Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 412 | 15,500 | 400 | 16,312 | 13,900 | 2,000 | 412 | 16,312 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 388,000 | 2,800 | 390,800 | 39,500 | 351,300 | 0 | 390,800 |
France | 0 | 30,000 | 14,000 | 44,000 | 19,000 | 25,000 | 0 | 44,000 |
India | 2,550 | 31,500 | 0 | 34,050 | 15,000 | 17,000 | 2,050 | 34,050 |
Italy | 1,000 | 15,000 | 26,000 | 42,000 | 1,000 | 40,000 | 1,000 | 42,000 |
Turkey | 9,000 | 72,000 | 18,000 | 99,000 | 500 | 90,000 | 8,500 | 99,000 |
United States | 24,081 | 308,440 | 150 | 332,671 | 145,000 | 165,000 | 22,671 | 332,671 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 412 | 14,200 | 400 | 15,012 | 12,600 | 2,000 | 412 | 15,012 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 360,000 | 2,438 | 362,438 | 32,980 | 329,458 | 0 | 362,438 |
France | 0 | 25,000 | 16,000 | 41,000 | 16,000 | 25,000 | 0 | 41,000 |
India | 2,050 | 34,000 | 0 | 36,050 | 16,500 | 17,000 | 2,550 | 36,050 |
Italy | 2,000 | 12,000 | 25,000 | 39,000 | 1,000 | 37,000 | 1,000 | 39,000 |
Turkey | 13,500 | 68,000 | 18,000 | 99,500 | 500 | 90,000 | 9,000 | 99,500 |
United States | 37,261 | 294,834 | 214 | 332,309 | 143,228 | 165,000 | 24,081 | 332,309 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 494 | 12,500 | 518 | 13,512 | 11,100 | 2,000 | 412 | 13,512 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 325,000 | 2,360 | 327,360 | 25,268 | 302,092 | 0 | 327,360 |
France | 0 | 23,350 | 17,950 | 41,300 | 16,300 | 25,000 | 0 | 41,300 |
India | 3,050 | 31,000 | 0 | 34,050 | 15,500 | 16,500 | 2,050 | 34,050 |
Italy | 1,000 | 18,000 | 22,000 | 41,000 | 1,000 | 38,000 | 2,000 | 41,000 |
Turkey | 11,000 | 69,000 | 24,000 | 104,000 | 800 | 89,700 | 13,500 | 104,000 |
United States | 36,289 | 295,741 | 141 | 332,171 | 131,612 | 163,298 | 37,261 | 332,171 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 260 | 13,800 | 259 | 14,319 | 11,925 | 1,900 | 494 | 14,319 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 340,174 | 1,409 | 341,583 | 21,906 | 319,677 | 0 | 341,583 |
France | 0 | 33,300 | 14,000 | 47,300 | 22,300 | 25,000 | 0 | 47,300 |
India | 4,550 | 32,000 | 0 | 36,550 | 17,000 | 16,500 | 3,050 | 36,550 |
Italy | 1,000 | 20,000 | 16,000 | 37,000 | 1,100 | 34,900 | 1,000 | 37,000 |
Turkey | 9,000 | 60,000 | 18,000 | 87,000 | 100 | 75,900 | 11,000 | 87,000 |
United States | 82,150 | 255,825 | 87 | 338,062 | 119,662 | 182,111 | 36,289 | 338,062 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 139 | 12,400 | 141 | 12,680 | 10,570 | 1,850 | 260 | 12,680 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 252,347 | 939 | 253,286 | 15,806 | 237,480 | 0 | 253,286 |
France | 0 | 27,810 | 13,000 | 40,810 | 22,000 | 18,810 | 0 | 40,810 |
India | 6,550 | 29,000 | 0 | 35,550 | 16,000 | 15,000 | 4,550 | 35,550 |
Italy | 3,000 | 13,000 | 18,500 | 34,500 | 1,100 | 32,400 | 1,000 | 34,500 |
Turkey | 10,000 | 68,000 | 6,000 | 84,000 | 500 | 74,500 | 9,000 | 84,000 |
United States | 57,253 | 276,690 | 150 | 334,093 | 87,225 | 164,718 | 82,150 | 334,093 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 900 | 11,800 | 284 | 12,984 | 11,445 | 1,400 | 139 | 12,984 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 310,000 | 409 | 310,409 | 24,782 | 285,627 | 0 | 310,409 |
