![]() |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 100 | 3,100 | 6,150 | 9,350 | 250 | 9,000 | 100 | 9,350 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 13,700 | 200 | 13,900 | 13,000 | 900 | 0 | 13,900 |
France | 13,183 | 700 | 100,000 | 113,883 | 1,000 | 100,000 | 12,883 | 113,883 |
Greece | 11,247 | 41,500 | 9,000 | 61,747 | 22,000 | 33,000 | 6,747 | 61,747 |
Israel | 3,885 | 17,000 | 20 | 20,905 | 8,600 | 8,500 | 3,805 | 20,905 |
Italy | 816,709 | 1,700,000 | 2,500 | 2,519,209 | 940,000 | 800,000 | 779,209 | 2,519,209 |
Spain | 39,170 | 162,500 | 4,000 | 205,670 | 80,000 | 110,000 | 15,670 | 205,670 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 100 | 2,950 | 6,250 | 9,300 | 200 | 9,000 | 100 | 9,300 |
Chile | 135 | 4,800 | 0 | 4,935 | 1,600 | 3,200 | 135 | 4,935 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 8,750 | 500 | 9,250 | 8,400 | 850 | 0 | 9,250 |
France | 12,383 | 800 | 102,000 | 115,183 | 2,000 | 100,000 | 13,183 | 115,183 |
Greece | 4,747 | 50,000 | 12,000 | 66,747 | 23,500 | 32,000 | 11,247 | 66,747 |
Israel | 1,265 | 21,500 | 20 | 22,785 | 10,500 | 8,400 | 3,885 | 22,785 |
Italy | 410,000 | 2,000,000 | 3,062 | 2,413,062 | 796,353 | 800,000 | 816,709 | 2,413,062 |
Spain | 563 | 189,607 | 4,000 | 194,170 | 65,000 | 90,000 | 39,170 | 194,170 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 210 | 2,850 | 6,000 | 9,060 | 175 | 8,785 | 100 | 9,060 |
Chile | 85 | 5,300 | 0 | 5,385 | 2,050 | 3,200 | 135 | 5,385 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 4,800 | 775 | 5,575 | 4,753 | 822 | 0 | 5,575 |
France | 8,836 | 9,470 | 99,003 | 117,309 | 4,926 | 100,000 | 12,383 | 117,309 |
Greece | 4,247 | 33,000 | 11,000 | 48,247 | 21,500 | 22,000 | 4,747 | 48,247 |
Israel | 1,125 | 15,390 | 150 | 16,665 | 7,400 | 8,000 | 1,265 | 16,665 |
Italy | 236,272 | 1,761,664 | 6,689 | 2,004,625 | 823,740 | 770,885 | 410,000 | 2,004,625 |
Spain | 596 | 127,309 | 3,522 | 131,427 | 53,364 | 77,500 | 563 | 131,427 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 210 | 2,800 | 6,200 | 9,210 | 200 | 8,800 | 210 | 9,210 |
Chile | 307 | 6,350 | 0 | 6,657 | 3,372 | 3,200 | 85 | 6,657 |
France | 8,289 | 6,700 | 99,909 | 114,898 | 6,062 | 100,000 | 8,836 | 114,898 |
Greece | 8,083 | 21,664 | 13,000 | 42,747 | 21,000 | 17,500 | 4,247 | 42,747 |
Israel | 2,510 | 13,365 | 250 | 16,125 | 7,500 | 7,500 | 1,125 | 16,125 |
Italy | 349,897 | 1,393,130 | 24,311 | 1,767,338 | 831,066 | 700,000 | 236,272 | 1,767,338 |
Spain | 3,903 | 170,833 | 1,603 | 176,339 | 69,310 | 106,433 | 596 | 176,339 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 210 | 2,800 | 6,200 | 9,210 | 200 | 8,800 | 210 | 9,210 |
Chile | 621 | 4,200 | 0 | 4,821 | 1,314 | 3,200 | 307 | 4,821 |
France | 8,924 | 5,900 | 99,537 | 114,361 | 6,072 | 100,000 | 8,289 | 114,361 |
Greece | 2,199 | 41,384 | 17,000 | 60,583 | 17,500 | 35,000 | 8,083 | 60,583 |
Israel | 6,010 | 12,270 | 0 | 18,280 | 7,370 | 8,400 | 2,510 | 18,280 |
