Fuel imports (% of merchandise imports) - Country Ranking - Africa

Definition: Fuels comprise the commodities in SITC section 3 (mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials).

Source: World Bank staff estimates through the WITS platform from the Comtrade database maintained by the United Nations Statistics Division.

See also: Thematic map, Time series comparison

Find indicator:
Rank Country Value Year
1 Cabo Verde 32.64 2020
2 Mali 29.23 2019
3 Mauritania 28.93 2020
4 Burkina Faso 26.62 2020
5 Senegal 23.15 2020
6 Cameroon 21.63 2018
7 Côte d'Ivoire 21.10 2019
8 Tanzania 20.64 2021
9 Liberia 19.75 1984
10 São Tomé and Principe 18.30 2020
11 Chad 17.93 1995
12 Kenya 17.91 2021
13 Mauritius 17.01 2021
14 Tunisia 16.72 2019
15 Rwanda 16.71 2019
16 Guinea-Bissau 16.65 2005
17 Libya 16.34 2018
18 Zimbabwe 16.13 2020
19 Burundi 15.51 2020
20 Nigeria 15.26 2020
21 Mozambique 15.18 2020
22 Eswatini 14.53 2020
23 The Gambia 14.16 2020
24 Angola 14.12 2019
25 South Africa 13.96 2020
26 Guinea 13.77 2016
27 Benin 13.35 2021
28 Botswana 13.01 2020
29 Madagascar 12.54 2020
30 Somalia 12.44 1982
31 Ethiopia 12.04 2020
32 Uganda 11.82 2020
33 Morocco 11.80 2020
34 Seychelles 11.72 2020
35 Egypt 11.53 2020
36 Togo 10.88 2020
37 Sudan 9.90 2011
38 Zambia 9.77 2020
39 Comoros 8.96 2020
40 Lesotho 8.81 2020
41 Namibia 8.43 2020
42 Malawi 7.94 2020
43 Gabon 7.29 2009
44 Djibouti 6.45 2009
45 Central African Republic 5.78 2018
46 Dem. Rep. Congo 5.03 2020
47 Algeria 4.21 2017
48 Niger 3.85 2020
49 Congo 3.63 2020
50 Ghana 2.86 2019
51 Equatorial Guinea 2.75 1983
52 Sierra Leone 1.12 2018
53 Eritrea 0.87 2003

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Limitations and Exceptions: Previous editions contained data based on the SITC revision 1. Data for earlier years in previous editions may differ because of the change in methodology. Concordance tables are available to convert data reported in one system to another.

Statistical Concept and Methodology: The classification of commodity groups is based on the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3.

Aggregation method: Weighted average

Periodicity: Annual

General Comments: Merchandise import shares may not sum to 100 percent because of unclassified trade.