France | 0 | 25,600 | 13,300 | 38,900 | 23,000 | 15,900 | 0 | 38,900 |
India | 10,000 | 31,000 | 0 | 41,000 | 16,500 | 17,950 | 6,550 | 41,000 |
Italy | 6,000 | 16,000 | 12,000 | 34,000 | 1,500 | 29,500 | 3,000 | 34,000 |
Turkey | 9,000 | 69,000 | 8,000 | 86,000 | 500 | 75,500 | 10,000 | 86,000 |
United States | 66,929 | 216,816 | 235 | 283,980 | 97,035 | 129,692 | 57,253 | 283,980 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 341 | 10,000 | 170 | 10,511 | 7,961 | 1,650 | 900 | 10,511 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 274,246 | 2,582 | 276,828 | 29,398 | 247,430 | 0 | 276,828 |
France | 0 | 29,045 | 11,800 | 40,845 | 20,500 | 20,345 | 0 | 40,845 |
India | 10,500 | 28,000 | 0 | 38,500 | 12,000 | 16,500 | 10,000 | 38,500 |
Italy | 1,000 | 18,000 | 18,000 | 37,000 | 1,800 | 29,200 | 6,000 | 37,000 |
Turkey | 7,000 | 70,000 | 5,000 | 82,000 | 500 | 72,500 | 9,000 | 82,000 |
United States | 63,965 | 256,734 | 100 | 320,799 | 98,105 | 155,765 | 66,929 | 320,799 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 246 | 11,300 | 1 | 11,547 | 9,736 | 1,470 | 341 | 11,547 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 251,000 | 700 | 251,700 | 27,000 | 224,700 | 0 | 251,700 |
France | 0 | 24,600 | 9,500 | 34,100 | 16,000 | 18,100 | 0 | 34,100 |
India | 7,850 | 30,000 | 0 | 37,850 | 12,350 | 15,000 | 10,500 | 37,850 |
Italy | 1,500 | 12,000 | 15,194 | 28,694 | 989 | 26,705 | 1,000 | 28,694 |
Turkey | 4,500 | 70,000 | 2,000 | 76,500 | 500 | 69,000 | 7,000 | 76,500 |
United States | 74,099 | 205,931 | 171 | 280,201 | 99,552 | 116,684 | 63,965 | 280,201 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 526 | 9,955 | 35 | 10,516 | 8,570 | 1,700 | 246 | 10,516 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 249,000 | 659 | 249,659 | 31,713 | 217,946 | 0 | 249,659 |
France | 0 | 23,500 | 10,000 | 33,500 | 15,000 | 18,500 | 0 | 33,500 |
India | 6,420 | 24,000 | 0 | 30,420 | 9,370 | 13,200 | 7,850 | 30,420 |
Italy | 1,000 | 21,000 | 10,793 | 32,793 | 1,066 | 30,227 | 1,500 | 32,793 |
Turkey | 4,200 | 66,000 | 2,000 | 72,200 | 700 | 67,000 | 4,500 | 72,200 |
United States | 44,428 | 244,030 | 319 | 288,777 | 103,828 | 110,850 | 74,099 | 288,777 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 150 | 10,950 | 6 | 11,106 | 8,880 | 1,700 | 526 | 11,106 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 238,000 | 50 | 238,050 | 50,000 | 188,050 | 0 | 238,050 |
France | 0 | 22,050 | 11,200 | 33,250 | 14,200 | 19,050 | 0 | 33,250 |
India | 3,200 | 29,000 | 0 | 32,200 | 13,780 | 12,000 | 6,420 | 32,200 |
Italy | 500 | 12,000 | 15,848 | 28,348 | 939 | 26,409 | 1,000 | 28,348 |
Turkey | 3,900 | 66,000 | 1,254 | 71,154 | 952 | 66,002 | 4,200 | 71,154 |
United States | 59,002 | 188,696 | 6,446 | 254,144 | 113,684 | 96,032 | 44,428 | 254,144 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 150 | 9,800 | 112 | 10,062 | 8,277 | 1,635 | 150 | 10,062 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 230,867 | 51 | 230,918 | 39,525 | 191,393 | 0 | 230,918 |
France | 0 | 21,870 | 10,400 | 32,270 | 11,900 | 20,370 | 0 | 32,270 |
