Law mandates paid or unpaid maternity leave (1=yes; 0=no) - Country Ranking - North America
Definition: Law mandates paid or unpaid maternity leave is whether there is a law mandating paid or unpaid maternity leave available only to the mother. Provisions for circumstantial leave by which an employee is entitled to a certain number of days of paid leave (usually fewer than five days) upon the birth of a child are considered paternity leave; even if the law is gender-neutral, such leave is not considered maternity leave if the law covers maternity leave elsewhere.
Source: World Bank: Women, Business and the Law.
See also: Thematic map, Time series comparison
Rank | Country | Value | Year |
More rankings: Africa | Asia | Central America & the Caribbean | Europe | Middle East | North America | Oceania | South America | World |
Periodicity: Annual