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Diamond (Natural): Estimated World Production, By Country And Type

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(Thousand carats)
Country and type3   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013  
Angola4 8,310 7,530 7,500 7,500 8,420
Australia5 312 r 200 r 157 r 184 r 235
Botswana6 12,400 15,400 16,000 14,400 16,200
Brazil, unspecified7 21 25 46 46 49
Cameroon, unspecified -- -- -- -- 3 8
Canada, unspecified 10,900 r 11,800 r 10,800 r 10,500 r 10,600
Central African Republic9, 10 249 241 259 293 --
China, unspecified 46 17 (11) 2 1
Congo (Brazzaville), unspecified 68 r 381 r 77 r 52 r 56
Congo (Kinshasa)12 4,260 r 4,030 r 3,850 r 4,300 r 3,140
Ghana, unspecified 376 334 302 233 169
Guinea10 557 299 243 213 162
Guyana 97 46 51 44 60
India13 3 r 5 3 7 10
Indonesia14 2 r -- -- -- --
Lesotho, unspecified 92 109 224 479 414
Liberia15 17 r 16 r 25 r 25 r 32
Namibia, unspecified 1,190 1,690 1,260 1,630 1,690
Russia16 19,500 r 19,500 r 19,700 r 19,600 r 21,200
Sierra Leone17 241 263 214 406 457
South Africa10 4,910 r 7,090 r 5,640 r 5,660 r 6,510
Tanzania18 155 60 35 108 153
Togo, unspecified (11) (11) (11) (11) (11)
Venezuela19 3 1 -- -- --
Zimbabwe20 96 r 844 r 850 r 1,210 r 1,040  
Total 63,800 r 69,900 r 67,200 r 66,800 r 70,600  
Angola4 924 836 833 833 936
Australia5 15,300 r 9,800 r 7,700 r 9,000 r 11,500
Botswana6 5,320 6,610 6,870 6,170 6,960
Central African Republic10 62 60 65 73 --
Congo (Kinshasa)12 17,000 r 16,100 r 15,400 r 17,200 r 12,500
Guinea10 139 75 61 53 40
India13 7 13 9 20 27
Indonesia14 9 r -- -- -- --
Liberia15 11 11 17 17 21
Russia16 15,300 r 15,300 r 15,500 r 15,400 r 16,700
Sierra Leone17 160 175 143 135 152
South Africa10 1,230 r 1,770 r 1,410 r 1,420 r 1,630
Tanzania18 27 11 6 19 27
Venezuela19 5 1 -- -- --
Zimbabwe20 867 r 7,590 r 7,650 r 10,900 r 9,370
Total 56,400 r 58,400 r 55,600 r 61,200 r 59,900  
Grand total, unrounded 120,224 128,317 122,829 127,962 130,482
rRevised. -- Zero.-
1Estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown. Includes data available through
August 15, 2014.
2Grand totals reported by Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. Country divisions into gemstones and industrial categories estimated
with input from U.S. Geological Survey country specialists.
3In addition to countries listed, Belarus, Germany, Ireland, Nigeria, the Republic of Korea, and Sweden produced natural diamond, but-
information is inadequate to formulate reliable estimates of output levels.
4About 90% gem quality and 10% industrial quality.
TABLE 11-Continued
5About 2% gem quality and 98% industrial quality.
6About 70% gem and near gem quality and 30% industrial quality.
7Figures represent officially reported diamond output plus official Brazilian estimates of output by nonreporting miners.
8From Mobilong Diamond Mine and artisanal mining.
9Includes artisanal mining.-
10About 80% gem quality and 20% industrial quality.
11Less than - unit.
12About 20% gem quality and 80% industrial quality.
13About 27% gem quality and 73% industrial quality.
14About 17% gem quality and 83% industrial quality.
15About 60% gem quality.
16About 56% gem quality.
17From 2009 to 2011, production was estimated to be about 60% gem quality and 40% industrial quality. In 2012 and 2013,-
production is estimated to be about 75% gem quality and 25% industrial quality.
18About 85% gem quality and 15% industrial quality.
19About 40% gem quality and 60% industrial quality.
20About 10% gem quality and 90% industrial quality.

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

See also: Mineral commodity prices

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