Niños que trabajan, trabajadores con salario, mujeres (% de niñas que trabajan, de 7 a 14 años) - Ranking de países
Definición: Wage workers (also known as employees) are people who hold explicit (written or oral) or implicit employment contracts that provide basic remuneration that does not depend directly on the revenue of the unit for which they work.
Fuente: Proyecto Understanding Children's Work, a partir de los datos de la OIT, Unicef y el Banco Mundial.
Ver también: Mapa, Comparación histórica
Buscar indicador:
Posición | País | Valor | Año |
1 | Egipto, República Árabe de | 72.09 | 2009 |
2 | Trinidad y Tobago | 53.56 | 2006 |
3 | Costa Rica | 45.40 | 2016 |
4 | Bangladesh | 43.81 | 2013 |
5 | Uruguay | 36.73 | 2009 |
6 | México | 34.80 | 2013 |
7 | Turquía | 34.57 | 2006 |
8 | República Dominicana | 32.73 | 2012 |
9 | India | 32.63 | 2012 |
10 | Zimbabwe | 30.00 | 1999 |
11 | Guatemala | 29.59 | 2015 |
12 | Brasil | 28.80 | 2015 |
13 | Tayikistán | 25.24 | 2005 |
14 | Paraguay | 25.17 | 2014 |
15 | Rwanda | 25.04 | 2011 |
16 | Ex República Yugoslava de Macedonia | 21.87 | 2011 |
17 | Camboya | 20.44 | 2012 |
18 | Filipinas | 17.20 | 2011 |
19 | Belarús | 17.13 | 2012 |
20 | Jamaica | 16.64 | 2011 |
21 | Honduras | 16.11 | 2014 |
22 | Indonesia | 15.66 | 2010 |
23 | Túnez | 15.54 | 2012 |
24 | Tailandia | 15.04 | 2006 |
25 | Nigeria | 13.57 | 2011 |
26 | Sudán | 13.53 | 2008 |
27 | Argentina | 13.34 | 2012 |
28 | Colombia | 13.30 | 2015 |
29 | Argelia | 13.00 | 2013 |
30 | Mauritania | 12.98 | 2011 |
31 | Swazilandia | 12.92 | 2010 |
32 | República Árabe Siria | 12.48 | 2006 |
33 | Afganistán | 11.77 | 2011 |
34 | Venezuela | 11.29 | 2013 |
35 | El Salvador | 10.63 | 2013 |
36 | Madagascar | 8.96 | 2007 |
37 | Nicaragua | 7.99 | 2012 |
38 | Pakistán | 7.31 | 2011 |
39 | Viet Nam | 7.26 | 2012 |
40 | Sudáfrica | 6.89 | 1999 |
41 | Níger | 6.67 | 2012 |
42 | Chad | 6.55 | 2010 |
43 | Panamá | 6.08 | 2014 |
44 | Bolivia | 6.04 | 2015 |
44 | Iraq | 6.04 | 2011 |
46 | Ucrania | 5.64 | 2012 |
47 | Perú | 5.09 | 2007 |
48 | Burundi | 5.04 | 2010 |
49 | Angola | 4.80 | 2001 |
50 | Georgia | 4.79 | 2006 |
51 | Gabón | 4.66 | 2012 |
52 | Côte d'Ivoire | 4.65 | 2012 |
53 | Uzbekistán | 4.47 | 2006 |
54 | Benin | 4.42 | 2012 |
55 | Congo, República del | 3.97 | 2012 |
56 | Kazajstán | 3.83 | 2006 |
56 | República Democrática Popular Lao | 3.83 | 2010 |
58 | Malawi | 3.64 | 2015 |
59 | Haití | 3.42 | 2012 |
60 | Etiopía | 3.32 | 2011 |
61 | Zambia | 3.29 | 2008 |
62 | Bosnia y Herzegovina | 3.26 | 2006 |
63 | Namibia | 3.20 | 1999 |
64 | Ecuador | 3.03 | 2015 |
65 | Guinea-Bissau | 3.00 | 2006 |
66 | Malí | 2.95 | 2013 |
67 | Mozambique | 2.68 | 2008 |
68 | Togo | 2.63 | 2010 |
69 | Somalia | 2.44 | 2006 |
70 | Sri Lanka | 2.38 | 2009 |
71 | Serbia | 2.31 | 2005 |
72 | Lesotho | 2.25 | 2000 |
73 | República Centroafricana | 2.22 | 2010 |
74 | Senegal | 1.90 | 2011 |
75 | Guinea | 1.88 | 2012 |
76 | Camerún | 1.86 | 2011 |
77 | Uganda | 1.72 | 2012 |
78 | Nepal | 1.69 | 2008 |
79 | Azerbaiyán | 1.60 | 2005 |
80 | Burkina Faso | 1.48 | 2010 |
81 | Jordania | 1.43 | 2016 |
82 | Tanzanía | 1.32 | 2014 |
83 | Yemen, Rep. del | 1.30 | 2010 |
84 | República de Moldova | 0.86 | 2009 |
85 | Liberia | 0.40 | 2010 |
86 | Sierra Leona | 0.39 | 2013 |
87 | Ghana | 0.30 | 2012 |
88 | Gambia | 0.22 | 2015 |
89 | Kirguistán | 0.18 | 2014 |
90 | Mongolia | 0.14 | 2007 |
91 | Albania | 0.00 | 2010 |