Italy | 537,977 | 1,466,481 | 12,439 | 2,016,897 | 877,000 | 790,000 | 349,897 | 2,016,897 |
Spain | 7,209 | 195,400 | 1,144 | 203,753 | 52,494 | 147,356 | 3,903 | 203,753 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 360 | 2,600 | 6,200 | 9,160 | 200 | 8,750 | 210 | 9,160 |
Chile | 802 | 5,900 | 0 | 6,702 | 2,881 | 3,200 | 621 | 6,702 |
France | 9,719 | 16,030 | 89,087 | 114,836 | 5,912 | 100,000 | 8,924 | 114,836 |
Greece | 1,799 | 36,900 | 14,000 | 52,699 | 18,000 | 32,500 | 2,199 | 52,699 |
Israel | 8,105 | 18,046 | 259 | 26,410 | 11,800 | 8,600 | 6,010 | 26,410 |
Italy | 417,000 | 1,888,000 | 12,000 | 2,317,000 | 880,000 | 899,023 | 537,977 | 2,317,000 |
Spain | 20,000 | 195,623 | 1,660 | 217,283 | 52,074 | 158,000 | 7,209 | 217,283 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 855 | 2,300 | 6,000 | 9,155 | 195 | 8,600 | 360 | 9,155 |
Chile | 74 | 6,000 | 0 | 6,074 | 1,972 | 3,300 | 802 | 6,074 |
France | 9,937 | 21,600 | 83,322 | 114,859 | 5,140 | 100,000 | 9,719 | 114,859 |
Greece | 1,999 | 31,800 | 16,000 | 49,799 | 16,000 | 32,000 | 1,799 | 49,799 |
Israel | 3,640 | 24,865 | 200 | 28,705 | 12,500 | 8,100 | 8,105 | 28,705 |
Italy | 113,000 | 1,984,000 | 15,000 | 2,112,000 | 805,000 | 890,000 | 417,000 | 2,112,000 |
Spain | 200 | 232,000 | 1,830 | 234,030 | 57,369 | 156,661 | 20,000 | 234,030 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 2,855 | 2,150 | 4,675 | 9,680 | 165 | 8,660 | 855 | 9,680 |
Chile | 1,107 | 8,000 | 0 | 9,107 | 5,733 | 3,300 | 74 | 9,107 |
France | 6,000 | 21,100 | 91,651 | 118,751 | 8,814 | 100,000 | 9,937 | 118,751 |
Greece | 4,899 | 32,600 | 14,000 | 51,499 | 18,000 | 31,500 | 1,999 | 51,499 |
Israel | 240 | 23,400 | 0 | 23,640 | 12,000 | 8,000 | 3,640 | 23,640 |
Italy | 86,000 | 1,620,000 | 7,000 | 1,713,000 | 730,000 | 870,000 | 113,000 | 1,713,000 |
Spain | 400 | 206,100 | 1,500 | 208,000 | 69,300 | 138,500 | 200 | 208,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 2,855 | 2,100 | 6,929 | 11,884 | 56 | 8,973 | 2,855 | 11,884 |
Chile | 1,107 | 10,368 | 0 | 11,475 | 7,218 | 3,150 | 1,107 | 11,475 |
France | 7,000 | 18,812 | 88,023 | 113,835 | 6,921 | 100,914 | 6,000 | 113,835 |
Greece | 1,089 | 31,810 | 15,000 | 47,899 | 11,500 | 31,500 | 4,899 | 47,899 |
Israel | 250 | 18,220 | 0 | 18,470 | 11,850 | 6,380 | 240 | 18,470 |
Italy | 254,000 | 1,350,000 | 8,000 | 1,612,000 | 676,000 | 850,000 | 86,000 | 1,612,000 |
Spain | 10,050 | 162,300 | 350 | 172,700 | 74,500 | 97,800 | 400 | 172,700 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 2,542 | 2,100 | 6,929 | 11,571 | 56 | 8,660 | 2,855 | 11,571 |
Chile | 2,975 | 8,500 | 0 | 11,475 | 7,218 | 3,150 | 1,107 | 11,475 |
France | 4,344 | 19,078 | 96,258 | 119,680 | 3,652 | 109,028 | 7,000 | 119,680 |
Greece | 1,489 | 25,490 | 11,640 | 38,619 | 8,530 | 29,000 | 1,089 | 38,619 |
Israel | 0 | 16,940 | 100 | 17,040 | 11,055 | 5,735 | 250 | 17,040 |
Italy | 0 | 1,768,000 | 7,000 | 1,775,000 | 681,000 | 840,000 | 254,000 | 1,775,000 |