India | 5,740 | 25,000 | 0 | 30,740 | 16,540 | 11,000 | 3,200 | 30,740 |
Italy | 500 | 16,000 | 12,696 | 29,196 | 1,654 | 27,042 | 500 | 29,196 |
Turkey | 3,500 | 65,000 | 902 | 69,402 | 473 | 65,029 | 3,900 | 69,402 |
United States | 76,637 | 212,283 | 2,475 | 291,395 | 105,433 | 126,960 | 59,002 | 291,395 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 180 | 9,000 | 71 | 9,251 | 8,000 | 1,101 | 150 | 9,251 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 209,997 | 108 | 210,105 | 38,867 | 171,238 | 0 | 210,105 |
France | 0 | 29,000 | 8,100 | 37,100 | 13,300 | 23,800 | 0 | 37,100 |
India | 3,390 | 28,000 | 0 | 31,390 | 15,450 | 10,200 | 5,740 | 31,390 |
Italy | 1,000 | 9,000 | 17,197 | 27,197 | 1,062 | 25,635 | 500 | 27,197 |
Turkey | 2,800 | 66,000 | 360 | 69,160 | 698 | 64,962 | 3,500 | 69,160 |
United States | 79,080 | 210,469 | 798 | 290,347 | 106,330 | 107,380 | 76,637 | 290,347 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 247 | 9,800 | 0 | 10,047 | 8,665 | 1,202 | 180 | 10,047 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 192,159 | 85 | 192,244 | 52,000 | 140,244 | 0 | 192,244 |
France | 0 | 18,900 | 11,150 | 30,050 | 11,850 | 18,200 | 0 | 30,050 |
India | 4,940 | 22,000 | 0 | 26,940 | 14,550 | 9,000 | 3,390 | 26,940 |
Italy | 2,500 | 16,000 | 10,654 | 29,154 | 1,123 | 27,031 | 1,000 | 29,154 |
Turkey | 3,500 | 65,000 | 168 | 68,668 | 783 | 65,085 | 2,800 | 68,668 |
United States | 40,563 | 235,870 | 372 | 276,805 | 90,614 | 107,111 | 79,080 | 276,805 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 247 | 9,500 | 0 | 9,747 | 8,258 | 1,242 | 247 | 9,747 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 163,862 | 75 | 163,937 | 54,532 | 109,405 | 0 | 163,937 |
France | 0 | 24,000 | 7,300 | 31,300 | 13,700 | 17,600 | 0 | 31,300 |
India | 490 | 23,500 | 0 | 23,990 | 10,550 | 8,500 | 4,940 | 23,990 |
Italy | 500 | 22,000 | 7,000 | 29,500 | 1,000 | 26,000 | 2,500 | 29,500 |
Turkey | 3,500 | 66,000 | 196 | 69,696 | 1,190 | 65,006 | 3,500 | 69,696 |
United States | 61,913 | 187,912 | 10,428 | 260,253 | 81,820 | 137,870 | 40,563 | 260,253 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
Chile | 0 | 8,500 | 0 | 8,500 | 5,683 | 2,570 | 247 | 8,500 |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 151,644 | 100 | 151,744 | 38,265 | 113,479 | 0 | 151,744 |
France | 0 | 16,500 | 12,400 | 28,900 | 12,000 | 16,900 | 0 | 28,900 |
India | 1,180 | 18,000 | 0 | 19,180 | 10,690 | 8,000 | 490 | 19,180 |
Italy | 3,000 | 12,000 | 12,990 | 27,990 | 1,894 | 25,596 | 500 | 27,990 |
Turkey | 4,000 | 67,000 | 43 | 71,043 | 3,266 | 64,277 | 3,500 | 71,043 |
United States | 53,445 | 234,960 | 53 | 288,458 | 98,147 | 128,398 | 61,913 | 288,458 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 149,560 | 0 | 149,560 | 34,000 | 115,560 | 0 | 149,560 |
France | 5,000 | 24,600 | 7,900 | 37,500 | 13,700 | 23,800 | 0 | 37,500 |
India | 480 | 20,000 | 0 | 20,480 | 9,300 | 10,000 | 1,180 | 20,480 |
Italy | 1,000 | 18,000 | 12,780 | 31,780 | 1,955 | 26,825 | 3,000 | 31,780 |
Turkey | 4,000 | 65,000 | 0 | 69,000 | 1,214 | 63,786 | 4,000 | 69,000 |
United States | 59,752 | 205,930 | 108 | 265,790 | 81,414 | 130,931 | 53,445 | 265,790 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 160,050 | 0 | 160,050 | 39,533 | 120,517 | 0 | 160,050 |
