000 | 301,000 | 74,000 | 118,000 | 493,000 |
Mexico | 0 | 43,500 | 5,656 | 49,156 | 18,427 | 30,729 | 0 | 49,156 |
Portugal | 7,500 | 169,342 | 0 | 176,842 | 123,401 | 28,441 | 25,000 | 176,842 |
Spain | 31,000 | 146,300 | 12,000 | 189,300 | 54,600 | 125,300 | 9,400 | 189,300 |
Turkey | 4,324 | 310,000 | 465 | 314,789 | 193,616 | 111,500 | 9,673 | 314,789 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 4,589 | 135,000 | 10 | 139,599 | 450 | 121,700 | 17,449 | 139,599 |
Chile | 1,543 | 115,554 | 0 | 117,097 | 103,894 | 11,660 | 1,543 | 117,097 |
France | 1,440 | 38,514 | 41,111 | 81,065 | 7,325 | 72,500 | 1,240 | 81,065 |
Greece | 32,807 | 204,000 | 4,000 | 240,807 | 223,807 | 14,500 | 2,500 | 240,807 |
Israel | 2,755 | 17,300 | 605 | 20,660 | 12,110 | 7,550 | 1,000 | 20,660 |
Italy | 79,000 | 280,000 | 84,000 | 443,000 | 270,000 | 74,000 | 99,000 | 443,000 |
Mexico | 0 | 35,000 | 6,000 | 41,000 | 12,000 | 29,000 | 0 | 41,000 |
Portugal | 25,541 | 135,350 | 0 | 160,891 | 114,136 | 39,255 | 7,500 | 160,891 |
Spain | 38,800 | 129,000 | 9,000 | 176,800 | 50,500 | 95,300 | 31,000 | 176,800 |
Turkey | 29,620 | 185,000 | 10,004 | 224,624 | 114,300 | 106,000 | 4,324 | 224,624 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 4,853 | 126,000 | 3,664 | 134,517 | 5,728 | 124,200 | 4,589 | 134,517 |
Chile | 4,519 | 112,578 | 0 | 117,097 | 103,894 | 11,660 | 1,543 | 117,097 |
France | 3,314 | 37,291 | 45,373 | 85,978 | 4,538 | 80,000 | 1,440 | 85,978 |
Greece | 59,807 | 234,000 | 2,000 | 295,807 | 250,000 | 13,000 | 32,807 | 295,807 |
Israel | 0 | 27,260 | 920 | 28,180 | 17,725 | 7,700 | 2,755 | 28,180 |
Italy | 45,000 | 345,000 | 65,000 | 455,000 | 226,000 | 150,000 | 79,000 | 455,000 |
Mexico | 0 | 23,500 | 2,500 | 26,000 | 12,200 | 13,800 | 0 | 26,000 |
Portugal | 1,000 | 162,832 | 0 | 163,832 | 114,525 | 23,766 | 25,541 | 163,832 |
Spain | 9,000 | 144,500 | 12,000 | 165,500 | 39,100 | 87,600 | 38,800 | 165,500 |
Turkey | 39,250 | 290,000 | 0 | 329,250 | 191,630 | 108,000 | 29,620 | 329,250 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 44,253 | 86,600 | 3,700 | 134,553 | 5,500 | 124,200 | 4,853 | 134,553 |
Chile | 10,546 | 95,200 | 0 | 105,746 | 89,577 | 11,650 | 4,519 | 105,746 |
France | 3,268 | 37,000 | 49,001 | 89,269 | 3,955 | 82,000 | 3,314 | 89,269 |
Greece | 16,059 | 198,608 | 1,919 | 216,586 | 144,779 | 12,000 | 59,807 | 216,586 |
Italy | 10,000 | 300,000 | 88,000 | 398,000 | 253,000 | 100,000 | 45,000 | 398,000 |
Mexico | 0 | 40,000 | 1,000 | 41,000 | 31,000 | 10,000 | 0 | 41,000 |
Portugal | 2,572 | 145,585 | 0 | 148,157 | 105,468 | 41,689 | 1,000 | 148,157 |
Spain | 20,000 | 102,000 | 5,000 | 127,000 | 36,000 | 82,000 | 9,000 | 127,000 |