Spain | 16,000 | 226,200 | 160 | 242,360 | 67,300 | 165,010 | 10,050 | 242,360 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 0 | 2,000 | 9,005 | 11,005 | 138 | 8,325 | 2,542 | 11,005 |
Chile | 9,375 | 6,400 | 0 | 15,775 | 9,500 | 3,300 | 2,975 | 15,775 |
France | 15,118 | 30,000 | 84,837 | 129,955 | 5,611 | 120,000 | 4,344 | 129,955 |
Greece | 3,345 | 25,230 | 11,410 | 39,985 | 10,496 | 28,000 | 1,489 | 39,985 |
Italy | 125,000 | 1,359,000 | 6,000 | 1,490,000 | 683,000 | 807,000 | 0 | 1,490,000 |
Spain | 45,000 | 209,000 | 3,500 | 257,500 | 57,500 | 184,000 | 16,000 | 257,500 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 1,595 | 2,655 | 3,700 | 7,950 | 0 | 7,950 | 0 | 7,950 |
Chile | 933 | 24,780 | 0 | 25,713 | 13,038 | 3,300 | 9,375 | 25,713 |
France | 11,304 | 50,200 | 90,425 | 151,929 | 4,811 | 132,000 | 15,118 | 151,929 |
Greece | 615 | 25,315 | 15,612 | 41,542 | 10,197 | 28,000 | 3,345 | 41,542 |
Italy | 134,000 | 1,456,000 | 6,000 | 1,596,000 | 631,000 | 840,000 | 125,000 | 1,596,000 |
Spain | 2,000 | 275,000 | 100 | 277,100 | 60,000 | 172,100 | 45,000 | 277,100 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 0 | 1,000 | 8,505 | 9,505 | 0 | 7,910 | 1,595 | 9,505 |
Chile | 1,169 | 30,350 | 0 | 31,519 | 27,336 | 3,250 | 933 | 31,519 |
France | 3,984 | 45,233 | 85,089 | 134,306 | 3,898 | 119,104 | 11,304 | 134,306 |
Greece | 3,252 | 23,467 | 3,806 | 30,525 | 9,910 | 20,000 | 615 | 30,525 |
Italy | 247,000 | 1,367,000 | 5,000 | 1,619,000 | 650,000 | 835,000 | 134,000 | 1,619,000 |
Spain | 15,000 | 250,000 | 100 | 265,100 | 55,000 | 208,100 | 2,000 | 265,100 |
Taiwan | 62 | 1,308 | 20 | 1,390 | 1,300 | 65 | 25 | 1,390 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 0 | 10,000 | 650 | 10,650 | 2,000 | 8,650 | 0 | 10,650 |
Chile | 0 | 1,169 | 0 | 1,169 | 0 | 0 | 1,169 | 1,169 |
France | 10,392 | 31,546 | 99,000 | 140,938 | 3,000 | 133,954 | 3,984 | 140,938 |
Greece | 3,691 | 5,462 | 5,000 | 14,153 | 2,800 | 8,101 | 3,252 | 14,153 |
Israel | 3,900 | 18,000 | 0 | 21,900 | 13,900 | 8,000 | 0 | 21,900 |
Italy | 315,000 | 1,228,000 | 1,000 | 1,544,000 | 480,000 | 817,000 | 247,000 | 1,544,000 |
Spain | 18,000 | 200,000 | 200 | 218,200 | 45,000 | 158,200 | 15,000 | 218,200 |
Taiwan | 138 | 2,619 | 20 | 2,777 | 2,650 | 65 | 62 | 2,777 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Brazil | 0 | 27,500 | 813 | 28,313 | 4,144 | 24,169 | 0 | 28,313 |
Canada | 0 | 63,138 | 0 | 63,138 | 0 | 63,138 | 0 | 63,138 |
France | 11,257 | 43,217 | 87,841 | 142,315 | 3,692 | 128,231 | 10,392 | 142,315 |
Greece | 4,247 | 7,899 | 4,835 | 16,981 | 1,790 | 11,500 | 3,691 | 16,981 |
Israel | 9,900 | 18,000 | 0 | 27,900 | 16,000 | 8,000 | 3,900 | 27,900 |
Italy | 261,000 | 1,286,000 | 1,000 | 1,548,000 | 403,000 | 830,000 | 315,000 | 1,548,000 |
Mexico | 0 | 58,000 | 0 | 58,000 | 52,000 | 6,000 | 0 | 58,000 |
Spain | 32,900 | 193,000 | 200 | 226,100 | 43,200 | 164,900 | 18,000 | 226,100 |
