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Platinum-Group Metals: World Production, By Country

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-Country3   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014  
Palladium: - - - - -
Australiae, 4 650 350 300 320 320
Botswana 3,328 2,115 2,613 1,337 560 e
Canadae 11,000 17,400 17,300 16,500 20,000
Finland 1,493 1,058 1,100 e 1,100 e 902
Japan5 6,107 7,534 8,052 6,239 6,969
Polande, 6 15 15 15 15 15
Russiae 84,700 7 84,100 7 82,000 80,000 83,000
Serbia 22 4 22 20 e 20 e
South Africa 82,222 82,731 74,738 75,000 e 58,410
United States8 11,600 12,400 12,300 12,600 12,400
Zimbabwee 7,000 8,241 7 7,800 9,600 10,100
Total 208,000   216,000   206,000   203,000   193,000  
Australiae, 4 130 - 95 90 90 90
Botswana 560 373 435 218 93
Canadae 3,500 8,000 7,500 7,000 8,500
Colombia 997 1,231 1,460 1,836 r 1,135
Ethiopia9 8 -- -- -- --
Finland 718 r 836 r 429 r 946 r 1,060
Japan5 1,331 1,765 1,735 1,963 1,724
Polande, 6 25 25 25 25 25
Russiae 25,700 27,300 26,500 25,500 23,000
Serbia -- 6 3 3 3
South Africa 147,790 148,008 128,590 131,000 e 93,991
United States8 3,450 3,700 3,670 3,720 3,660
Zimbabwee 8,800 10,826 7 10,500 12,400 13,000
Total 193,000   202,000   181,000   185,000 r 146,000  
Other platinum-group metals:e
Canada 400 800 750 1,000 900
Russia 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000
South Africa 57,292 7 58,111 7 21,010 7 52,000 38,000
Zimbabwe 1,820 1,820 2,200 2,700 2,700
Total 71,500   72,700   36,000   67,700   53,600  
Grand total   473,000 r 491,000 r 423,000   455,000 r 393,000  
eEstimated. rRevised. -- Zero.
1World total, U.S. data, and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2Includes data available through March 23, 2016. Platinum-group metal (PGM) production by Germany, Norway, Switzerland, and the-
United Kingdom is not included because the production is derived wholly from imported metallurgical products and to include it would
result in double counting.
3In addition to the countries listed, China, Indonesia, and the Philippines are thought to produce PGMs, and several other countries may
also do so, but output is not reported quantitatively, and there is no reliable basis for the formulation of estimates of output levels. A part-
of this output not specifically reported by country is, however, presumably included in this table credited to Japan.-
4PGM recovered from nickel ore that is processed domestically. PGM in exported nickel ore are extracted in the importing countries,-
such as Japan, and are thought to be included in the production figures for those countries.
5Production derived entirely from imported ores.
6Official Polish estimates based on reported platinum- and palladium-bearing final (residual) slimes and then average platinum and palladium-
content from electrolytic copper refining.
7Reported figure.
8Byproduct platinum and palladium produced from gold-copper ores was not included.-
9Data for the Ethiopian calendar year ending July 7 of that stated. Yubdo Mine only. Platinum was also reportedly contained in gold ingots
from the Lega Dembi Mine, but information is inadequate to estimate output.

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

See also: Mineral commodity prices

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