Benin - Net errors and omissions

Net errors and omissions (BoP, current US$)

The latest value for Net errors and omissions (BoP, current US$) in Benin was $3,510,881 as of 2020. Over the past 46 years, the value for this indicator has fluctuated between $182,800,400 in 2003 and ($52,488,250) in 1987.

Definition: Net errors and omissions constitute a residual category needed to ensure that accounts in the balance of payments statement sum to zero. Net errors and omissions are derived as the balance on the financial account minus the balances on the current and capital accounts. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Source: International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook and data files.

See also:

Year Value
1974 $10,660,370
1975 $22,677,120
1976 $24,984,250
1977 $20,286,580
1978 $13,352,190
1979 $12,029,810
1980 ($13,669,080)
1981 ($3,746,356)
1982 $12,066,110
1983 $9,657,119
1984 $35,076,700
1985 $16,455,840
1986 $672,816
1987 ($52,488,250)
1988 ($1,568,248)
1989 $15,871,370
1990 $15,678,860
1991 $2,915,207
1992 $10,659,570
1993 ($6,180,195)
1994 ($2,150,018)
1995 ($296,906)
1996 $7,543,313
1997 $7,870,895
1998 $8,338,309
1999 $9,070,092
2000 $7,694,929
2001 $4,362,753
2002 $3,111,070
2003 $182,800,400
2004 ($10,326,770)
2005 $31,444,740
2006 $47,461,300
2007 $104,641,600
2008 $41,733,180
2009 $12,196,640
2010 $38,379,590
2011 $18,746,810
2012 $18,398,560
2013 $16,412,870
2014 $14,323,230
2015 $3,841,940
2016 $3,985,281
2017 $6,866,863
2018 $5,992,297
2019 $6,700,426
2020 $3,510,881


Topic: Economic Policy & Debt Indicators

Sub-Topic: Balance of payments