Taiwan | 177 | 3,382 | 16 | 3,575 | 3,367 | 70 | 138 | 3,575 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 0 | 64,176 | 0 | 64,176 | 0 | 64,176 | 0 | 64,176 |
France | 8,194 | 39,962 | 73,820 | 121,976 | 1,958 | 108,761 | 11,257 | 121,976 |
Greece | 8,769 | 7,687 | 5,202 | 21,658 | 1,411 | 16,000 | 4,247 | 21,658 |
Israel | 3,000 | 31,700 | 0 | 34,700 | 16,767 | 8,033 | 9,900 | 34,700 |
Italy | 181,000 | 1,312,000 | 200 | 1,493,200 | 402,000 | 830,200 | 261,000 | 1,493,200 |
Mexico | 0 | 53,607 | 0 | 53,607 | 48,167 | 5,440 | 0 | 53,607 |
Spain | 47,000 | 169,000 | 1,200 | 217,200 | 44,300 | 140,000 | 32,900 | 217,200 |
Taiwan | 550 | 39,355 | 21 | 39,926 | 27,487 | 3,750 | 8,689 | 39,926 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 0 | 70,136 | 0 | 70,136 | 0 | 70,136 | 0 | 70,136 |
France | 3,721 | 45,499 | 80,618 | 129,838 | 1,905 | 119,739 | 8,194 | 129,838 |
Greece | 4,930 | 17,845 | 4,520 | 27,295 | 526 | 18,000 | 8,769 | 27,295 |
Israel | 0 | 29,500 | 0 | 29,500 | 18,500 | 8,000 | 3,000 | 29,500 |
Italy | 0 | 1,070,000 | 1,350 | 1,071,350 | 489,500 | 400,850 | 181,000 | 1,071,350 |
Mexico | 0 | 43,305 | 0 | 43,305 | 39,019 | 4,286 | 0 | 43,305 |
Spain | 0 | 242,000 | 300 | 242,300 | 60,300 | 135,000 | 47,000 | 242,300 |
Taiwan | 8,500 | 47,720 | 25 | 56,245 | 52,445 | 3,250 | 550 | 56,245 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
France | 6,960 | 41,415 | 54,549 | 102,924 | 3,420 | 95,783 | 3,721 | 102,924 |
Greece | 3,219 | 11,154 | 3,153 | 17,526 | 596 | 12,000 | 4,930 | 17,526 |
Israel | 3,000 | 11,800 | 0 | 14,800 | 7,800 | 7,000 | 0 | 14,800 |
Italy | 61,000 | 906,000 | 2,838 | 969,838 | 567,170 | 402,668 | 0 | 969,838 |
Mexico | 1,966 | 35,033 | 46 | 37,045 | 27,554 | 9,491 | 0 | 37,045 |
Spain | 0 | 197,000 | 100 | 197,100 | 65,000 | 132,100 | 0 | 197,100 |
Taiwan | 141 | 6,559 | 5 | 6,705 | 6,397 | 65 | 243 | 6,705 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 0 | 42,000 | 0 | 42,000 | 0 | 42,000 | 0 | 42,000 |
France | 5,759 | 42,024 | 43,886 | 91,669 | 1,538 | 83,171 | 6,960 | 91,669 |
Greece | 3,875 | 7,467 | 2,777 | 14,119 | 1,900 | 9,000 | 3,219 | 14,119 |
Israel | 5,000 | 14,700 | 0 | 19,700 | 8,700 | 8,000 | 3,000 | 19,700 |
Italy | 10,000 | 976,000 | 731 | 986,731 | 505,000 | 420,731 | 61,000 | 986,731 |
Spain | 0 | 177,000 | 300 | 177,300 | 48,100 | 129,200 | 0 | 177,300 |
Taiwan | 952 | 6,610 | 0 | 7,562 | 7,369 | 52 | 141 | 7,562 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 0 | 47,666 | 0 | 47,666 | 0 | 47,666 | 0 | 47,666 |
France | 24,426 | 27,234 | 41,940 | 93,600 | 2,598 | 85,243 | 5,759 | 93,600 |
Greece | 3,675 | 16,000 | 200 | 19,875 | 2,000 | 14,000 | 3,875 | 19,875 |
Israel | 5,200 | 27,300 | 0 | 32,500 | 21,000 | 6,500 | 5,000 | 32,500 |
Italy | 372,000 | 587,000 | 0 | 959,000 | 449,000 | 500,000 | 10,000 | 959,000 |
Spain | 55,500 | 116,200 | 100 | 171,800 | 48,700 | 123,100 | 0 | 171,800 |
