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Niobium And Tantalum: World Production Of Mineral Concentrates, By Country

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(Metric tons)
    Gross weight3   Niobium content4   Tantalum content4
Country5   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013e   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013e   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013e
Australia, columbite-
-- tantalite6 318 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 86 50 r 50 r 50 r 50
Bolivia, tantalite -- 3 17 42 47 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 4 9 10
Brazil: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nb mineralse, 8, 9 159,000 r 113,000 r 115,000 r 147,000 r 136,000 62,159 7 44,270 7 45,198 7 57,471 r, 7 51,497 7 -- -- -- -- --
Ta minerals6, 10 473 r, e 587 r, e 453 r, e 393 r, e 400 -- -- -- -- -- 116 r 144 r 111 r 98 r- 152
Burundi 44 67 159 r 259 r 74 9 13 31 r, e 51 r, e 14 9 13 31 r, e 50 r, e 14
Nb minerals9 1,773,000 1,792,000 2,087,000 2,155,000 2,300,000 4,330 4,419 4,632 4,707 5,263 7 -- -- -- -- --
Ta mineralse, 6, 10 110 7 -- 40 r 80 r 20 5 -- 1 r 3 r 1 24 r -- -- r 37 r 9
Chinae NA NA NA NA NA 21 22 17 14 15 74 70 61 66 r 60
Congo (Kinshasa):
Cassiterite concentrate 15,512 13,415 9,267 8,018 6,231 150 130 90 80 60 220 190 140 120 90
Columbite-tantalite11 464 r 440 r 536 r 586 r 500 80 r 80 r, e 90 r, e 100 r, e 90 100 r, e 100 r, e 120 r, e 130 r, e 110
Nb mineralse- 80 -- -- -- 7 -- 40 -- -- -- 7 -- -- -- -- -- 7 --
Ethiopia, tantalite12-- 398 252 285 380 r, e 50 28 22 25 26 r, e 4 99 82 8 95 8 91 r, e 10
French Guiana, columbite
-- tantalitee 2 2 2 2 2 -- -- -- -- -- (13) (13) (13) (13) (13)
Kazakhstan, niobium NA NA NA 43 44 NA NA NA -- -- NA NA NA (13) (13)
Mozambiquee 405 7 55 7 139 7 408 r, 7 211 29 4 10 29 r 15 83 r 15 39 83 r 43
Nigeria, columbite---
-- tantalitee- 331 281 311 310 300 23 20 22 22 21 68 58 64 63 60
Cassiterite concentrate 4,210 5,290 6,950 4,640 4,900 40 50 70 50 50 60 80 100 70 70
Columbite-tantalite 952 560 890 7 1,145 2,466 120 70 110 140 310 200 120 190 240 530
Somaliae, 14 7 -- -- -- -- 2 -- -- -- -- 2 -- -- -- --
Ugandae (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13)
--- Total   1,960,000 r 1,930,000 r 2,220,000 r 2,320,000 r 2,450,000   67,000 r 49,100 r- 50,300 r 62,700 r 57,300   1,140 r 923 r- 1,005 r 1,107 r 1,208
eEstimated. rRevised. NA Not available. -- Zero.
1World total and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2Except for Congo (Kinshasa) and Rwanda, excludes production of niobium and tantalum contained in tin ores. Includes data available through August 25, 2015.
3Gross weight is weight of concentrate before metal is extracted.
4Content is weight of metal produced. Nb2O5 is 69.904% niobium; Ta2O5 is 81.897% tantalum.
5In addition to the countries listed, Russia was thought to have produced niobium and tantalum mineral concentrates, but available information is inadequate to
-make reliable estimates of output levels.
6Tantalum production reported in Ta2O5 converted to tantalum content. Gross weight is concentrate assumed to be one-third Ta2O5.
7Reported figure.
8Niobium concentrate production reported in Nb2O5 content converted to niobium content. Gross weight is concentrate assumed to be one-third Nb2O5.
9Includes columbite and pyrochlore.
10Includes djalmaite and tantalite.
TABLE 6-Continued
11Reported data includes the North Kivu and South Kivu Provinces.
12Data are for fiscal year beginning July 1 of that stated.
13Less than - unit.
14From August 2008 to April 2009, 18 metric tons of columbite-tantalite were reportedly produced in Somalia. It is unclear if production continued after early April 2009.

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

See also: Mineral commodity prices

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