Area de tierra urbana (kilómetros cuadrados) - Ranking de países
Definición: Urban land area in square kilometers, based on a combination of population counts (persons), settlement points, and the presence of Nighttime Lights. Areas are defined as urban where contiguous lighted cells from the Nighttime Lights or approximated urban extents based on buffered settlement points for which the total population is greater than 5,000 persons.
Fuente: Centro para la Red Internacional de Información sobre Ciencias de la Tierra (CIESIN)/Universidad de Columbia. 2013. Urban-Rural Population and Land Area Estimates Version 2. Palisades, Nueva York: Centro de Datos y Aplicaciones Socioeconómicas (SEDAC) de la NASA.
Ver también: Mapa, Comparación histórica
Posición | País | Valor | Año |
1 | Estados Unidos | 802,053.60 | 2010 |
2 | China | 380,679.30 | 2010 |
3 | India | 222,688.20 | 2010 |
4 | Federación de Rusia | 187,538.10 | 2010 |
5 | Brasil | 134,981.40 | 2010 |
6 | Canadá | 126,511.20 | 2010 |
7 | Japón | 108,678.20 | 2010 |
8 | México | 102,418.10 | 2010 |
9 | Francia | 86,463.06 | 2010 |
10 | Italia | 73,540.88 | 2010 |
11 | España | 69,794.59 | 2010 |
12 | Irán, República Islámica del | 69,242.77 | 2010 |
13 | Alemania | 62,374.20 | 2010 |
14 | Reino Unido | 58,698.75 | 2010 |
15 | Argentina | 55,032.20 | 2010 |
16 | Sudáfrica | 53,460.31 | 2010 |
17 | Turquía | 44,090.16 | 2010 |
18 | Indonesia | 42,076.83 | 2010 |
19 | Arabia Saudita | 41,223.74 | 2010 |
20 | Australia | 36,745.70 | 2010 |
21 | Tailandia | 36,597.02 | 2010 |
22 | Colombia | 36,132.14 | 2010 |
23 | Pakistán | 35,871.94 | 2010 |
24 | Venezuela | 34,403.93 | 2010 |
25 | Ucrania | 32,160.16 | 2010 |
26 | Suecia | 31,152.32 | 2010 |
27 | Polonia | 30,501.34 | 2010 |
28 | Argelia | 30,195.80 | 2010 |
29 | Egipto, República Árabe de | 24,270.23 | 2010 |
30 | Corea, República de | 21,922.02 | 2010 |
31 | Noruega | 20,282.21 | 2010 |
32 | Finlandia | 20,052.17 | 2010 |
33 | Grecia | 18,519.16 | 2010 |
34 | Nigeria | 17,196.23 | 2010 |
35 | Perú | 16,425.77 | 2010 |
36 | Malasia | 15,564.95 | 2010 |
37 | Países Bajos | 12,802.99 | 2010 |
38 | Portugal | 12,764.68 | 2010 |
39 | Iraq | 12,429.92 | 2010 |
40 | Bélgica | 12,349.23 | 2010 |
41 | Marruecos | 12,057.44 | 2010 |
42 | Chile | 12,027.52 | 2010 |
43 | República Árabe Siria | 11,955.20 | 2010 |
44 | Bangladesh | 11,125.39 | 2010 |
45 | Ecuador | 10,905.65 | 2010 |
46 | Filipinas | 10,817.37 | 2010 |
47 | Libia | 10,082.89 | 2010 |
48 | Túnez | 9,897.88 | 2010 |
49 | Cuba | 9,572.45 | 2010 |
50 | Dinamarca | 9,295.18 | 2010 |
51 | Emiratos Árabes Unidos | 8,568.16 | 2010 |
52 | Puerto Rico | 8,511.40 | 2010 |
53 | Nueva Zelandia | 8,116.30 | 2010 |
54 | Suiza | 7,898.15 | 2010 |
55 | Belarús | 7,783.03 | 2010 |
56 | Viet Nam | 7,589.04 | 2010 |
57 | Myanmar | 6,960.02 | 2010 |
58 | Bulgaria | 6,678.94 | 2010 |
59 | Sudán | 6,517.51 | 2010 |
60 | Israel | 6,399.02 | 2010 |
61 | Ghana | 6,239.44 | 2010 |
62 | Omán | 5,651.35 | 2010 |
63 | Irlanda | 5,638.36 | 2010 |
64 | Croacia | 5,302.80 | 2010 |
65 | Etiopía | 5,166.72 | 2010 |
66 | República Dominicana | 5,089.38 | 2010 |
67 | Yemen, Rep. del | 4,703.40 | 2010 |
68 | Uruguay | 4,689.68 | 2010 |
69 | Lituania | 4,610.86 | 2010 |