France | 0 | 25,800 | 7,400 | 33,200 | 11,900 | 16,300 | 5,000 | 33,200 |
India | 980 | 17,000 | 0 | 17,980 | 8,500 | 9,000 | 480 | 17,980 |
Italy | 1,500 | 18,000 | 9,508 | 29,008 | 5,327 | 22,681 | 1,000 | 29,008 |
Turkey | 5,000 | 64,000 | 0 | 69,000 | 2,879 | 62,121 | 4,000 | 69,000 |
United States | 52,748 | 207,800 | 161 | 260,709 | 82,276 | 118,681 | 59,752 | 260,709 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 177,100 | 0 | 177,100 | 54,820 | 122,280 | 0 | 177,100 |
France | 0 | 22,800 | 11,400 | 34,200 | 10,900 | 23,300 | 0 | 34,200 |
India | 1,480 | 18,000 | 0 | 19,480 | 10,000 | 8,500 | 980 | 19,480 |
Italy | 5,500 | 11,000 | 9,327 | 25,827 | 2,314 | 22,013 | 1,500 | 25,827 |
Turkey | 6,000 | 64,000 | 0 | 70,000 | 4,000 | 61,000 | 5,000 | 70,000 |
United States | 69,308 | 181,440 | 2,000 | 252,748 | 75,000 | 125,000 | 52,748 | 252,748 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 147,000 | 0 | 147,000 | 38,400 | 108,600 | 0 | 147,000 |
France | 0 | 26,500 | 6,700 | 33,200 | 11,500 | 21,700 | 0 | 33,200 |
India | 3,480 | 20,000 | 0 | 23,480 | 11,000 | 11,000 | 1,480 | 23,480 |
Italy | 100 | 20,000 | 7,021 | 27,121 | 2,343 | 19,278 | 5,500 | 27,121 |
Turkey | 5,000 | 65,000 | 0 | 70,000 | 2,000 | 62,000 | 6,000 | 70,000 |
United States | 32,909 | 224,070 | 549 | 257,528 | 72,706 | 115,514 | 69,308 | 257,528 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 136,000 | 0 | 136,000 | 47,700 | 88,300 | 0 | 136,000 |
France | 0 | 27,900 | 6,600 | 34,500 | 10,700 | 23,800 | 0 | 34,500 |
India | 4,480 | 23,000 | 0 | 27,480 | 12,000 | 12,000 | 3,480 | 27,480 |
Italy | 100 | 12,000 | 7,838 | 19,938 | 1,944 | 17,894 | 100 | 19,938 |
Turkey | 5,000 | 68,000 | 0 | 73,000 | 5,000 | 63,000 | 5,000 | 73,000 |
United States | 65,762 | 163,290 | 3,088 | 232,140 | 68,143 | 131,088 | 32,909 | 232,140 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 121,917 | 0 | 121,917 | 37,883 | 84,034 | 0 | 121,917 |
France | 0 | 23,300 | 4,500 | 27,800 | 9,300 | 18,500 | 0 | 27,800 |
India | 980 | 22,000 | 0 | 22,980 | 9,000 | 9,500 | 4,480 | 22,980 |
Italy | 100 | 14,000 | 5,034 | 19,134 | 1,686 | 17,348 | 100 | 19,134 |
Turkey | 6,000 | 70,000 | 0 | 76,000 | 6,000 | 65,000 | 5,000 | 76,000 |
United States | 43,250 | 198,670 | 148 | 242,068 | 55,785 | 120,521 | 65,762 | 242,068 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 128,150 | 0 | 128,150 | 33,305 | 94,845 | 0 | 128,150 |
France | 0 | 14,200 | 7,700 | 21,900 | 8,800 | 13,100 | 0 | 21,900 |
India | 1,480 | 21,200 | 0 | 22,680 | 13,700 | 8,000 | 980 | 22,680 |
Italy | 100 | 12,000 | 6,952 | 19,052 | 2,415 | 16,537 | 100 | 19,052 |
Turkey | 4,000 | 72,000 | 0 | 76,000 | 4,000 | 66,000 | 6,000 | 76,000 |
United States | 56,950 | 193,200 | 359 | 250,509 | 53,104 | 154,155 | 43,250 | 250,509 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
China; Peoples Republic of | 0 | 119,500 | 0 | 119,500 | 30,241 | 89,259 | 0 | 119,500 |
France | 7,000 | 18,000 | 2,300 | 27,300 | 11,500 | 15,800 | 0 | 27,300 |
India | 1,777 | 19,800 | 0 | 21,577 | 12,900 | 7,197 | 1,480 | 21,577 |