Turkey | 14,218 | 315,000 | 32 | 329,250 | 185,000 | 105,000 | 39,250 | 329,250 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 2,914 | 101,750 | 70,377 | 175,041 | 10,788 | 120,000 | 44,253 | 175,041 |
Chile | 3,877 | 120,485 | 0 | 124,362 | 102,166 | 11,650 | 10,546 | 124,362 |
France | 3,263 | 36,500 | 49,223 | 88,986 | 3,286 | 82,432 | 3,268 | 88,986 |
Greece | 0 | 197,049 | 2,879 | 199,928 | 174,769 | 9,100 | 16,059 | 199,928 |
Italy | 0 | 290,000 | 70,000 | 360,000 | 240,000 | 110,000 | 10,000 | 360,000 |
Mexico | 0 | 50,000 | 3,000 | 53,000 | 42,000 | 11,000 | 0 | 53,000 |
Portugal | 4,190 | 154,382 | 0 | 158,572 | 124,656 | 31,344 | 2,572 | 158,572 |
Spain | 15,000 | 145,000 | 1,000 | 161,000 | 60,000 | 81,000 | 20,000 | 161,000 |
Turkey | 18,975 | 204,000 | 800 | 223,775 | 122,557 | 87,000 | 14,218 | 223,775 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 30,920 | 73,000 | 26,234 | 130,154 | 19,240 | 108,000 | 2,914 | 130,154 |
Chile | 3,499 | 118,460 | 0 | 121,959 | 106,632 | 11,450 | 3,877 | 121,959 |
France | 11,248 | 32,435 | 34,203 | 77,886 | 3,874 | 70,749 | 3,263 | 77,886 |
Greece | 1,129 | 186,764 | 2,458 | 190,351 | 188,196 | 2,155 | 0 | 190,351 |
Italy | 161,000 | 325,000 | 46,000 | 532,000 | 220,000 | 312,000 | 0 | 532,000 |
Mexico | 0 | 60,000 | 0 | 60,000 | 53,500 | 6,500 | 0 | 60,000 |
Portugal | 20,000 | 96,289 | 0 | 116,289 | 98,102 | 13,997 | 4,190 | 116,289 |
Spain | 28,000 | 111,600 | 1,500 | 141,100 | 69,000 | 57,100 | 15,000 | 141,100 |
Taiwan | 2,239 | 6,858 | 1,000 | 10,097 | 4,800 | 5,200 | 97 | 10,097 |
Turkey | 55,000 | 150,000 | 931 | 205,931 | 107,956 | 79,000 | 18,975 | 205,931 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 0 | 99,600 | 50,000 | 149,600 | 18,680 | 100,000 | 30,920 | 149,600 |
Chile | 0 | 92,321 | 0 | 92,321 | 79,754 | 9,068 | 3,499 | 92,321 |
France | 14,311 | 35,266 | 45,200 | 94,777 | 1,400 | 82,129 | 11,248 | 94,777 |
Greece | 47,822 | 145,500 | 1,000 | 194,322 | 175,000 | 18,193 | 1,129 | 194,322 |
Israel | 2,000 | 10,600 | 0 | 12,600 | 5,600 | 7,000 | 0 | 12,600 |
Italy | 126,000 | 301,000 | 60,000 | 487,000 | 250,000 | 76,000 | 161,000 | 487,000 |
Mexico | 0 | 7,800 | 6,600 | 14,400 | 8,200 | 6,200 | 0 | 14,400 |
Portugal | 52,170 | 84,559 | 0 | 136,729 | 101,629 | 15,100 | 20,000 | 136,729 |
Spain | 33,000 | 94,700 | 1,800 | 129,500 | 62,000 | 39,500 | 28,000 | 129,500 |
Taiwan | 3,874 | 12,658 | 1,046 | 17,578 | 10,209 | 5,130 | 2,239 | 17,578 |
Turkey | 54,000 | 230,000 | 6,000 | 290,000 | 160,000 | 75,000 | 55,000 | 290,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 0 | 56,000 | 30,000 | 86,000 | 12,000 | 74,000 | 0 | 86,000 |
