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U.S. Imports For Consumption Of Refined Gold, By Country

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(Kilograms, gold content, and thousand dollars)
    Ores and concentrates2   Dore and precipitates   Refined bullion3   Total
Year and country   Quantity   Value   Quantity   Value   Quantity   Value   Quantity   Value
2014 410 r 16,200 r 186,000   7,740,000   121,000   5,000,000 r 308,000   12,800,000
Argentina -- -- 650 26,800 -- -- 650 26,800
Aruba -- -- 36 1,320 -- -- 36 1,320
Australia- -- -- 40 1,500 136 5,280 176 6,790
Bahamas, The -- -- 2 96 (4) 20 3 116
Belgium -- -- -- -- 22 888 22 888
Bolivia -- -- 13,800 520,000 -- -- 13,800 520,000
Brazil -- -- 1,280 52,500 2,790 100,000 4,070 153,000
Canada 52 1,760 1,970 76,000 66,600 2,510,000 68,700 2,590,000
Cayman Islands -- -- 2,130 78,300 6 230 2,130 78,600
Chile -- -- 2,940 116,000 91 3,650 3,030 119,000
China -- -- (4) 18 9 382 10 400
Colombia -- -- 30,300 1,100,000 96 3,590 30,400 1,100,000
Costa Rica -- -- 168 6,070 45 1,730 213 7,800
Curacao -- -- 4,690 174,000 53 1,910 4,750 176,000
Czech Republic -- -- 3 126 -- -- 3 126
Dominican Republic -- -- 1,460 53,500 -- -- 1,460 53,500
Ecuador -- -- 15,800 591,000 34 1,380 15,800 593,000
France -- -- -- -- 298 11,500 298 11,500
Ghana -- -- 49 1,840 45 1,720 94 3,560
Greece 395 16,600 -- -- -- -- 395 16,600
Guatemala -- -- 4,440 241,000 -- -- 4,440 241,000
Guinea -- -- 3 132 -- -- 3 132
Guyana -- -- 7,420 277,000 244 9,690 7,660 286,000
Honduras -- -- 863 32,900 2,590 97,200 3,450 130,000
Hong Kong -- -- (4) 18 43 1,750 44 1,760
Israel -- -- (4) 4 140 5,190 140 5,190
Jamaica -- -- 14 516 -- -- 14 516
Japan -- -- -- -- 5 197 5 197
Mexico- -- -- 55,900 2,200,000 12,400 465,000 68,300 2,670,000
Mongolia -- -- 6 302 -- -- 6 302
Netherlands -- -- 1 39 3 123 4 163
Nicaragua -- -- 8,590 327,000 4 147 8,590 327,000
Panama -- -- 382 14,200 229 8,610 611 22,800
Paraguay -- -- 582 20,900 15 555 597 21,500
Peru- -- -- 19,500 738,000 23 852 19,500 738,000
Sierra Leone -- -- 52 1,770 -- -- 52 1,770
South Africa -- -- -- -- 136 5,050 136 5,050
Suriname -- -- 249 9,380 -- -- 249 9,380
Switzerland -- -- 169 6,940 3,540 135,000 3,710 142,000
United Arab Emirates -- -- 8 271 46 1,580 54 1,850
United Kingdom- -- -- -- -- 113 4,520 113 4,520
Venezuela -- -- 898 34,600 23 840 921 35,400
Other -- -- 5 198 4 139 9 337
Total   447   18,400   174,000   6,710,000   89,800   3,380,000   265,000   10,100,000
rRevised. -- Zero.
1Data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2Includes base metal ores, concentrates, and matte destined for refining.
3Bullion also moves in both directions between U.S. markets and foreign stocks on deposit in the Federal Reserve Bank. Monetary gold is excluded.
4Less than - unit.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau.

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

See also: Mineral commodity prices

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