IDA total - Energy use

Energy use (kg of oil equivalent) per $1,000 GDP (constant 2011 PPP)

The latest value for Energy use (kg of oil equivalent) per $1,000 GDP (constant 2011 PPP) in IDA total was 129.26 as of 2014. Over the past 24 years, the value for this indicator has fluctuated between 203.80 in 1993 and 129.26 in 2014.

Definition: Energy use per PPP GDP is the kilogram of oil equivalent of energy use per constant PPP GDP. Energy use refers to use of primary energy before transformation to other end-use fuels, which is equal to indigenous production plus imports and stock changes, minus exports and fuels supplied to ships and aircraft engaged in international transport. PPP GDP is gross domestic product converted to 2011 constant international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as a U.S. dollar has in the United States.

Source: IEA Statistics © OECD/IEA 2014 (, subject to

See also:

Year Value
1990 198.01
1991 201.71
1992 200.94
1993 203.80
1994 203.56
1995 200.38
1996 198.09
1997 196.44
1998 197.05
1999 198.18
2000 192.70
2001 189.68
2002 185.98
2003 182.31
2004 174.31
2005 168.05
2006 162.60
2007 157.99
2008 155.25
2009 148.82
2010 145.87
2011 145.44
2012 145.40
2013 139.64
2014 129.26

Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita)

The value for Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita) in IDA total was 459.83 as of 2014. As the graph below shows, over the past 43 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 487.93 in 2012 and a minimum value of 372.17 in 1972.

Definition: Energy use refers to use of primary energy before transformation to other end-use fuels, which is equal to indigenous production plus imports and stock changes, minus exports and fuels supplied to ships and aircraft engaged in international transport.

Source: IEA Statistics © OECD/IEA 2014 (, subject to

See also:

Year Value
1971 373.22
1972 372.17
1973 376.94
1974 379.19
1975 379.02
1976 382.02
1977 384.49
1978 384.66
1979 387.55
1980 389.30
1981 391.28
1982 395.84
1983 395.97
1984 394.65
1985 396.54
1986 396.39
1987 401.22
1988 402.70
1989 404.55
1990 474.64
1991 476.92
1992 468.84
1993 463.86
1994 456.51
1995 451.17
1996 455.92
1997 457.31
1998 463.11
1999 468.53
2000 460.96
2001 464.37
2002 467.77
2003 470.31
2004 473.48
2005 476.56
2006 479.17
2007 482.93
2008 484.11
2009 474.79
2010 480.64
2011 487.87
2012 487.93
2013 484.64
2014 459.83


Topic: Environment Indicators

Sub-Topic: Energy production & use