Human capital index (HCI), female (scale 0-1) - Country Ranking - Africa

Definition: The HCI calculates the contributions of health and education to worker productivity. The final index score ranges from zero to one and measures the productivity as a future worker of child born today relative to the benchmark of full health and complete education.

Source: World Bank staff calculations based on the methodology described in World Bank (2018).

See also: Thematic map, Time series comparison

Find indicator:
Rank Country Value Year
1 Mauritius 0.62 2010
2 Seychelles 0.59 2010
3 Algeria 0.56 2020
4 Tunisia 0.54 2020
5 Morocco 0.52 2020
6 Egypt 0.51 2020
7 Gabon 0.47 2020
8 Ghana 0.46 2020
9 South Africa 0.45 2020
10 Botswana 0.44 2020
11 Senegal 0.44 2020
12 The Gambia 0.44 2020
13 Togo 0.43 2020
14 Congo 0.43 2020
15 Zimbabwe 0.41 2010
16 Comoros 0.41 2020
17 Namibia 0.41 2010
18 Burundi 0.40 2020
19 Madagascar 0.40 2020
20 Benin 0.40 2020
21 Tanzania 0.40 2020
22 Cameroon 0.40 2020
23 Rwanda 0.39 2020
24 Mauritania 0.39 2020
25 Burkina Faso 0.39 2020
26 Sudan 0.39 2020
27 Ethiopia 0.38 2020
28 Côte d'Ivoire 0.38 2020
29 Malawi 0.38 2010
30 Sierra Leone 0.37 2020
31 Dem. Rep. Congo 0.37 2020
32 Nigeria 0.37 2020
33 Lesotho 0.36 2010
34 Guinea 0.36 2020
35 Angola 0.36 2020
36 Eswatini 0.32 2010
37 Liberia 0.32 2020
38 Mali 0.32 2020
39 Niger 0.31 2020
40 Chad 0.29 2020

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