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Chromite: World Production, By Country

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(Metric tons, gross weight)
Country   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012e  
Afghanistane, 4 6,500 6,700 r 5,727 r, 5 6,204 r, 5 6,000
Albania6 225,373 r 283,558 r 328,322 r 330,938 r 330,000
Australia 224,809 119,314 180,000 r 323,800 r 452,300 5
Brazil7 664,347 365,210 520,129 542,512 r 543,000 p
Chinae 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Finland 613,543 246,817 598,000 r 692,527 r 425,217 5
Greecee, 4 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,600 1,600
India 3,900,000 3,760,000 3,800,000 3,850,000 e 3,900,000
Iran 268,586 268,586 r 45,000 r 100,000 r, e 100,000
Kazakhstan 3,552,000 3,544,000 3,760,000 e 3,800,000 e 4,000,000
Madagascar 112,613 r 133,000 r 134,500 66,700 r 67,000
Oman 859,748 636,482 801,856 616,700 554,800 5
Pakistan 104,000 133,000 r 252,000 r 250,000 r, e 260,000
Philippines 15,268 14,322 14,807 22,794 r 23,890 5
Russia 913,000 416,194 400,000 e 662,000 r 660,000
South Africa 9,682,640 7,560,938 10,871,095 10,721,360 r 11,000,000
Sudan 27,094 14,087 56,823 64,128 r 18,300 5
Turkey 1,885,712 1,573,993 1,904,461 2,901,027 r 2,500,000
United Arab Emirates 34,350 23,770 25,000 -- --
Vietnam 55,880 37,105 40,000 40,000 e 40,000
Zimbabwe 442,584 193,673 510,000 599,079 r 550,000
Total   23,800,000   19,500,000 r 24,400,000 r 25,800,000 r 25,600,000  
eEstimated. pPreliminary. rRevised. -- Zero.
1World totals and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2Table includes data available through February 25, 2014.
3Figures for all countries represent marketable output.
4Gross weight estimated assuming an average grade of 44% chromic oxide (Cr2O3).
5Reported figure.
6Ore grade was 18% to 42% chromic oxide (Cr2O3).
7Average chromic oxide (Cr2O3) content was as follows: 2008-42.5%; 2009-40.0%.; 2010-49.7%;
2011-45.2% (revised); and 2012-45.0% (estimated).

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

See also: Mineral commodity prices

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