Taiwan | 937 | 6,835 | 0 | 7,772 | 6,765 | 55 | 952 | 7,772 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 0 | 56,836 | 0 | 56,836 | 0 | 56,836 | 0 | 56,836 |
France | 19,100 | 45,200 | 44,700 | 109,000 | 1,400 | 82,000 | 25,600 | 109,000 |
Greece | 1,700 | 16,000 | 330 | 18,030 | 755 | 13,600 | 3,675 | 18,030 |
Israel | 7,000 | 32,300 | 0 | 39,300 | 26,100 | 8,000 | 5,200 | 39,300 |
Italy | 400,000 | 900,000 | 0 | 1,300,000 | 478,000 | 450,000 | 372,000 | 1,300,000 |
Spain | 60,000 | 202,500 | 0 | 262,500 | 48,000 | 159,000 | 55,500 | 262,500 |
Taiwan | 724 | 7,175 | 0 | 7,899 | 6,912 | 50 | 937 | 7,899 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 12,273 | 73,614 | 22,000 | 107,887 | 0 | 88,000 | 19,887 | 107,887 |
France | 4,850 | 44,300 | 60,350 | 109,500 | 1,400 | 89,000 | 19,100 | 109,500 |
Greece | 500 | 16,000 | 200 | 16,700 | 1,800 | 13,200 | 1,700 | 16,700 |
Israel | 9,000 | 25,000 | 0 | 34,000 | 19,200 | 7,800 | 7,000 | 34,000 |
Italy | 200,000 | 1,300,000 | 0 | 1,500,000 | 450,000 | 650,000 | 400,000 | 1,500,000 |
Spain | 3,500 | 259,000 | 150 | 262,650 | 65,900 | 136,750 | 60,000 | 262,650 |
Taiwan | 462 | 19,000 | 0 | 19,462 | 18,738 | 0 | 724 | 19,462 |
United States | 161,107 | 764,789 | 95,000 | 1,020,896 | 4,500 | 846,000 | 170,396 | 1,020,896 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 24,037 | 50,878 | 25,158 | 100,073 | 0 | 87,800 | 12,273 | 100,073 |
France | 3,850 | 39,800 | 58,450 | 102,100 | 1,300 | 95,950 | 4,850 | 102,100 |
Greece | 2,000 | 8,875 | 178 | 11,053 | 1,598 | 9,011 | 444 | 11,053 |
Israel | 9,000 | 27,000 | 0 | 36,000 | 22,950 | 7,650 | 5,400 | 36,000 |
Italy | 36,000 | 1,200,000 | 147 | 1,236,147 | 413,341 | 752,806 | 70,000 | 1,236,147 |
Spain | 5,000 | 191,000 | 100 | 196,100 | 86,260 | 106,340 | 3,500 | 196,100 |
Taiwan | 2,047 | 8,360 | 4 | 10,411 | 9,949 | 0 | 462 | 10,411 |
United States | 154,028 | 670,868 | 111,189 | 936,085 | 6,305 | 768,673 | 161,107 | 936,085 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | Production (MT; Net Weight) | Imports (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT; Net Weight) | Exports (MT; Net Weight) | Domestic Consumption (MT; Net Weight) | Ending Stocks (MT; Net Weight) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT; Net Weight) |
Canada | 6,147 | 75,555 | 22,437 | 104,139 | 0 | 80,102 | 24,037 | 104,139 |
France | 21,100 | 46,100 | 21,300 | 88,500 | 2,900 | 81,700 | 3,900 | 88,500 |
Greece | 3,018 | 9,875 | 62 | 12,955 | 3,967 | 6,988 | 2,000 | 12,955 |
Israel | 7,200 | 24,008 | 0 | 31,208 | 17,258 | 4,950 | 9,000 | 31,208 |
Italy | 130,640 | 846,400 | 766 | 977,806 | 309,033 | 635,653 | 33,120 | 977,806 |
Spain | 4,600 | 201,000 | 0 | 205,600 | 45,080 | 155,520 | 5,000 | 205,600 |
Taiwan | 2,011 | 6,142 | 4 | 8,157 | 6,098 | 12 | 2,047 | 8,157 |
United States | 93,665 | 683,565 | 68,628 | 845,858 | 7,547 | 684,283 | 154,028 | 845,858 |
Source: United States Department of Agriculture