Austria - Standard and Poors Global Equity Indices

S&P Global Equity Indices (annual % change)

The value for S&P Global Equity Indices (annual % change) in Austria was -5.42 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 30 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 61.30 in 2004 and a minimum value of -65.32 in 2008.

Definition: S&P Global Equity Indices measure the U.S. dollar price change in the stock markets covered by the S&P/IFCI and S&P/Frontier BMI country indices.

Source: Standard & Poor's, Global Stock Markets Factbook and supplemental S&P data.

See also:

Year Value
1990 8.33
1991 -19.21
1992 -20.09
1993 38.59
1994 -4.88
1995 -4.30
1996 2.16
1997 -1.67
1998 0.21
1999 -6.53
2000 -14.86
2001 -5.34
2002 18.22
2003 57.15
2004 61.30
2005 21.88
2006 37.12
2007 -0.42
2008 -65.32
2009 57.02
2010 10.90
2011 -35.84
2012 29.85
2013 12.57
2014 -21.08
2015 0.82
2016 4.17
2017 55.46
2018 -25.62
2019 15.59
2020 -5.42


Topic: Financial Sector Indicators

Sub-Topic: Capital markets