Canada | 0 | 29,272 | 0 | 29,272 | 0 | 29,272 | 0 | 29,272 |
France | 8,918 | 44,352 | 47,127 | 100,397 | 2,879 | 83,207 | 14,311 | 100,397 |
Greece | 30,364 | 194,008 | 1,653 | 226,025 | 163,203 | 15,000 | 47,822 | 226,025 |
Israel | 6,000 | 11,000 | 0 | 17,000 | 8,000 | 7,000 | 2,000 | 17,000 |
Italy | 93,000 | 324,000 | 50,000 | 467,000 | 264,000 | 77,000 | 126,000 | 467,000 |
Mexico | 0 | 33,800 | 2,200 | 36,000 | 30,000 | 6,000 | 0 | 36,000 |
Portugal | 54,540 | 113,770 | 0 | 168,310 | 101,140 | 15,000 | 52,170 | 168,310 |
Spain | 33,800 | 106,600 | 2,100 | 142,500 | 61,700 | 47,800 | 33,000 | 142,500 |
Taiwan | 5,483 | 16,905 | 3 | 22,391 | 13,603 | 4,914 | 3,874 | 22,391 |
Turkey | 165,000 | 200,000 | 0 | 365,000 | 170,223 | 69,777 | 125,000 | 365,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 0 | 41,773 | 0 | 41,773 | 0 | 41,773 | 0 | 41,773 |
France | 6,492 | 47,867 | 38,786 | 93,145 | 4,210 | 80,017 | 8,918 | 93,145 |
Greece | 6,316 | 184,500 | 16,010 | 206,826 | 160,462 | 16,000 | 30,364 | 206,826 |
Israel | 5,000 | 34,000 | 0 | 39,000 | 24,161 | 8,839 | 6,000 | 39,000 |
Italy | 80,000 | 338,000 | 24,000 | 442,000 | 271,000 | 78,000 | 93,000 | 442,000 |
Mexico | 0 | 53,607 | 0 | 53,607 | 48,167 | 5,440 | 0 | 53,607 |
Portugal | 4,536 | 133,809 | 0 | 138,345 | 69,805 | 14,000 | 54,540 | 138,345 |
Spain | 0 | 126,000 | 600 | 126,600 | 50,800 | 42,000 | 33,800 | 126,600 |
Taiwan | 7,666 | 17,080 | 12 | 24,758 | 16,737 | 600 | 7,421 | 24,758 |
Turkey | 115,000 | 240,000 | 0 | 355,000 | 124,488 | 65,512 | 165,000 | 355,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 0 | 31,166 | 0 | 31,166 | 0 | 31,166 | 0 | 31,166 |
France | 4,425 | 46,701 | 42,033 | 93,159 | 4,412 | 82,255 | 6,492 | 93,159 |
Greece | 20,344 | 221,929 | 13,123 | 255,396 | 232,080 | 17,000 | 6,316 | 255,396 |
Israel | 5,000 | 24,400 | 0 | 29,400 | 15,400 | 9,000 | 5,000 | 29,400 |
Italy | 20,000 | 333,000 | 25,650 | 378,650 | 218,450 | 80,200 | 80,000 | 378,650 |
Mexico | 0 | 43,998 | 50 | 44,048 | 38,966 | 5,082 | 0 | 44,048 |
Portugal | 0 | 110,625 | 0 | 110,625 | 93,089 | 13,000 | 4,536 | 110,625 |
Spain | 0 | 85,000 | 4,000 | 89,000 | 47,000 | 42,000 | 0 | 89,000 |
Taiwan | 7,770 | 25,160 | 18 | 32,948 | 24,632 | 650 | 7,666 | 32,948 |
Turkey | 40,000 | 290,000 | 7 | 330,007 | 154,120 | 60,887 | 115,000 | 330,007 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
France | 5,047 | 39,123 | 41,640 | 85,810 | 4,691 | 76,694 | 4,425 | 85,810 |
Greece | 26,747 | 167,542 | 6,495 | 200,784 | 160,440 | 20,000 | 20,344 | 200,784 |
Israel | 7,000 | 11,500 | 0 | 18,500 | 7,200 | 6,300 | 5,000 | 18,500 |
Italy | 10,000 | 285,000 | 68,000 | 363,000 | 260,000 | 83,000 | 20,000 | 363,000 |