70 | Kenya | 4,187.62 | 2010 |
71 | Guatemala | 4,132.35 | 2010 |
72 | Costa Rica | 4,051.56 | 2010 |
73 | Sri Lanka | 4,016.15 | 2010 |
74 | Kuwait | 3,942.30 | 2010 |
75 | Honduras | 3,702.36 | 2010 |
76 | Camerún | 3,680.41 | 2010 |
77 | Georgia | 3,602.76 | 2010 |
78 | El Salvador | 3,598.27 | 2010 |
79 | Côte d'Ivoire | 3,466.16 | 2010 |
80 | Tanzanía | 3,405.81 | 2010 |
81 | Jordania | 3,383.97 | 2010 |
82 | Letonia | 3,278.52 | 2010 |
83 | Jamaica | 3,000.63 | 2010 |
84 | Malí | 2,910.43 | 2010 |
85 | Panamá | 2,892.14 | 2010 |
86 | Nicaragua | 2,882.38 | 2010 |
87 | Mozambique | 2,739.15 | 2010 |
88 | Ex República Yugoslava de Macedonia | 2,667.35 | 2010 |
89 | Estonia | 2,614.68 | 2010 |
90 | República de Moldova | 2,607.52 | 2010 |
91 | Eslovenia | 2,509.16 | 2010 |
92 | Namibia | 2,467.78 | 2010 |
93 | Corea, República Popular Democrática de | 2,343.61 | 2010 |
94 | Líbano | 2,317.42 | 2010 |
95 | Trinidad y Tobago | 2,286.75 | 2010 |
96 | Chipre | 2,280.40 | 2010 |
97 | Madagascar | 2,272.42 | 2010 |
98 | Papua Nueva Guinea | 2,003.61 | 2010 |
99 | Malawi | 1,815.10 | 2010 |
100 | Senegal | 1,796.19 | 2010 |
101 | Fiji | 1,746.59 | 2010 |
102 | Bosnia y Herzegovina | 1,723.15 | 2010 |
103 | Albania | 1,689.40 | 2010 |
104 | Togo | 1,663.07 | 2010 |
105 | Qatar | 1,495.15 | 2010 |
106 | Guinea | 1,473.60 | 2010 |
107 | Benin | 1,447.19 | 2010 |
108 | Angola | 1,427.03 | 2010 |
109 | Mauricio | 1,276.02 | 2010 |
110 | Camboya | 1,152.06 | 2010 |
111 | Congo, República del | 1,087.16 | 2010 |
112 | Islandia | 1,023.84 | 2010 |
113 | República Democrática Popular Lao | 1,018.75 | 2010 |
114 | Brunei Darussalam | 1,017.07 | 2010 |
115 | Hong Kong, Región Administrativa Especial | 901.54 | 2010 |
116 | Gabón | 836.48 | 2010 |
117 | Swazilandia | 802.27 | 2010 |
118 | Luxemburgo | 801.08 | 2010 |
119 | Mauritania | 771.60 | 2010 |
120 | Haití | 764.35 | 2010 |
121 | Sierra Leona | 710.48 | 2010 |
122 | Suriname | 692.70 | 2010 |
123 | Guyana | 626.76 | 2010 |
124 | Singapur | 565.56 | 2010 |
125 | Bahrein | 549.28 | 2010 |
126 | Belice | 508.06 | 2010 |
127 | Gambia | 446.18 | 2010 |
128 | Liberia | 434.28 | 2010 |
129 | Bahamas | 425.90 | 2010 |
130 | Barbados | 420.38 | 2010 |
131 | Somalia | 398.72 | 2010 |
132 | Eritrea | 366.61 | 2010 |
133 | Santa Lucía | 351.21 | 2010 |
134 | Guinea-Bissau | 306.34 | 2010 |
135 | Malta | 293.34 | 2010 |
136 | Antigua y Barbuda | 266.28 | 2010 |
137 | Dominica | 251.30 | 2010 |
138 | Saint Kitts y Nevis | 230.66 | 2010 |
139 | Nueva Caledonia | 208.43 | 2010 |
140 | Comoras | 196.41 | 2010 |
141 | Tonga | 181.83 | 2010 |
142 | Cabo Verde | 180.38 | 2010 |
143 | Granada | 169.52 | 2010 |
144 | Islas Caimán | 160.97 | 2010 |
145 | Djibouti | 149.83 | 2010 |
146 | Seychelles | 122.51 | 2010 |
147 | San Vicente y las Granadinas | 111.68 | 2010 |
148 | Samoa | 108.13 | 2010 |
149 | Vanuatu | 97.81 | 2010 |
150 | Guinea Ecuatorial | 97.47 | 2010 |
151 | Islas Salomón | 72.11 | 2010 |
152 | Santo Tomé y Príncipe | 68.24 | 2010 |
153 | San Marino | 57.78 | 2010 |
154 | Groenlandia | 33.35 | 2010 |
155 | Palau | 30.74 | 2010 |
156 | Región Administrativa Especial de Macao, China | 17.72 | 2010 |
157 | Kiribati | 3.64 | 2010 |
158 | Mónaco | 1.92 | 2010 |
159 | Tuvalu | 0.00 | 2010 |