Bolivia - Coverage of social safety net programs in poorest quintile (% of population)

The value for Coverage of social safety net programs in poorest quintile (% of population) in Bolivia was 89.38 as of 2019. As the graph below shows, over the past 13 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 90.21 in 2009 and a minimum value of 6.77 in 2006.

Definition: Coverage of social safety net programs shows the percentage of population participating in cash transfers and last resort programs, noncontributory social pensions, other cash transfers programs (child, family and orphan allowances, birth and death grants, disability benefits, and other allowances), conditional cash transfers, in-kind food transfers (food stamps and vouchers, food rations, supplementary feeding, and emergency food distribution), school feeding, other social assistance programs (housing allowances, scholarships, fee waivers, health subsidies, and other social assistance) and public works programs (cash for work and food for work). Estimates include both direct and indirect beneficiaries.

Source: ASPIRE: The Atlas of Social Protection - Indicators of Resilience and Equity, The World Bank. Data are based on national representative household surveys. (

See also:

Year Value
2006 6.77
2007 72.61
2008 84.88
2009 90.21
2011 88.30
2012 88.18
2014 89.67
2015 87.47
2016 89.05
2017 89.80
2018 89.84
2019 89.38

Limitations and Exceptions: When interpreting ASPIRE performance indicators based on household surveys, it is important to note that the extent to which information on specific transfers and programs is captured in the household surveys can vary a lot across countries. Moreover, household surveys do not capture the universe of social protection programs in the country, in best practice cases just the largest programs. As a consequence, ASPIRE indicators are not fully comparable across program categories and countries; however, they provide approximate measures of social protection systems performance. In addition, there may be cases where ASPIRE performance indicators differ from official WB country reports as ASPIRE indicators are based on a first level analysis of original survey data and unified methodology that does not necessarily reflect country-specific knowledge and in depth country analysis relying on administrative program level data and/or imputations.

Aggregation method: Simple average

Periodicity: Annual


Topic: Labor & Social Protection Indicators

Sub-Topic: Performance