Mexico | 1,966 | 35,033 | 46 | 37,045 | 27,554 | 9,491 | 0 | 37,045 |
Portugal | 1,931 | 83,472 | 101 | 85,504 | 73,504 | 12,000 | 0 | 85,504 |
Spain | 0 | 83,000 | 2,000 | 85,000 | 46,000 | 39,000 | 0 | 85,000 |
Taiwan | 6,345 | 26,448 | 0 | 32,793 | 24,403 | 620 | 7,770 | 32,793 |
Turkey | 10,000 | 200,000 | 1,399 | 211,399 | 115,643 | 55,756 | 40,000 | 211,399 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 0 | 28,000 | 0 | 28,000 | 0 | 28,000 | 0 | 28,000 |
France | 14,124 | 31,071 | 39,150 | 84,345 | 4,635 | 74,663 | 5,047 | 84,345 |
Greece | 90,300 | 146,078 | 369 | 236,747 | 190,000 | 20,000 | 26,747 | 236,747 |
Israel | 7,400 | 14,600 | 0 | 22,000 | 8,700 | 6,300 | 7,000 | 22,000 |
Italy | 76,000 | 220,000 | 24,000 | 320,000 | 230,000 | 80,000 | 10,000 | 320,000 |
Mexico | 956 | 30,578 | 10 | 31,544 | 22,065 | 7,513 | 1,966 | 31,544 |
Portugal | 31,231 | 77,800 | 0 | 109,031 | 95,100 | 12,000 | 1,931 | 109,031 |
Spain | 3,300 | 57,000 | 6,200 | 66,500 | 35,500 | 31,000 | 0 | 66,500 |
Taiwan | 6,570 | 32,420 | 0 | 38,990 | 32,025 | 620 | 6,345 | 38,990 |
Turkey | 9,295 | 140,000 | 14,712 | 164,007 | 103,577 | 49,430 | 11,000 | 164,007 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 0 | 25,677 | 0 | 25,677 | 0 | 25,677 | 0 | 25,677 |
France | 28,057 | 36,049 | 27,684 | 91,790 | 8,538 | 69,128 | 14,124 | 91,790 |
Greece | 110,000 | 125,300 | 0 | 235,300 | 120,000 | 25,000 | 90,300 | 235,300 |
Israel | 10,000 | 13,400 | 0 | 23,400 | 8,000 | 8,000 | 7,400 | 23,400 |
Italy | 209,700 | 265,000 | 1,895 | 476,595 | 235,000 | 80,000 | 161,595 | 476,595 |
Mexico | 954 | 20,000 | 0 | 20,954 | 17,500 | 2,498 | 956 | 20,954 |
Portugal | 46,616 | 97,618 | 0 | 144,234 | 98,003 | 15,000 | 31,231 | 144,234 |
Spain | 20,000 | 56,000 | 500 | 76,500 | 43,200 | 30,000 | 3,300 | 76,500 |
Taiwan | 4,200 | 36,340 | 0 | 40,540 | 33,350 | 620 | 6,570 | 40,540 |
Turkey | 55,636 | 100,000 | 10,129 | 165,765 | 109,470 | 47,000 | 9,295 | 165,765 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 0 | 20,979 | 0 | 20,979 | 0 | 20,979 | 0 | 20,979 |
France | 14,200 | 57,500 | 24,300 | 96,000 | 6,800 | 61,100 | 28,100 | 96,000 |
Greece | 80,050 | 228,400 | 0 | 308,450 | 174,450 | 24,000 | 110,000 | 308,450 |
Israel | 17,600 | 19,500 | 0 | 37,100 | 10,500 | 10,600 | 16,000 | 37,100 |
Italy | 200,000 | 405,600 | 2,100 | 607,700 | 318,000 | 80,000 | 209,700 | 607,700 |
Mexico | 454 | 16,000 | 0 | 16,454 | 13,500 | 2,000 | 954 | 16,454 |
Portugal | 23,019 | 125,612 | 0 | 148,631 | 87,015 | 15,000 | 46,616 | 148,631 |
Spain | 17,900 | 74,600 | 0 | 92,500 | 42,400 | 30,100 | 20,000 | 92,500 |
Taiwan | 1,593 | 40,000 | 0 | 41,593 | 36,800 | 593 | 4,200 | 41,593 |
