Mongolia - Land under cereal production

Land under cereal production (hectares)

The value for Land under cereal production (hectares) in Mongolia was 367,109 as of 2018. As the graph below shows, over the past 57 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 672,286 in 1989 and a minimum value of 121,777 in 2007.

Definition: Land under cereal production refers to harvested area, although some countries report only sown or cultivated area. Cereals include wheat, rice, maize, barley, oats, rye, millet, sorghum, buckwheat, and mixed grains. Production data on cereals relate to crops harvested for dry grain only. Cereal crops harvested for hay or harvested green for food, feed, or silage and those used for grazing are excluded.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization, electronic files and web site.

See also:

Year Value
1961 311,000
1962 380,000
1963 394,000
1964 413,000
1965 418,200
1966 398,500
1967 406,900
1968 410,300
1969 414,000
1970 418,100
1971 414,800
1972 412,300
1973 419,600
1974 419,500
1975 433,100
1976 444,400
1977 482,400
1978 565,200
1979 583,400
1980 554,700
1981 539,600
1982 528,100
1983 585,800
1984 617,480
1985 633,410
1986 629,710
1987 622,832
1988 641,628
1989 672,286
1990 654,090
1991 613,190
1992 592,628
1993 557,823
1994 455,698
1995 357,446
1996 335,235
1997 319,387
1998 308,931
1999 281,602
2000 186,090
2001 202,456
2002 217,263
2003 212,006
2004 177,524
2005 164,100
2006 126,201
2007 121,777
2008 153,953
2009 252,398
2010 259,113
2011 299,927
2012 306,235
2013 293,262
2014 315,033
2015 381,209
2016 377,802
2017 390,860
2018 367,109


Topic: Environment Indicators

Sub-Topic: Agricultural production