Merchandise imports from high-income economies (% of total merchandise imports) - Country Ranking - Central America & the Caribbean

Definition: Merchandise imports from high-income economies are the sum of merchandise imports by the reporting economy from high-income economies according to the World Bank classification of economies. Data are expressed as a percentage of total merchandise imports by the economy. Data are computed only if at least half of the economies in the partner country group had non-missing data.

Source: World Bank staff estimates based data from International Monetary Fund's Direction of Trade database.

See also: Thematic map, Time series comparison

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Rank Country Value Year
1 Dominica 86.92 2020
2 St. Kitts and Nevis 86.91 2020
3 Barbados 86.73 2020
4 St. Lucia 85.76 2020
5 The Bahamas 84.57 2020
6 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 80.52 2020
7 Grenada 79.13 2020
8 Antigua and Barbuda 78.28 2020
9 Trinidad and Tobago 67.36 2020
10 Jamaica 63.36 2020
11 Dominican Republic 60.68 2020
12 Costa Rica 59.21 2020
13 Panama 54.63 2020
14 Belize 53.56 2020
15 Guatemala 52.37 2020
16 Cuba 50.94 2020
17 Honduras 45.05 2020
18 El Salvador 42.95 2020
19 Haiti 34.22 2020
20 Nicaragua 33.74 2020

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Development Relevance: Low- and middle-income economies are an increasingly important part of the global trading system. Trade between high-income economies and low- and middle-income economies has grown faster than trade between high-income economies. This increased trade benefits both producers and consumers in developing and high-income economies.

Limitations and Exceptions: Data on exports and imports are from the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Direction of Trade database and should be broadly consistent with data from other sources, such as the United Nations Statistics Division's Commodity Trade (Comtrade) database. All high-income economies and major low- and middle-income economies report trade data to the IMF on a timely basis, covering about 85 percent of trade for recent years. Trade data for less timely reporters and for countries that do not report are estimated using reports of trading partner countries. Therefore, data on trade between developing and high-income economies should be generally complete. But trade flows between many low- and middle-income economies - particularly those in Sub-Saharan Africa - are not well recorded, and the value of trade among low- and middle-income economies may be understated.

Aggregation method: Weighted average

Periodicity: Annual