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Zinc: World Mine Production, By Country

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(Metric tons, zinc content of concentrate and direct shipping ore, unless otherwise specified)
Country   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012  
Argentina 30,349 31,869 32,566 33,975 r 42,000 e
Armenia 7,467 r 6,989 r 14,361 r 15,588 r 10,075
Australia 1,519,000 1,290,000 1,479,000 1,515,000 1,514,000
Bolivia 383,619 430,879 411,409 427,129 405,000 e
Bosnia and Herzegovinae 4,700 3,400 5,500 6,900 r 7,000
Brazil 173,933 172,688 211,203 197,840 r 198,000 e
Bulgaria 10,600 9,339 r 9,904 r 10,977 r 12,116
Burma 7,000 6,000 7,000 7,000 e 7,000 e
Canada 750,502 699,145 r 649,065 r 622,600 r 641,260 p
Chile 40,519 27,801 27,662 36,602 26,762
Chinae 3,340,000 3,330,000 3,700,000 4,050,000 r 4,900,000
Congo (Kinshasa) 15,465 r 19,636 r 9,223 14,758 r 10,572
Finland 27,800 30,233 55,562 64,115 51,467
Georgia -- r -- r -- r -- r --
Greece 22,694 18,126 19,976 20,000 e 20,000 e
Guatemala 14,000 -- -- -- --
Honduras 28,462 36,370 33,839 26,000 26,000
India 613,600 695,000 740,000 r 796,000 r 758,000
Irane 69,267 3 72,048 3 80,000 80,000 r 80,000
Ireland 398,158 385,670 342,434 344,000 r 337,500
Kazakhstan 386,000 r 387,400 r 398,400 r 405,300 r 370,500
Korea, Northe 70,000 r 70,000 r 70,000 r 70,000 r 70,000
Korea, Republic of 1,836 2,221 355 743 r 750 e
Kosovo4 -- r 5,332 r 8,678 r 6,597 r 6,607
Laos 2,200 3,400 5,000 r 4,320 r 4,500
Macedonia 29,000 29,000 r 29,000 r 28,000 r 28,000
Mexico 453,588 r 489,766 r 570,004 r 631,859 660,349
Mongolia 71,800 78,800 56,300 52,300 59,600 e
Morocco 96,900 48,600 61,900 60,000 58,000
Namibia 192,514 r 197,400 r 204,229 r 192,173 r 194,380
Nigeria 1,000 2,000 8,000 3,000 15,000
Pakistan -- 1,000 r 10,000 r 15,000 r 12,000
Peru 1,602,597 1,512,931 1,470,450 1,256,383 r 1,280,975
Philippines 1,619 10,035 9,268 18,170 r 19,559
Poland 132,400 115,500 92,000 r 60,000 r, e 60,000 e
Portugal 39,254 501 6,421 4,227 30,006
Russiae 204,000 225,000 269,000 275,000 r 288,000
Saudi Arabia 3,663 4,952 4,897 5,000 r, e 15,000 e
Serbiae 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 r 1,000
South Africa 29,002 28,159 36,142 r 36,629 r 37,000 e
Spain -- 1,200 17,318 33,200 33,200 e
Sweden 188,048 192,538 198,686 194,429 188,000
Tajikistan -- -- -- 8,000 e 18,000 e
Thailand 17,811 34,000 25,529 18,252 r 31,000
Turkey 127,000 r 136,000 r 196,000 r 160,000 r 206,000 e
United States5 778,000 736,000 748,000 769,000 738,000
Uzbekistan -- -- -- 15,000 e 25,000 e
Vietname 42,000   38,000   36,000   38,000 r 38,000  
Total- 11,900,000 r 11,600,000 r 12,400,000 r 12,600,000 r 13,500,000
eEstimated. pPreliminary. rRevised. -- Zero.
1World total, U.S. data, and estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits; may not add to totals shown.
2Includes data available through January 17, 2014.
3Reported figure.
4On February 17, 2008, the Kosovo Assembly declared independence from Serbia.-
5Reported zinc content in both lead and zinc concentates.

Source: United States Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program

See also: Mineral commodity prices

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