Asia oriental y el Pacífico - Acciones negociadas, valor total (US$ a precios actuales)

El valor más reciente del indicador Acciones negociadas, valor total (US$ a precios actuales) para Asia oriental y el Pacífico es 32,531,300,000,000 para el año 2020. Durante los últimos 27 años, el valor de este indicador ha fluctuado entre 39,846,000,000,000 en 2015 y 156,912,000,000 en 1993.

Definición: The value of shares traded is the total number of shares traded, both domestic and foreign, multiplied by their respective matching prices. Figures are single counted (only one side of the transaction is considered). Companies admitted to listing and admitted to trading are included in the data. Data are end of year values converted to U.S. dollars using corresponding year-end foreign exchange rates.

Fuente: Federación Mundial de Bolsas de base de datos .

Ver también:

Año Valor
1993 156,912,000,000
1994 186,872,000,000
1995 225,613,000,000
1996 398,008,000,000
1997 473,647,000,000
1998 357,049,000,000
2000 844,702,000,000
2001 527,516,000,000
2002 419,749,000,000
2003 553,471,000,000
2004 707,740,000,000
2005 560,060,000,000
2006 1,374,650,000,000
2007 6,692,040,000,000
2008 4,191,870,000,000
2009 8,171,670,000,000
2010 8,752,550,000,000
2011 7,164,010,000,000
2012 5,517,320,000,000
2013 8,345,470,000,000
2014 12,575,500,000,000
2015 39,846,000,000,000
2016 18,871,700,000,000
2017 17,870,900,000,000
2018 13,779,200,000,000
2019 18,902,900,000,000
2020 32,531,300,000,000


Tema: Indicadores tema Sector financiero

Sub-tema: Mercados de capitales