Italy | 100 | 12,000 | 4,560 | 16,660 | 1,592 | 14,968 | 100 | 16,660 |
Turkey | 3,000 | 73,000 | 0 | 76,000 | 4,000 | 68,000 | 4,000 | 76,000 |
United States | 72,693 | 180,500 | 83 | 253,276 | 42,012 | 154,314 | 56,950 | 253,276 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 31,000 | 1,900 | 32,900 | 11,100 | 14,800 | 7,000 | 32,900 |
India | 200 | 17,900 | 0 | 18,100 | 10,423 | 5,900 | 1,777 | 18,100 |
Italy | 200 | 12,000 | 5,184 | 17,384 | 2,732 | 14,552 | 100 | 17,384 |
Turkey | 2,000 | 72,000 | 0 | 74,000 | 4,000 | 67,000 | 3,000 | 74,000 |
United States | 38,272 | 212,300 | 392 | 250,964 | 42,533 | 135,738 | 72,693 | 250,964 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 300 | 10,000 | 11,350 | 21,650 | 5,870 | 15,780 | 0 | 21,650 |
India | 700 | 18,000 | 0 | 18,700 | 12,500 | 6,000 | 200 | 18,700 |
Italy | 800 | 13,000 | 6,546 | 20,346 | 3,302 | 16,844 | 200 | 20,346 |
Turkey | 3,000 | 70,000 | 0 | 73,000 | 7,700 | 63,300 | 2,000 | 73,000 |
United States | 0 | 0 | 38,272 | 38,272 | 0 | 0 | 38,272 | 38,272 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 21,000 | 3,800 | 24,800 | 8,000 | 16,500 | 300 | 24,800 |
India | 500 | 18,000 | 0 | 18,500 | 11,500 | 6,300 | 700 | 18,500 |
Italy | 500 | 14,000 | 7,319 | 21,819 | 3,590 | 17,429 | 800 | 21,819 |
Turkey | 7,000 | 70,000 | 0 | 77,000 | 2,800 | 71,200 | 3,000 | 77,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 20,300 | 4,400 | 24,700 | 8,400 | 16,300 | 0 | 24,700 |
India | 1,000 | 17,000 | 0 | 18,000 | 10,500 | 7,000 | 500 | 18,000 |
Italy | 100 | 16,000 | 4,400 | 20,500 | 4,100 | 15,900 | 500 | 20,500 |
Turkey | 6,000 | 95,000 | 0 | 101,000 | 1,900 | 92,100 | 7,000 | 101,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 19,800 | 2,200 | 22,000 | 10,600 | 11,400 | 0 | 22,000 |
India | 200 | 18,000 | 0 | 18,200 | 11,500 | 5,700 | 1,000 | 18,200 |
Iran | 90 | 3,000 | 150 | 3,240 | 100 | 3,040 | 100 | 3,240 |
Italy | 300 | 15,000 | 2,500 | 17,800 | 4,200 | 13,500 | 100 | 17,800 |
Turkey | 13,000 | 90,000 | 0 | 103,000 | 2,800 | 94,200 | 6,000 | 103,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 9,700 | 7,800 | 17,500 | 5,500 | 12,000 | 0 | 17,500 |
India | 300 | 14,000 | 0 | 14,300 | 9,100 | 5,000 | 200 | 14,300 |
Iran | 100 | 3,250 | 130 | 3,480 | 90 | 3,300 | 90 | 3,480 |
Italy | 600 | 12,000 | 5,700 | 18,300 | 4,000 | 14,000 | 300 | 18,300 |
Turkey | 10,000 | 105,000 | 0 | 115,000 | 2,300 | 99,700 | 13,000 | 115,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 28,300 | 1,900 | 30,200 | 12,200 | 18,000 | 0 | 30,200 |
India | 300 | 15,000 | 0 | 15,300 | 8,800 | 6,200 | 300 | 15,300 |
Iran | 100 | 2,800 | 360 | 3,260 | 84 | 3,076 | 100 | 3,260 |
Italy | 200 | 11,000 | 5,500 | 16,700 | 3,300 | 12,800 | 600 | 16,700 |
Turkey | 10,000 | 100,000 | 0 | 110,000 | 2,900 | 97,100 | 10,000 | 110,000 |
United States | 0 | 169,000 | 0 | 169,000 | 43,000 | 125,000 | 0 | 168,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 21,600 | 7,100 | 28,700 | 7,900 | 20,800 | 0 | 28,700 |
India | 200 | 15,500 | 0 | 15,700 | 7,600 | 7,800 | 300 | 15,700 |
Iran | 100 | 3,100 | 50 | 3,250 | 350 | 2,800 | 100 | 3,250 |
Italy | 0 | 14,000 | 4,800 | 18,800 | 5,600 | 13,000 | 200 | 18,800 |
