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Gypsum: World Production, By Country

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(Thousand metric tons)
Country3   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015e  
Algeria 1,610 e 1,958 2,078 2,130 2,130
Argentina 1,453 1,433 1,548 r 1,500 e 1,500
Australiae 2,220 2,120 2,270 2,580 2,580
Brazil 3,229 3,750 3,333 3,330 e 3,330
Canada4 2,449 1,832 1,837 1,811 r 1,633 5
Chile 918 799 1,015 843 843
Chinae 127,000 128,000 129,000 130,000 130,000
Egypte, 4 2,138 5 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200
France 4,231 3,685 3,455 3,279 3,280
Germany, marketable 2,021 1,949 1,778 1,802 1,800
India 3,114 r 3,537 r 3,189 r 3,902 r 3,500
Irane, 6 15,353 5 14,179 5 15,800 16,000 16,000
Italy 5,939 2,563 2,994 8,551 8,550
Japan 4,770 5,002 4,771 4,674 4,670
Mexico4 3,560 4,693 5,091 5,496 5,378 5
Oman 1,254 1,915 2,785 4,210 r 6,049 5
Pakistan 1,131 r 1,173 r 1,753 r 1,436 1,660 5
Poland4 1,225 1,228 1,085 1,052 1,018 5
Russia 3,907 4,179 4,223 4,400 e 4,400
Saudi Arabiae 2,205 5 1,700 1,700 1,780 1,860
Spain4 7,826 6,360 7,125 7,000 e 7,000
Thailand 10,994 11,447 12,383 12,445 11,217 5
Turkey 8,894 r 11,442 r 13,357 r 12,618 r 12,600
United Kingdome, 4 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
United States7 11,300 r 12,800 r 14,400 r 14,900 r 15,200 5
Other 11,400 r 12,300 r 11,900 r 12,300 r 11,800 5
Total   241,000 r 243,000 r 252,000 r 261,000 r 261,000  
eEstimated. rRevised. -- Zero.
1Totals, U.S. data, and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2Includes data available through February 23, 2017.
3In addition to the countries listed, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mongolia, and Serbia-
produced gypsum, but available information is inadequate to make reliable estimates of output levels.
4Includes anhydrite.
5Reported figure.
6Data are for years beginning March 21 of that stated.
7Does not include byproduct gypsum.

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

See also: Mineral commodity prices

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