Afghanistan - Tertiary education
Tertiary education, academic staff (% female)
Tertiary education, academic staff (% female) in Afghanistan was 13.68 as of 2020. Its highest value over the past 50 years was 24.07 in 1990, while its lowest value was 5.46 in 1973.
Definition: Tertiary education, academic staff (% female) is the share of female academic staff in tertiary education.
Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (
See also:
Year | Value |
1970 | 5.55 |
1973 | 5.46 |
1974 | 6.52 |
1979 | 6.98 |
1990 | 24.07 |
2003 | 11.97 |
2004 | 11.96 |
2009 | 15.53 |
2011 | 20.48 |
2014 | 10.73 |
2018 | 13.19 |
2020 | 13.68 |
Topic: Education Indicators
Sub-Topic: Inputs