Turkey | 10,000 | 100,000 | 0 | 110,000 | 2,100 | 97,900 | 10,000 | 110,000 |
United States | 0 | 181,000 | 0 | 181,000 | 48,000 | 132,000 | 0 | 180,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 5,500 | 20,150 | 2,700 | 28,350 | 11,600 | 16,750 | 0 | 28,350 |
India | 1,000 | 9,500 | 0 | 10,500 | 3,700 | 6,600 | 200 | 10,500 |
Iran | 150 | 3,300 | 0 | 3,450 | 200 | 3,150 | 100 | 3,450 |
Italy | 600 | 13,000 | 3,000 | 16,600 | 3,800 | 12,800 | 0 | 16,600 |
Turkey | 10,000 | 100,000 | 0 | 110,000 | 2,600 | 97,400 | 10,000 | 110,000 |
United States | 0 | 142,000 | 0 | 142,000 | 29,000 | 112,000 | 0 | 141,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 31,300 | 1,800 | 33,100 | 9,800 | 17,800 | 5,500 | 33,100 |
India | 200 | 13,500 | 0 | 13,700 | 7,400 | 5,300 | 1,000 | 13,700 |
Iran | 100 | 3,000 | 0 | 3,100 | 335 | 2,615 | 150 | 3,100 |
Italy | 200 | 20,000 | 1,000 | 21,200 | 5,900 | 14,700 | 600 | 21,200 |
Turkey | 10,000 | 85,000 | 0 | 95,000 | 4,700 | 80,300 | 10,000 | 95,000 |
United States | 0 | 158,000 | 0 | 158,000 | 26,000 | 131,000 | 0 | 157,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 26,060 | 2,300 | 28,360 | 10,100 | 18,260 | 0 | 28,360 |
India | 200 | 14,000 | 0 | 14,200 | 8,000 | 6,000 | 200 | 14,200 |
Iran | 100 | 3,200 | 0 | 3,300 | 700 | 2,500 | 100 | 3,300 |
Italy | 0 | 15,000 | 2,400 | 17,400 | 3,300 | 13,900 | 200 | 17,400 |
Turkey | 10,000 | 80,000 | 0 | 90,000 | 7,400 | 72,600 | 10,000 | 90,000 |
United States | 0 | 106,000 | 0 | 106,000 | 15,000 | 90,000 | 0 | 105,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 22,500 | 6,100 | 28,600 | 8,900 | 19,700 | 0 | 28,600 |
India | 200 | 11,000 | 0 | 11,200 | 5,000 | 6,000 | 200 | 11,200 |
Iran | 600 | 3,500 | 0 | 4,100 | 700 | 3,300 | 100 | 4,100 |
Italy | 300 | 21,000 | 800 | 22,100 | 9,900 | 12,200 | 0 | 22,100 |
Turkey | 12,000 | 75,000 | 0 | 87,000 | 4,100 | 72,900 | 10,000 | 87,000 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 37,700 | 600 | 38,300 | 13,000 | 25,300 | 0 | 38,300 |
India | 100 | 14,000 | 0 | 14,100 | 5,400 | 8,500 | 200 | 14,100 |
Iran | 1,000 | 4,000 | 0 | 5,000 | 400 | 4,000 | 600 | 5,000 |
Italy | 300 | 20,000 | 800 | 21,100 | 5,000 | 15,800 | 300 | 21,100 |
Turkey | 17,000 | 100,000 | 0 | 117,000 | 5,000 | 100,000 | 12,000 | 117,000 |
United States | 0 | 97,000 | 0 | 97,000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 23,000 | 600 | 23,600 | 10,900 | 12,700 | 0 | 23,600 |
India | 100 | 10,000 | 0 | 10,100 | 4,500 | 5,500 | 100 | 10,100 |
Iran | 1,000 | 5,000 | 0 | 6,000 | 600 | 4,400 | 1,000 | 6,000 |
Italy | 400 | 18,000 | 800 | 19,200 | 6,900 | 12,000 | 300 | 19,200 |
Turkey | 12,000 | 84,000 | 0 | 96,000 | 5,375 | 73,625 | 17,000 | 96,000 |
United States | 0 | 96,000 | 0 | 96,000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 27,500 | 800 | 28,300 | 9,300 | 19,000 | 0 | 28,300 |
India | 200 | 14,000 | 0 | 14,200 | 10,400 | 3,700 | 100 | 14,200 |
Iran | 300 | 4,000 | 0 | 4,300 | 2,000 | 1,300 | 1,000 | 4,300 |
Italy | 200 | 16,000 | 1,500 | 17,700 | 6,700 | 10,600 | 400 | 17,700 |
Turkey | 3,250 | 90,000 | 0 | 93,250 | 3,500 | 77,750 | 12,000 | 93,250 |
United States | 0 | 87,000 | 0 | 87,000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 25,000 | 1,800 | 26,800 | 10,300 | 16,500 | 0 | 26,800 |
