Morocco - DEC alternative conversion factor
DEC alternative conversion factor (LCU per US$)
DEC alternative conversion factor (LCU per US$) in Morocco was 9.50 as of 2020. Its highest value over the past 60 years was 11.30 in 2001, while its lowest value was 3.90 in 1979.
Definition: The DEC alternative conversion factor is the underlying annual exchange rate used for the World Bank Atlas method. As a rule, it is the official exchange rate reported in the IMF's International Financial Statistics (line rf). Exceptions arise where further refinements are made by World Bank staff. It is expressed in local currency units per U.S. dollar.
Source: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics, supplemented by World Bank staff estimates.
See also:
Year | Value |
1960 | 5.06 |
1961 | 5.06 |
1962 | 5.06 |
1963 | 5.06 |
1964 | 5.06 |
1965 | 5.06 |
1966 | 5.06 |
1967 | 5.06 |
1968 | 5.06 |
1969 | 5.06 |
1970 | 5.06 |
1971 | 5.05 |
1972 | 4.60 |
1973 | 4.11 |
1974 | 4.37 |
1975 | 4.05 |
1976 | 4.42 |
1977 | 4.50 |
1978 | 4.17 |
1979 | 3.90 |
1980 | 3.94 |
1981 | 5.17 |
1982 | 6.02 |
1983 | 7.11 |
1984 | 8.81 |
1985 | 10.06 |
1986 | 9.10 |
1987 | 8.36 |
1988 | 8.21 |
1989 | 8.49 |
1990 | 8.24 |
1991 | 8.71 |
1992 | 8.54 |
1993 | 9.30 |
1994 | 9.20 |
1995 | 8.54 |
1996 | 8.72 |
1997 | 9.53 |
1998 | 9.60 |
1999 | 9.80 |
2000 | 10.63 |
2001 | 11.30 |
2002 | 11.02 |
2003 | 9.57 |
2004 | 8.87 |
2005 | 8.87 |
2006 | 8.80 |
2007 | 8.19 |
2008 | 7.75 |
2009 | 8.06 |
2010 | 8.42 |
2011 | 8.09 |
2012 | 8.63 |
2013 | 8.41 |
2014 | 8.41 |
2015 | 9.76 |
2016 | 9.81 |
2017 | 9.69 |
2018 | 9.39 |
2019 | 9.62 |
2020 | 9.50 |
Topic: Financial Sector Indicators
Sub-Topic: Exchange rates & prices