Turkey | 17,900 | 155,000 | 4,600 | 177,500 | 77,000 | 45,000 | 55,500 | 177,500 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 5,263 | 16,603 | 26,000 | 47,866 | 0 | 42,000 | 5,866 | 47,866 |
France | 5,100 | 49,100 | 43,500 | 97,700 | 5,700 | 77,800 | 14,200 | 97,700 |
Greece | 69,450 | 260,000 | 0 | 329,450 | 225,000 | 24,400 | 80,050 | 329,450 |
Israel | 19,000 | 18,900 | 0 | 37,900 | 10,500 | 9,800 | 17,600 | 37,900 |
Italy | 70,000 | 554,000 | 9,500 | 633,500 | 359,000 | 74,500 | 200,000 | 633,500 |
Mexico | 200 | 13,054 | 0 | 13,254 | 11,000 | 1,800 | 454 | 13,254 |
Portugal | 3,000 | 118,200 | 0 | 121,200 | 83,200 | 15,000 | 23,000 | 121,200 |
Spain | 10,000 | 84,000 | 170 | 94,170 | 50,900 | 25,370 | 17,900 | 94,170 |
Taiwan | 97 | 59,800 | 0 | 59,897 | 57,804 | 500 | 1,593 | 59,897 |
Turkey | 5,000 | 120,000 | 2,700 | 127,700 | 69,800 | 40,000 | 17,900 | 127,700 |
United States | 21,967 | 447,116 | 36,000 | 505,083 | 9,300 | 470,000 | 25,783 | 505,083 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 4,506 | 12,037 | 30,460 | 47,003 | 0 | 41,740 | 5,263 | 47,003 |
France | 10,200 | 40,200 | 42,800 | 93,200 | 8,900 | 79,200 | 5,100 | 93,200 |
Greece | 100,000 | 210,000 | 0 | 310,000 | 218,000 | 23,000 | 69,000 | 310,000 |
Israel | 14,444 | 18,400 | 0 | 32,844 | 13,156 | 8,648 | 11,040 | 32,844 |
Italy | 0 | 415,000 | 3,741 | 418,741 | 317,529 | 101,212 | 0 | 418,741 |
Mexico | 300 | 25,000 | 0 | 25,300 | 16,200 | 8,900 | 200 | 25,300 |
Portugal | 18,211 | 98,828 | 0 | 117,039 | 88,246 | 2,500 | 26,293 | 117,039 |
Spain | 3,000 | 74,500 | 1,230 | 78,730 | 47,670 | 28,060 | 3,000 | 78,730 |
Taiwan | 3,701 | 39,700 | 0 | 43,401 | 42,804 | 500 | 97 | 43,401 |
Turkey | 0 | 90,000 | 0 | 90,000 | 56,000 | 34,000 | 0 | 90,000 |
United States | 15,690 | 381,290 | 81,412 | 478,392 | 10,377 | 446,048 | 21,967 | 478,392 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 2,367 | 16,279 | 25,331 | 43,977 | 0 | 39,471 | 4,506 | 43,977 |
France | 21,700 | 50,000 | 17,000 | 88,700 | 14,800 | 63,700 | 10,200 | 88,700 |
Greece | 96,304 | 162,050 | 0 | 258,354 | 137,048 | 21,298 | 100,008 | 258,354 |
Israel | 12,236 | 17,159 | 0 | 29,395 | 11,731 | 3,220 | 14,444 | 29,395 |
Italy | 13,800 | 313,880 | 3,086 | 330,766 | 296,461 | 32,305 | 2,000 | 330,766 |
Mexico | 300 | 25,500 | 0 | 25,800 | 16,500 | 9,000 | 300 | 25,800 |
Portugal | 0 | 76,635 | 0 | 76,635 | 55,924 | 2,500 | 18,211 | 76,635 |
Spain | 0 | 68,000 | 0 | 68,000 | 43,960 | 21,040 | 3,000 | 68,000 |
Taiwan | 2,508 | 43,961 | 0 | 46,469 | 42,278 | 490 | 3,701 | 46,469 |
United States | 2,488 | 376,061 | 68,938 | 447,487 | 10,993 | 420,804 | 15,690 | 447,487 |
Source: United States Department of Agriculture