India | 200 | 11,000 | 0 | 11,200 | 5,600 | 5,400 | 200 | 11,200 |
Iran | 300 | 3,500 | 0 | 3,800 | 1,300 | 2,200 | 300 | 3,800 |
Italy | 100 | 23,000 | 250 | 23,350 | 11,800 | 11,350 | 200 | 23,350 |
Turkey | 1,500 | 85,000 | 0 | 86,500 | 3,250 | 80,000 | 3,250 | 86,500 |
United States | 0 | 69,000 | 0 | 69,000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 100 | 30,000 | 500 | 30,600 | 15,500 | 15,100 | 0 | 30,600 |
India | 300 | 16,000 | 0 | 16,300 | 8,800 | 7,300 | 200 | 16,300 |
Iran | 300 | 3,000 | 0 | 3,300 | 1,000 | 2,000 | 300 | 3,300 |
Italy | 300 | 17,000 | 918 | 18,218 | 7,669 | 10,449 | 100 | 18,218 |
Turkey | 2,000 | 75,000 | 0 | 77,000 | 2,680 | 72,820 | 1,500 | 77,000 |
United States | 0 | 87 | 0 | 87 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 16,000 | 3,800 | 19,800 | 7,400 | 12,300 | 100 | 19,800 |
India | 100 | 14,000 | 0 | 14,100 | 5,500 | 8,300 | 300 | 14,100 |
Iran | 150 | 6,000 | 0 | 6,150 | 1,560 | 4,290 | 300 | 6,150 |
Italy | 500 | 24,500 | 544 | 25,544 | 13,914 | 11,330 | 300 | 25,544 |
Turkey | 3,000 | 81,000 | 0 | 84,000 | 3,000 | 79,000 | 2,000 | 84,000 |
United States | 0 | 73 | 0 | 73 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 31 | 0 | 31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
India | 0 | 100 | 0 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 100 |
Iran | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 0 | 150 | 150 |
Italy | 0 | 500 | 0 | 500 | 0 | 0 | 500 | 500 |
Turkey | 0 | 3,000 | 0 | 3,000 | 0 | 0 | 3,000 | 3,000 |
United States | 0 | 82 | 0 | 82 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 27 | 0 | 27 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
India | 0 | 11 | 0 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Iran | 0 | 6 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Italy | 0 | 33 | 0 | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Turkey | 0 | 7 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
United States | 0 | 72 | 0 | 72 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 19 | 0 | 19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
India | 0 | 13 | 0 | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Iran | 0 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Italy | 0 | 18 | 0 | 18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Turkey | 0 | 10 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
United States | 0 | 61 | 0 | 61 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Country | Beginning Stocks (MT) | Production (MT) | Imports (MT) | TOTAL SUPPLY (MT) | Exports (MT) | Domestic Consumption (MT) | Ending Stocks (MT) | TOTAL DISTRIBUTION (MT) |
France | 0 | 25 | 0 | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
India | 0 | 14 | 0 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Iran | 0 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Italy | 0 | 24 | 0 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Turkey | 0 | 8 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
United States | 0 | 66 | 0 | 66 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Source: United States Department of Agriculture