Medium and high-tech exports (% manufactured exports) - Country Ranking - Middle East

Definition: Share of medium and high-tech manufactured exports in total manufactured exports.

Source: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Competitive Industrial Performance (CIP) database

See also: Thematic map, Time series comparison

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Rank Country Value Year
1 Tajikistan 66.30 2019
2 Saudi Arabia 60.16 2019
3 Israel 57.63 2019
4 Turkey 44.40 2019
5 Lebanon 37.09 2019
6 Jordan 35.50 2019
7 Iran 33.01 2019
8 Oman 33.01 2019
9 Uzbekistan 28.60 2019
10 Qatar 28.07 2019
11 Syrian Arab Republic 22.69 2019
12 Kyrgyz Republic 17.61 2019
13 Bahrain 13.07 2019
14 Kuwait 10.99 2019
15 United Arab Emirates 10.70 2019
16 Pakistan 10.21 2019
17 Afghanistan 1.38 2019
18 Yemen 0.25 2019
19 Iraq 0.04 2019

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Development Relevance: Industrial development generally entails a structural transition from resource-based and low technology activities to medium and high-tech industry (MHT) activities. A modern, highly complex production structure offers better opportunities for skills development and technological innovation. MHT activities are also the high value addition industries of manufacturing with higher technological intensity and labor productivity. Increasing the share of MHT sectors also reflects the impact of innovation.

Limitations and Exceptions: Missing values at country level are imputed based on the methodology from Competitive Industrial Performance Report (UNIDO, 2017).

Statistical Concept and Methodology: The data from UN COMTRADE is downloaded in SITC Revision 3, 3-digit, by reporting country, year, partner code, commodity and flow (export and re-export). SITC medium technology: 266, 267, 512, 513, 533, 553, 554, 562, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 579, 581, 582, 583, 591, 593, 597, 598, 653, 671, 672, 678, 711, 712,713, 714, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 731, 733, 735, 737, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 761, 762, 763, 772, 773, 775, 778, 781, 782, 783, 784, 785, 786, 791, 793, 811, 812, 813, 872, 873, 882, 884, 885; SITC high technology: 525, 541, 542, 716, 718, 751, 752, 759, 764, 771, 774, 776, 792, 871, 874, 881, 891. Net-exports are calculated as exports minus re-exports. Manufactured exports, is the sum of the four categories resource-based exports, low-tech exports, medium tech exports and high-tech exports; and medium-high technology exports, is the sum of medium tech exports and high-tech exports. The world value of manufacturing exports is the sum of all manufacturing net exports. For additional information please see Table B.2.1 in Appendix B of UNIDO (2017):

Periodicity: Annual